Why are there so few Malaysian/Indonesian and Filipino restaurants in the West?


They are in every city. You live in a cornfield.


fooking savage




Why are there so few Greek/Spanish and American restaurants in the East?


I live in a suburb outside Los Angeles.

My family is from Indonesia, and I remember when I was a child, we went to so many indonesian places. A lot of which have closed down.

There are only two in my area, and they are struggling. Honestly, everyone I have even talked to, even most Filipino people don't even know where Indonesia is. Nor do they understand how fucking delicious the food is.

Their restaurants are dying because
>barely any indos around here
>people of other races won't eat what they don't know

>tfw in Seattle
>only know of like three places
>tfw get mie tek tek from a food truck

Feels okay man

Because Filipinos are the dindus of cuisine

>call it lumpia and claim it as their own

And the rest is just poor people food flavored with a mix of Spanish and Asian spices


Dude, fuck my husband is filipino and he drives me insane over filipino food even after years and years. I have tried so hard to get him to try Indo food, and he gets mad af.

>me: make ayam kecap
>husb:"no that's adobo"
>me: "no, its ayam kecap, just try it, it's kinda better"
>husb: "no, ive eaten filipino food my whole life, I know what that tastes like"
>me: about to have a fucking aneurysm

His family is the same way. Jesus Christ.

Same goes for lumpia, sate, soups, any Indo food that even mingles within the same spice as Filipino food.

Best chinese food I had was in KL. Fancy outdoors restaurant, ate with people who were whisked away in mercedes benz with police escort and I only spent about 20 dollarydoos. My mate spent another 20 and we just shared the dishes. Cute waitresses in tiny white dresses.

Could get a regular local meal for like a dollar, some of them were questionable though, like anchovies with chili paste, that was potent. I mean I love chili and can eat a lot of it, more than some of my south china mates (I'm a white dude) so I grabbed a whole lot, but I needed a lot of rice to deal with that combo of extreme flavors.

I imagine americans are less exposed to south east asia in general than australia just by distance, but I haven't been to the states yet.

The only Malaysian food I've had is from Singapore, so there's a lot of Chinese influence there but flip food isn't even good. The only people who prefer it over other better Asian cuisines are flips themselves.

I think a lot of Malaysian food is very fishy and that doesn't appeal to Americans.

who /tahugejrot/ here?

Because they suck ass.


That's what happens when you're up against the most powerful race in the world

careful, you can get banned for that kind of talk

anything more obscure than McDonalds is a conspiracy to make me feel uncultured

>so few
There are, no joke, 8 Indonesian places within a mile or so of my house and at least 2 Malaysian joints in town.
There are few Filipino restaurants because, generally speaking, Filipino food isn't really restaurant worthy. It's all home cookin'. It's kinda the same reason why you don't see pasta with lentils, rice with butter and peas, rice/pasta with cabbage or potato gattò in Italian restaurants: those aren't restaurant worthy dishes.

>filipino restaurant
>they dont have spaghetti

>American restaurants
There's McDonald's and KFC everywhere.

That's what happens when you marry a dindu.

Filipino spaghetti is one of the worst dishes I've ever eaten, and I've eaten some weird shit. But seriously, fucking gross.

that's actually the jews....

Malaysian restaurants everywhere in Australia. Only a handful of the other 2