Is postmodernism the most retarded thing to have ever happend in human history?

Is postmodernism the most retarded thing to have ever happend in human history?


ur mum was


define postmodernism and explain how it relates to the image in the OP

I've infrequently come across something I find so genuinely offensive.

Anyone assisting someone do this to themselves is just as bad.

Oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit how will OP recover?

Get out of Veeky Forums


>things should be how I want them to be because no one can make me think otherwise

This is not post-modernism.

The phrase you're looking for is fucking dumb cunt.


Well that image is certainly rage inducing OP

i feel like an impostor with this fully working brain i have
from now on, i'll pretend to be retarded


The news has been finding tiny communities and blowing them up as meaningful/populous since the printing press

>this level of off-base strawman shit being peddled on Veeky Forums

this is like letting an autistic person dress up as a superhero or something if they want to.
Except that that is nice since the person is allowed to do what they want and get happiness out of it, even though it isn't "normal", whereas this is a perversion.

I'm sure people actually disabling themselves (I don't know if that is the case with this lady, but it does happen) aren't just being tumblr tier snowflakes, but even just acting like you are disabled is taking that accepting mentality a bit too far.

It's more understandable with gender issues and shit, "I'm a boy but I feel like a girl" isn't that hard to wrap your head around, a lot of things can affect that.

"I have working legs and arms but instead I should have minimal leg use and only my left arm and also my spine should be more curved than it is." That's a serious mental disorder.

Where should the line be drawn with "trans" issues? I don't care if some girl wants to take hormones and be a guy and pee next to me in a bathroom, or if a guy wants to take hormones and be a girl and jack off on webcam for me to watch and then cum in my own face and pretend it was her and then lick it up, but at what point does it become too much?

what did he mean bait this

>Postmodernism is everything i don't like
Read Foucalut Deleuze or Derrida and talk about Postmodernism then fucking pleb. And yes, postmodernists advocates the notion of truth

The only good webcomic is Super Awesome Comic. It's pretty deep.

That fan that has free will but chooses to oscillate actually speaks to me on a metaphysical level.

>It's more understandable with gender issues and shit, "I'm a boy but I feel like a girl" isn't that hard to wrap your head around, a lot of things can affect that.

It's understandable but it's still meaningless. You can't feel like a girl because you don't know how girls feel. It's like having only ever drank Coke all your life and then deciding you much prefer Pepsi without having ever tasted it and just hearing descriptions of it from other people.

It becomes even more ludicrous when you realise that all the things your basing your decision on aren't actually about the taste of Pepsi but are about superficial qualities like the shape of the bottle or the colour of the packaging or the type of people that drink Pepsi.

The notion of trans-genderism reinforces stereotypes of masculinity and femininity in much the same way that conservatives do. You are what you are and it's irrelevant what you call it.

Case in point, how do I determine my gender for definite? I've asked many people this question and have, as yet, been given no decent answer.

Cis-shit is NOT post-modernism! Post-modernism denies a meta-narrative, so how the FUCK could you not escape from the cisprivelidge narrative? This comic is so fucking retarded, and works FOR the sjw side!


What did this fine gentleman mean by this?

You don't ever read a book.

At least in the topic discussed here.

Just accept it and keep moving. Maybe in the future you agree with pomo or not, but nowadays basically you don't have a fucking clue of what it is about.

>You can't feel like a girl because you don't know how girls feel.
I don't think that's true, being a "girl" is abstract enough as to what it entails, not biologically, that your comparison to Coke and Pepsi is too limiting, but if we are going to go with it I'd say it's more like drinking Coke all your life and hating it, much preferring Pepsi even if it is unknown to you. Still not a good comparison though. You can still be you after a sex change, it doesn't have to change everything.

>It becomes even more ludicrous...
I don't think that's nesscarily true. I think it's wanting to be a girl based on internal desires not defined by expectations or superficial qualities. something that couldn't really be explained easily.
I'd agree it reinforces stereotypes though.

>how do I determine my gender for definite?
I don't think you can. It's all bullshit, there aren't scientifically defined genders in the same way there are sexes. If we are assuming that gender doesn't link directly with sex, then there is no way to prove anything, but that doesn't change anything really. If we all agree it's just made up bullshit then it's being bullshit isn't really an argument for or against it.

I don't think people are born in the wrong bodies or anything like that, but if some boy had something happen in his brain at a very young age, maybe he gross old man dick, or maybe nothing happened at all, and his brain started to do all this shit that made him feel like a girl, then who cares? As long as the girl end up being cute, and jacks off on webcam for me.

>post modernism

It's the early 90's again. Yay.

Read some DeLillo which is easy, some Pynchon for more difficulty, for literature.

As said above, some Foucault (which is not posmodernist btw) will give you some insight on what they wanted to talk, which spaces they wanted to open. Some Deleuze and Derrida for madness (even if when u know what they are talking about are basically genius). Jameson for a analysis on the topic itself.

Butler for the contemporaneous evolution of the movement (with Preciado for example).

I'm beginning to just think everyone on this board sees an "ism" and makes it what they want it to be.

Post modernism has nothing to do with such absurd choices. That is just the result of a society's chains loosening too much and allowing this kind of stuff

Late Burroughs is also a good idea.

DFW for the evolution of it in literature as I said Butler in philosophy.

