Reading middlemarch in the middle of march

>reading middlemarch in the middle of march

>reading as i lay dying as i lay dying

>reading norwegian wood in norway

it doesn't count unless you're in a wood

im hard, does that count?

It's a pretty good time to read Julius Caesar too.

>reading The Republic while living in a republic.

>reading in search of lost time while browsing Veeky Forums
>reading tropic of cancer while browsing this thread

>reading Czeslaw Milosz when the meeloshes are cheswahving

>Reading pedro paramo while living in comala


>reading Underworld while on the overworld

>reading Metamorphoses after recently turning into a bird

>reading Rabelais drunk

>reading the gay science while browsing Veeky Forums


You guys are awful at comedy.

>reading 101 Jokes while giggling

>reading naked lunch eating lunch naked.

>Reading The Three Musketeers while snacking on the candy bar.

>reading every post you've ever made while reading this post

>reading Lolita while abusing my twelve year old step daughter

>reading Kafka on the Shore while reading Kafka on the shore

>writing green stories while reading green stories

>Reading notes from underground while reading notes underground

>reading Jerusalem in New York City

>reading the crying of lot 49 while crying "lot 49"


Not even memeing, I wish the Nazis had won. Sure a bunch of people would've died and suffered, but that's been happening for all of history. The Assyrians and Mongols were just as bad and we don't give a shit about all of the suffering they caused. In a thousand years no one will care about the Nazis.

Instead, we're stuck with a world filled with people that having been bred to perfection, thus I'm stuck living in a manlet body with a balding head.

Every human is ideally beautiful, brilliant and exceptional at what they do. We would all be living like this girl and enjoying ourselves, but instead the "good guys" won and I'm a manlet.

>reading english grammar in use while is write a happy shitpost for english learning ok sure why not, just have a good time, hey man

>reading Fifty Shades of Grey when I have autism


>will read A Midsummer Night's Dream sometime in August.

>all this projection
>all this nonsense

The levels of desperation, depression, cognitive dissonance, and general hilarity in this post would break a scouter.

>not even memeing

You're a fucking meme now boy

>reading No Country for Old Men while the ACA passes


>Reading The Antichrist whilst listening to Antichrist Superstar.


>reading As I lay Dying after drinking the hemlock

What's wrong with what I said?

>reading 100 Years of Solitude while living a reclusive, solitary life

>reading nigger of the narcissus while listening to kanye

>reading infinite jest in the infinity of jests

Midsummer Day/Night is June 24, just as Twelfth Night is January 5..

>Reading stoner but have never got high once in my life

>reading the book of job at your job

>reading the Divine Comedy in hell

>reading the odyssey in a honda odyssey

>League of Legends characters eating breakfast while reading Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions

>reading the catcher in the rye in the rye

>Reading Sapiens being Homo sapiens

>Ringo Starr reading Lord of the Rings

Sugared up and reading Candide, again..

>Reciting the Qur'an

incredibly underrated post desu

More like topic of cancer amirite ladies ;;;;;;;DDDDDD