I don't know if this is a recurring thread everybody is bored of or some kid of taboo since I almost haven't been here...

I don't know if this is a recurring thread everybody is bored of or some kid of taboo since I almost haven't been here at all, if it is one of the above I apologize.
Are there any cis girls regularly posting here?
Browsing around, I felt like most people here are either boys or trans girls (I feel like I have to say that I have absolutely nothing against trans people, at all, you do you I wouldn't allow myself to judge, just asking out of curiosity).
If there are, I was asking myself what it was like to you to be in such a male-dominated field? Personally, I really don't care, but I don't really care about anything so I can't base my conclusion on my own experience.
If there are actually trans girls (I felt like there was a bunch), I'm very interested in your experience too.
Also, question for everybody interested in this thread, how would you explain such an extreme demographic in this field? Socialization? Maybe you unironically believe that AMAB are better at science that AFAB? Anything goes, I can't seem to find a satisfying answer on my own and you're a board I really value the opinion of, so I'm interested.
Also, this is a transphobia-free thread, anything goes but no 'subhuman" or "kill the faggots" please

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice choice of colors

I agree but I didn't do it don't blame me

>that y axis
confirmed retard made that chart

>Are there any cis girls regularly posting here?

>If there are, I was asking myself what it was like to you to be in such a male-dominated field?
It's fine, maths is maths no matter who works on it, and it's not like the men who are around are raging sexists or anything trying to box you out of the field.

kill the faggots

I also agree but who cares honnestly.

>and it's not like the men who are around are raging sexists or anything trying to box you out of the field
I don't really talk to people that much so I wouldn't know, but I read a bunch of articles on feminism recently and I trusted them because they seemed to make sense from my middle-high school experience of talking with (being bullied by) men, and I came to the conclusion that they might actually be raging sexists or the other thing. I trust you over these though. I still won't talk to them though.

Funny one

Why the homophobia?

I'm a PhD student in ECE. I'm a guy and so is almost everyone in our research lab. Sometimes we get a girl or two and literally nobody cares. It makes no difference. They just aren't that interested in ECE apparently


Oh and one more thing I wanted to mention. We sometimes have other departments use our lecture halls. You can always tell its not an engineering class because there will be a ton of girls. Like 80-90% girls will all walk out of the lecture hall and that's when you know its not engineering. Last time I asked them what class it was and they said "intro to counseling"

The part about killing them might be homophobic too. But it was a joke. But this is probably a bot since I saw this exact post on another thread so why do I even bother

Interesting, and also pretty reassuring!
Your experience probably doesn't give you a better insight on the question than mine, but why would you say that they aren't interested? Something more phenotypic or more sociologic?
I am more in favor of the sociologic thing, since I'm extremely curious and honneslty, in all modesty, pretty gifted in maths, yet I didn't feel driven towards maths studies at all until in my last year of high school my maths teacher told me that I was probably extremely gifted. I mean every other teacher since middle school told me that my work was paying off (I didn't work), that my redaction was nice or things like that, which is, now that I know for sure that I'm gifted and that I think that I might have such a thing as "mathematical intuition", pretty odd

I swear it's not meant to be any kind of bait, it would be nice if more people came though since I think it might be an interesting to talk about

I think it's more of a confirmation of the demographics than anything adding to the discussion but thanks for your contribution anyways!

>I swear it's not meant to be any kind of bait
This site has been invaded by reddit so heavily that I totally believe you.

>phenotypic or more sociologic
i think it's both. girls seem to be more interested in people than things, especially if those things are very abstract.

>I am more in favor of the sociologic thing
you probably felt more of the social reasons because you are naturally interested in these things. the genetic reasons don't apply to everyone but the social reasons do.
> didn't feel driven towards maths studies at all until in my last year of high school my maths teacher told me that I was probably extremely gifted
girls seem to need more reassurance and have issues with confidence. i can tell sometimes that they are intimidated when they present their research. it happens with guys too though

>I think it's more of a confirmation of the demographics than anything adding to the discussion but thanks for your contribution anyways!
i could tell you are girl just from this

Yeah. I'm a geo major at a top ten research uni in the US. There's a solid amount of women, which is nice. I study with them often. This uni has a great mix of genders for most classes. I've noticed political science is more male heavy than any of my stem classes. They're all frat bros for the most part. It takes those kind of guys a while to warm up to you. You could make a killer joke (like teabagging as a woman basically means forced cunnilingus/rubbing your vag all over their face, but with better delivery) and they'll just kind of stare at you.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm just doing extreme coloring for adults (making geo maps) and stereonets right now.

transgirl here


There's no bait, there's only trite answers. If the answers are valuable, bait has not existed to begin with.

how big is your dick?

