Literally show me a healthy person

are you ready for the literary event of the year, Veeky Forums?

>Darcie Wilder's literally show me a healthy person is a careful confession soaking in saltwater, a size B control top jet black pantyhose dragged over a skinned knee and slipped into unlaced doc martens. Blurring the lines of the written word, literally show me a healthy person is a portrait of a young girl, or woman, or something; grappling with the immediate and seemingly endless urge to document and describe herself and the world around her. Dealing with the aftermath of her mother's death, her father's neglect, and the chaotic unspoken expectations around her, this novel is a beating heart at the intersection of literature, poetry, and the internet. Darcie Wilder elevates and applies direct pressure, but the wound never stops bleeding.

>in third grade when everyone cool had glasses like arthur from arthur i faked having bad eyesight at the eye doctor's but i wanted to be sure that they thought my eyes were bad enough to need glasses so i said i couldn't see colors and they stopped the test and i had to wait in the waiting room and my mom went to cry in the bathroom and they guilted me into confessing the truth and i had to retake the whole test and then they dilated my pupils so i really couldnt see and it was so scary and they gave me fake glasses that i was too ashamed to ever actually wear and now my mom is dead and i have astigmatisms

>grammar question: do you wake up "with terror" or "in terror"?

>what if banks was yahe mommy and you have to vosit and say i love you and then have to one day bury


>"Darcie Wilder's literally show me a healthy person is a book of aphorisms and short texts in the vein of Fernando Pessoa, if Pessoa grew up on Blink-182, found his voice on Twitter and had cum in his tights. Like the internet, what at first appears fragmented and tethered to fleeting moments of pop, builds movingly into a more timeless narrative of death, love, longing and disappointment that flows between all of us."
— Melissa Broder, So Sad Today

>"literally show me a healthy person reads like the schizo-monologue of a young, wired maniacwho's given up trying to figure out where and why the fuck they are, why anything is what it is, why anything. In here, all rules are off, all time is broken, and all ideas are drugs. Who the hell writes like this about daily life? Darcie Wilder does."
— Blake Butler, 300,000,000

>"This book is what they have you drink so that you'll throw up all the poison. Or it's just more, better poison. I don't know, I'm not a doctor."
— DVS, rapper

Other urls found in this thread:


>good literature


melissa broder's praise lol

they're good friends. it's so dishonest.

Legitimately beautiful

The plot thickens...

The title seems to be a reference to Diogenes and Foucault
No. Just no.

>mfw someone actually published her diary
Did we meme'd it into reality guys? Are we /pol/ now?

Is that the guy who is going through a sex change while participating in University Challenge?

why is this man being called a "woman?"

I think we've found our new Veeky Forumsfu

hey here's a thought: if Veeky Forums would look up from their big important gaddis novels and perhaps *engage* with the new young! fresh! vibrant! literary scene which—like it or not—is happening on twitter, then maybe you lot wouldn't be unpublished incels hating accomplished women on an anonymous imageboard :)

4/10. You over did it with the happy face, and the exclamation marks where unnecessary.

this is totally vapid and artless but I actually kinda like it.

why do you shit on allegedly resented people when this girl herself is making a career over being a damaged loser?

well shit if the author of crapalachia says this is the future of writing who am i to disagree

legit post tho

This is one of those fake joke authors like that Rapi Kur shit, right?

I think the excerpt is pretty funny desu

I love when the hole bored goes in-pretend mode to mock the post post modern modern literature.

Big, if true

Yeah why care what a guy who wrote a good book thinks about books?

That "where" is appropriate though. Fucking brainlets.



she's rich and attractive, the only time she's ever understood despair is through reading better writers who have experienced it

>muh dead mother

everyone's mother dies eventually, lol

>published by Tyrant

There ya go.

Whatever happened to Megan Boyle's new book that was supposed to be published by them.

This person is really a male, right? He or she has obvious masculine facial features. Literally looks like my friend who is a male model.

>Literally looks like my friend who is a male model.
your friend looks like a girl

I mean besides the chin they look the same. Not really that girlish I don't think.

>there are people on lit so buttblastered by the idea of a not-already-canonical woman writing that they think this is bad

Ya, that's what it is, that she's a woman.

More samples from the site

>that picture of the dead rat on instagram w caption 'i just crushed its skull' - the guy who posted that photo - i had sex with that guy

>plan b is kind of a party drug

>friday night imagining everyone i know dying

It's literally my diary desu senpai but written by someone wittier and more intelligent than you

i thought alt-lit was dead but guess i was wrong

I know you're being silly, user, but it feels blasphemous to even joke about this being witty.

megan has depression and writers block


>adolescent egocentricism

who is this semen demon

>paints each nail a different color

Confirmed attention whore in denial

I've met seven girls who could have written this exact book. That's not even including myself.

Sometimes, God knows how to tell a good joke.

In a ideal world people like her don't exist.

>in my ideal world

>implying that her worthlessness is not objective

>Darcie Wilder is a native New Yorker.

If I have to see another book of Twitter reposts written by a white female Manhattanite I'm actually going to do an Eliot Roger in the Muumuu House offices

The shoulders give away that he's a tranny for sure.

Worthlessness as a writer is not the same thing as worthlessness as a human being, except to an autist or critic.

