I wanna start taking dietary supplements, but how do I decide what supps to take? Any resources/advice?

I wanna start taking dietary supplements, but how do I decide what supps to take? Any resources/advice?

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?as_ylo=2013&q=vitamin d human&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5

Zinc 50mg
L-Arginine 1000mg
Lecithin 1200mg
This forms a good start, adjust to your own needs.

What about vitamins?

A multivitamin won't hurt but it shouldn't be necessary if you eat your fruits and veggies every day. Also remember to drink plenty of water for the best results.

How did you come up with that list? Reading on the biological function of Zinc it sounds great

pretty sure that's a variation of this.

I did some research into this myself a while ago as well. Tried out some things and found that this combination works wonders for me.

Do you just take 50mg of Zinc without checking if you're zinc deficient? Do you do a GP control before deciding on supplements? Here they recommend max 45 for those at risk of being zinc deficient examine.com/supplements/zinc/

lmao what is this

>Superloading zinc by taking up to 100mg zinc a day is confirmed to be safe in the short term (2-4 months), but because this dose is higher than the 40mg Tolerable Upper Limit (TUL) of zinc, prolonged superloading is not advised.



Not much if any scientific consensus on this one


Very underresearched and potentially dangerous

>Development of depression or supersensitivity of dopamine receptors and disturbance of the cholinergic-dopaminergic-serotinergic balance is a concern with prolonged, repeated intakes of large amounts of lecithin.

Just get what you need from food. A big one people neglect is Vitamin A. Just eat some carrots or a sweet potato most days of the week and you’re good. Vitamin D can also be taken but only if you do not get adequate sun. Calcium from dairy but you can supplement if you are lactose intolerant and hate Lactaid milk. But if you are able to get what you need from food, then get what you need from food.

First week on the chans, friend?

>needing supplements to get 10mL of jizz

lol imagine being this much of a prostatelet

It just reads like the supplements stack for something else but written as a joke as being for increasing cum load

"Supplements" are about 99% worthless, but also harmless.

Take what you think sounds coo.ll.

just be yourself bro

>"Supplements" are about 99% worthless,

plenty of supplements showed statistically significant effect compared to placebo in repeated double-blind clinical trials so shut your whore mouth bitch ass nigga

Is this the optimal cum recipe?

Go to the doctor and get some blood work done. Ask specifically to know what you are deficient in. Change your diet, sun exposure, exercise routine to compensate.

Also inject HCG 300IU 3 times a week.

what does this do?


like most self-prescribed supplement stacks

vitamin C


Makes your wallet feel lighter.


"Supplementation with vitamin D3 significantly reduces overall mortality among older adults; however, " however :)

"Vitamin D: a critical and essential micronutrient for human health"

(read discussion)

maybe anti cancer, increases the enzyme of catecholamine biosynthesis(like dopamine)...etc
scholar.google.com/scholar?as_ylo=2013&q=vitamin d human&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5

Mustard gas, don't do it.