7 inches pumped


yep. girl here. cs major, AMA.
it definitely depends on the particular school/environment what your experience is going to be as a female in a male dominated field. there are definitely more guys in my major but there are plenty of girls so i don’t feel ridiculously out of place or anything.
a lot of the guys in cs are pretty...full of themselves and constantly need to prove to everyone that they’re smarter than everyone else. i’m not really interested in proving myself to anyone but if you’re a girl you kinda have to by default.

how big is your penis?

my penis has been missing since i was born. can you help me find it?



Post here and we can help.

so you have to use this in order to get an erection?

confirmed colorblind

Cis fmaiil

I just pretend like my dik is bigger

werks for me

>especially if those things are very abstract.
That doesn't explain all of the lady commutative algebraists floating around these days.

idk anything about that

>Are there any cis girls regularly posting here?
Yeah, of course. Wait, did you say cis? Then no.

If that's not ironic, thanks, also I swear that I have litterally never been to reddit, not even once ironically or something. Maybe I will someday to satisfy my mordbid curiosity about everything and anythings.

That's an incredibly interesting point of view, sounds very right to me, thanks user!

Extreme coloring sounds like some fun. This kind of corroborates what said about girls being genetically more disposed to enjoy people things over abstract things. Is political science more of an abstract thing than the rest?

How do you experience being in such a male-dominated field? The answer might be even more interesting than for cis girls, since we're probably way less wary of these things for the majority.

>if you’re a girl you kinda have to by default.
Do you mean that you have to because since these guys are so full of themselves you need to prove yourself smarter even more, or that since they are a majority you have to kind of act like them? I understood the first one but I'm unsure.
Also, why would you say that they are so full of themselves? Something like "male socialization", which seems to make sense to me, or something else?

I get the confused feeling that this corroborates this I'd say that there are exceptions, like me, who are as interested in the abstract as one can possibly be, and maybe this field is somewhat more appealing to them for reasons. I wouldn't know but that's my best explanation.

I had the same feeling but now I feel like there are a few exceptions

Have you ever thought, that perhaps, just perhaps is has to do with autism.
And that autism occurs more frequently in biological males, rather than biological females.
And therefore, biological males and those with masculine traits (FTM) are more likely to exhibit higher-end autistic spectrum traits making them suitable for STEM.

No I haven't, that's a very interesting point of view! I didn't know that autism occured more frequently in biological males but now that you say it it kind of makes sense, I don't even know any aspie females other than me, and it's decently slight. Why would FTMs be more likely to exhbit higher-end autistic spectrum if it's more of a birth thing though? Or maybe I misunuderstood?

higher-end autistic spectrum traits* and misunderstood*
More importantly, I have to go, I'll be back in 3 hours or so

>Why would FTMs be more likely to exhbit higher-end autistic spectrum if it's more of a birth thing though?
Due to higher testosterone exposure in utero?

Thanks doc

Women can’t handle it, women who can actually understand the material are few and far between. Even in my lower level ECE classes, any women who pushed through the first year had a hard time keeping up in class. I’ve only met two so far who weren’t just affirmative actioned through.

>aspie females
She’s just quiet and shy, she’s cute though!
She’s just quirky and ditzy.
>aspie guys
He’s weird and creepy, he’s the next school shooter

>Do you mean that you have to because since these guys are so full of themselves you need to prove yourself smarter even more, or that since they are a majority you have to kind of act like them? I understood the first one but I'm unsure.

okay, take a look at shit like this:
“women can’t handle it” seems to be the prevailing attitude among a lot of these guys, usually backed up by some form of psuedoscience. they try way too hard to sound intelligent and end up sounding dumb as hell because of it.
i’d say that even just being in the field means that you are unintentionally “proving” to them that you’re “smarter than other girls”.