For an earlier insight of the posmo movement I would personally recommend K. Dick, which I would say that had the typical threats of posmodernism in his fiction (even if of course the dates doesn't match, he was a pioneer).

tekno music (underground if possible) always in order to understand the cultural evolution that implies postmodernist.

and take drugs for god's shake this is 2017

Different user than the one you are replying to but I thought his and your thoughts on the matter are very interesting. As a cis-scum myself I would say that the trans-issue essentially is that you dont find yourself fitting into the gender categories society has constructed. For my following thoughts I will ignore that these categories of course developed from biological roles and hardwired behaviour. To me the core problem is that gender roles and expectations are very abstract and also differ not only from culture to culture but also from person to person in how they are understood. Even "cis" people in my opinion dont fully agree with what they feel society demands of them based on gender. For "trans" people it just means that they are extremly unhappy with themselves seemingly not fitting into these categories to the point where they feel like they would rather fit into the other category of this two category system. They want to also change sexes then because these categories are tradionally linked with the two human sexes, for a reason mind you. But as society got more complex and concepts got more abstract so too did these roles. In my opinion a "trans" person does not really think "I want to have two x-chromosones" but rather "I feel more tradionally female than male and to live truly as myself I need breasts and a vagina"

>till not a good comparison though. You can still be you after a sex change, it doesn't have to change everything.

I'm just using it as an example to show that people claim to identify something that they can have no understanding of. It's not a perfect analogy but it helps get that across I think.

Also, I'm not necessarily talking about sex changes. Someone can be transgender and not have a sex change.

> I think it's wanting to be a girl based on internal desires

These internal desires are based on your definition of the opposite gender which can only be superficial because you've never been the other gender so can have no experience of it other than second hand ones at best.

> ...then who cares

It tells people there are certain things that different genders are and this is something that I believe is counter productive, especially to the type of people who support movements like this. I'm speaking about gender now and not sex. Wanting to have a physical sex change is different than wanting to simply start living life as a woman.

If, for example, a man decides he is really a woman and wants to start living his life as a woman would by doing stereo typically feminine things it invalidates any other man that does those things but doesn't identify as a woman. It also tells women that these are female things and that if you're a woman you should be doing them.

A preferable alternative is people just do whatever the fuck they want and stop pretending they need to be a woman to wear make up or dresses or get breast implants.

sorry guys i know u would like to live in the XVIII century but it can't be

best luck next time

I puked

What the fuck IS post-modernism?

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, shut the eff up you dumbass.

>A preferable alternative is people just do whatever the fuck they want and stop pretending they need to be a woman to wear make up or dresses or get breast implants.
I agree, but it seems to be going the other way.

More things to identify as! More! More!
I'm a Transexually male, pansexual, metrosexual, non binary identifying, gender fluid, androgynous, xi/xim, and I'm setting progress back.
Let me pee where I want and nobody gets blogged about.
Whoops, you've activated my trap card, all of your cards values are reduced to Shitlord, and I've gotten a triggered bonus.
Anyone who doesn't accept me is a bigot and so is anyone who is cis or straight. Colleges support my progressive lifestyle.

Wew, seems like triggered myself there.

Youre just an ignorant motherfucker
I'll put it simple: there are TWO sexes ("genre" is a sociological construct to catter to feminism and people with dissocial personality disorders -because muh tolerance), AND male =/= female. Get real, open your fucking eyes and stop swallowing all that propaganda. Go out there and talk to REAL females. If you really believe that we're equal you're just too blind, stupid or brainwashed to see what's in front of you.

>there are TWO sexes

Nobody's ever argued anything else dingus.

You just destroyed me there!
How will I ever recover

Isnt this the true problem? That they who are apparently so opressed by society and forced into these roles they dislike just set new, more specific categories? They claim that they strife for acceptance but all they want is the old system just with themselves on top.

well I did also point out you're arguing against nobody. everybody agrees there are two sexes. stop fighting shadows user.

>I'll put it simple: there are TWO sexes
Everyone knows that, buttlord.

it's understandable though. people feel they must belong to a category and not belonging to one of the two main ones they invent their own not realising they are further imprisoning themselves in more categories and are doing the same to others.

Nah fighting shadows is fun
Also, the main point of my post was that the user I responded to believes in first wave feminism, whether he knows it or not.

I think you need to read my post again, because I didn't say any of the things you are implying.
In fact I said what you said, I just wasn't an idiot when I said it.

baudrillard was right

>I'll put it simple: there are TWO sexes

It sucks that we as humans seem to have the instinctual need to think in categories and even define ourselves over them. Its similiar to existence in society. If you want to break out, in truth, you cant because you would still create a new category. You would simply define yourself as the negative of the old ones. I hate this whole identity-bullshit but I cant fathom how one would overcome it if its even possible.

True that, I fucked up hard
I shouldv'e actually read your post before deciding to post my autistic rant

That's called Munchausen syndrome.

literally this


I don't know what board you're from but please go back there and never return.

>OP posts a tweet by Christina Hoff Sommers
>Tweet is blatantly baiting emotional responses by showing a single case of retardation and passing it off as something that's becoming a norm and destroying society
>OP doesn't know what "postmodernism" in the philosophical sense is, has never read any postmodern literature, and doesn't care. As long as his strawman fits his agenda, he doesn't care.

Hey, look! It's /pol/: The Thread!


GET OUT pol/ack!!

This is just embarrassing.

Daily reminder that this is what Marxists today insist upon they're not doing. Instead of actually doing the things they're claiming they're doing.

Post a link that allows me to understand why that is embarrasing


>I'm Native American actually

>insist upon they're not doing
What did he mean by this?


so nice to be able to associate whatever you don't like with scary buzzword you don't understand isn't it

Why should we even be the same person? did the posts have anything to do with each other?

Exactly, they're as dumb as Leftists blaming everything like this on Late Capitalism

>Read Foucalut Deleuze or Derrida