Though she does seem pretty insufferable. I think I'll reserve judgement on whether or not she should cease to exist until I meet her.

honestly it seems enjoyable

oh this is the person i've been following on twitter all this time

I'd still hit it desu

I could tell it was a man from the prose.

>I'd still hit it desu

>tfw you prefer her as a tranny

Veeky Forums has ruined me

I'm pretty sure everyone agrees. This whole thread has more or less been dancing around that notion.

I wonder how (s)he would feel about it.

It's the most normal thing in the world.

>tfw watching gangbang porn measurably raises your sperm count
>tfw you hook someone up to an EKG and flash images in front of them the most arousing image for all genders and orientations is an erect penis

Trannies dislike men who like trannies. They think that they should be treated just like normal women and not be "fetishized."

Good fucking luck with that

But I hate the young and the fresh and the vibrant. I like being an unpublished incel.

If my works never become known, then I can say it was because I never published them.

If this is a man then I have sinned against G-D.

It's a man pretending to be a woman

>implying worthlessness is objectively undesirable
Some of us are masochists.
Some do, some don't. You find transsexual prostitutes and pornstars at the far end of *that* spectrum, and some are fine with chasers.

I have to say I agree with those that dislike chasers, though. Your dick is not a sound basis for a relationship.

no dude, YOUR dick is not a sound basis for a relationship

Nothing about me is a sound basis for a relationship.


Realistically though a chaser is their best bet for any kind of relationship. "Cultural Marxism" hasn't progressed to the point where many guys would overlook a trap's biological sex, and to be quite honest it probably never will.

>"Cultural Marxism" hasn't progressed to the point where many guys would overlook a trap's biological sex
Sure it has. Where I am, and in my age group, at least. But, let's be honest: the places where people are likely to come out are the same places people are likely to accept them.
>and to be quite honest it probably never will.
This is demonstrably false. Plenty of societies have been more dick-happy than even ours now.

And, lastly, just because chasers are willing to fuck you doesn't make them the best bet for a relationship. Kinda like how you might have fifty jars with holes in them but you'll still want to go looking for the one whole jar if you want to carry water.

Socially liberal people don't have very many babies, not even enough to replace themselves. It's a biological dead end. Dumb reactionary jerks like myself are going to inherit the earth. Abdullah and Pajeet aren't very big on trans acceptance.

>first result when you google her is her instagram

why do people think acting retarded on purpose is clever or deep?


You underestimate how much liberalism has permeated our society. It's indistinguishable from westernism.

>Abdullah and Pajeet aren't very big on trans acceptance.
Nuh-uh. Muhammad doesn't say shit about trannies, so it's fine. Encouraged, in fact -- of course homosexuals are really trannies too scared to come out. And as for Hindus -- transsexuals are a big part of their religious history.

Did you just assume their ideology?

Also, just to rub it in a little bit, Hindus are actually pretty big on the whole "genderfluid half-trans dog" thing.

my waifu ^_^

This high school diary tier angsty garbage gets published when I can't even get a publisher to look at my 900 page epic about Henry the Navigator

write an actual novel, not this adhd baloney


get with the times gramps

fuck these times, fuck this shit lol


Make it around 75,000 words. You might have better luck with that. Then if it gets published and is decently successful, ship out the original "uncut/unabridged" version.

ugh >:(

Wow, it's like there is no white supremacy threat... :thinking:

So, I may have missed this earlier in the thread: who does she know, or who is she related to, that allowed her to get this book published? It clearly wasn't published on merit.

>"This book is the future of writing"

Should I literally eat a 12 gauge slug tonight

>rich lawyer dad
>works at mtv
>embedded in american twitter/media cabal

you just can't win

oh, and it appears that her uncle (?) is this guy

i tried to tell darcie about this thread but twitter banned me

someone else do it

i want to see her post something quirky about being discussed on Veeky Forums

is it mandated by law that americans have to use the word 'like' every five seconds?


It's just a word you say when thinking. There's a point when you're looking for things to make a deal out of.

leave her alone

i am you stupid faggot

i just want someone else to not leave her alone.

stop hating women

>rapper DVS
>google him
>London Rapper DVS Sentenced to 23 Years in Jail for Torturing Woman

same one?

first modernism
next postmodernism
now we have ascended to posterism

we can't ever go back

no it's this guy

Say whatever you want but who dont want to publish his angsty diary writings?


whatever you want but who dont want to publish his angsty diary writings?

why should anyone care about the remblings od first world problem-ridden starbucks-bound children?

it's meant to be really sad and depressing and cathartic and Oh So Relatable.

it is

>why should anyone care
You start off having failed.

he looks like the kind of guy that would get caught masturbating in public

It was a joke, boyo.

Do you really think if I met Darcie Wilder I would walk up to her and say, "Hello there, I would prefer you to be a male-to-female transgender person"?

You know what, never mind, somebody might actually do that

just to end the debate

Darcie Wilder was one of the editors at MTV who promoted the "Listen Up White Men" video that has since been deleted.

Whats with the capital letters omission?
Is that a new trendy thing with normies?

The streetshitter who wrote milk and honey claimed she didn't use capital I's because she liked introduce equality into the way the words appeared. No joke.