>Also, why would you say that they are so full of themselves? Something like "male socialization", which seems to make sense to me, or something else?

a lot of the guys are stuck on the idea that only people who are intelligent or “special” enough for stem can do it, and i don’t believe that at all. it’s not a matter of if your iq is 122 or 130, or if you have aspergers or if you play video games or if you’re a girl or whatever else. it’s about how much dedication you have and how much you’re willing to put into it, and that doesn’t discriminate against gender. they’re insecure of their own abilities and that’s why they act like they’re special for majoring in stem.

Seems plausible, thanks!

I guess that's a point of view, but this sounds pretty undefendable to me, I really don't see any kind of reasonning to back that up.
This would explain why they are less driven to it, but I don't believe there is anything else to say on "neurology" stricto sensu.

It's true that most people believe this (even though I believe aspie guys are cute too, but I spent time in an association taking care of them and also I'm aspie too so I probably don't count), but I don't really see what you're trying to say. Is it that I don't know fellow aspie girls because they are invisible to society?

This sounds very, very true, I wholehearthedly agree to everything you just said. I'll just add that I believe that you can do litterally anything with dedication too, but that some need significantly less dedication than others, namely in STEM 130+ IQs and aspies. I don't think that contradicts your point though

>"neurology" stricto sensu
Looking back at my post, this was a stupid way to phrase it. What I meant was that there was no direct correlation between being a girl and having lower IQ or anything similar

And now a retard is looking at it. Plz explain what's wrong.

Well it's too short
I think that's all there is to it
But it's retarded

>I don't know if this is a recurring thread everybody is bored of or some kid of taboo since I almost haven't been here at all, if it is one of the above I apologize.
Are there any cis girls regularly posting here?

You're method of typing strikes me as you being a...socially "it's the current year" kind of person. Your post is neither about math nor science, but rather anecdotal personal experience. This kind of thread, as far as I am aware, is usually not talked about because the majority of the posters (I assume) do not care about it or consider it inappropriate for the board. Consider a different board.

>Assuming anecdotal evidence on a gender disparity thread posted on a math and science board MIGHT provide valuable answers.

The bait is real.

I want to use your term "extreme coloring".

When you say "geo maps" are you referring specifically to geologic/structural maps? Or does extreme coloring just mean the broad use of a GIS software?

>You're method of typing strikes me as you being a...socially "it's the current year" kind of person.
I don't know what a "socially "it's the current year" kind of person" is, or maybe I do, is it when you say stuff like "it's 2017 and people still do that"? If it is, I don't do that, I promess.I don't know what socially being that kind of person means though, so maybe I am.

>Your post is neither about math nor science, but rather anecdotal personal experience. This kind of thread, as far as I am aware, is usually not talked about because the majority of the posters (I assume) do not care about it or consider it inappropriate for the board. Consider a different board.
I really see your point, but I can't not satisfy my morbid curiosity whenever I get interested in something, plus it got very interesting when people tried to explain it, even if the board may not have been as interested as me.
I'm almost sure I had other things to say but I forgot

Bump, I want to know what a "socially "it's the current year" kind of person" is

Last bump, somebody explain to me a socially "it's the current year" kind of person please!

Is biology that easy?

Reddit or daily show watcher

You really do feel the urge to proove that you dont dislike transes, right? What is the background of that? As you may notice, it's not like people over her genuinely care (in science people are rather openminded overall, or atleast dont seem to care)

Anyway, I personally think it has to do with multiple causes. One is that males are more competitive/primed into trying to be 'better' or more interesting than others, in return for status. It's why -I think- that boys often have a wider variety of interests: it's needed not to fall down to the bottom of the societal ladder. It would be a lie to claim that girls have it (arguably) easier in the sense that looking clean often suffices to be accepted (which is ofcourse a double sided sword).

In business, you need charisma to get at the top. Don't have alphatier charisma? Try harder in the sciences and invest in charisma later on in your life. The will to achieve draws a certain percentage into mostly engineering and males feel/ are nudged to feel that more. On a related note; females have better interpersonal skillls. I think we can all agree that a STEM degree can make you comfily avoid human contact

Also, apparently, a more or less 30% is the cut-off for still feeling comfortable as a minority. If you're in a 10% group at some place (skincolour, gender) then your presence becomes 'special', which centers unwanted attention on you. I think the percentages are getting arguably better, but this takes time.

Besides that, hitting on the 'clean' aspect of a girl; being a female simply takes more time. If I (male) am hungover af, I couldnt bother less, go outside and get food at the mall. A women looks in the mirror several times and puts some cosmetis on. Is it morally justified? Probably not, but its how the current society unfortuantely works. As a STEM student, spare time is an endangered entity, and people economise on their own nurturing.

Thanks user!
I hereby swear that I'm neither of those

>You really do feel the urge to proove that you dont dislike transes, right? What is the background of that? As you may notice, it's not like people over her genuinely care
I saw some bad people say mean things right before making the thread I wanted to clearly distinguish myself from them.

>males are more competitive/primed into trying to be 'better' or more interesting than others, in return for status. It's why boys often have a wider variety of interests: it's needed not to fall down to the bottom of the societal ladder. It would be a lie to claim that girls have it (arguably) easier in the sense that looking clean often suffices to be accepted (which is of course a double sided sword).
I've already heard of that, social sucess would be determined by success for males and looks for females. I think I agree with you on this

>On a related note; females have better interpersonal skillls. I think we can all agree that a STEM degree can make you comfily avoid human contact

>Also, apparently, a more or less 30% is the cut-off for still feeling comfortable as a minority. If you're in a 10% group at some place (skincolour, gender) then your presence becomes 'special', which centers unwanted attention on you. I think the percentages are getting arguably better, but this takes time.
I think I agree to this too
Agreed too

>Besides that, hitting on the 'clean' aspect of a girl; being a female simply takes more time. If I (male) am hungover af, I couldnt bother less, go outside and get food at the mall. A women looks in the mirror several times and puts some cosmetis on. Is it morally justified? Probably not, but its how the current society unfortuantely works. As a STEM student, spare time is an endangered entity, and people economise on their own nurturing.
You are completely right

You have a very interesting insight on this whole things user, I'm genuinely impressed

>cis girls
>transphobia free thread
fuck you

it's the least math heavy. so in that sense, yes.

>If there are, I was asking myself what it was like to you to be in such a male-dominated field? Personally, I really don't care, but I don't really care about anything

Thinking that we as a class in society are more or less indirectly causing transphobia isn't necessarily wrong, but insulting an individual is pushing it too far, I believe.

What exactly do you not understand? I'm not enough socially aware to care about gender demographics in my school, but I'm interested in others' insight on the topic.


idiotic nonsense, it's a cancer entering the field

Hehe, I feel like I'm naturally more inclined towards social studies and human interactions but unfortunately, the academic world of that field is of an embarrassing level so I take that as a hobby and study beautifully rigorous material instead.

Technical universities surely are an interesting biotope though. Universities are isolated communities, and technical universaties are even more so. They're places with 10k+ too-hard-working humans that (have a slight) lack in emphatic abilities and social needs. Mostly cool and laidback people though.

Last post I ran out of characters, but I would like to add that -as far as I can tell- the women that weren't scared off by reasons I mentioned previously (it's doable/combinable in practice, but I can understand the hurdles) usually seem to feel at place. Theyre not 'average'/popular/basic/etc. women mostly, but neither are the men so thats a match. I think that the percentages will change. It would be beneficial for most tech. uni's.

thanks doc

You sound nice and this sounds true

Holy shit this thread is fucking cancer
>muh womens
>muh sexism

>You could make a killer joke (like teabagging as a woman basically means forced cunnilingus/rubbing your vag all over their face, but with better delivery) and they'll just kind of stare at you.
I understand their dilemma witf are you saying here

an evil statue because it show a bad hint for girls around.

Daily reminder that the company that paid for the monument was at the time in the middle of many sexual harassment lawsuits, all of which ended just a few weeks ago with them having to settle and pay all the women they raped.

>Bio has more girls than guys
No wonder it's so fucking hard to get a job in it. I guess I have to get a degree in Biomath.