New to /sci. Felt I had to come here. Can somebody give me some absolute facts...

New to /sci. Felt I had to come here. Can somebody give me some absolute facts. I mean solid undeniable facts about the earth not being flat.

Arguments could be that there is no real photos of earth.i.e CGI . Composit

Why do people believe in the NASA format.

The government doesn't want us to know.if we did we would know the truth about religion.

The earth could be a banana shape.

Because something is round from afar doesn't make it round.

Would love some solid arguments back.

It's like arguing with a brick wall at the moment.
Am I wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you're arguing with a retard you aren't going to get anywhere,

Your best bet is if they are so sure that the entire world is conspiring against them, then suggest that it wouldn't be too hard for them to simply go on a plane flight, time how long it takes to go from point a-b, figure out the distance based on the average speed of the plane, and compare it with the distance between 2 points on a flat earth map and notice the fucking obscene differences

And yes I did get this from a video

i know how you feel, i started a similar thread a few days ago because i have to confront a friend of mine who has become a flattard, the most solid proof in my opinion is that the visible stars in the southern emisphere are different from those in the northen one, if you apply this FACT to a flat or semiflat surface it would make no sense because the night sky in the surface's inner part would be completely different from the one on its side

There is no argument solid enough for someone who will disregard all evidence as fake conspiracies

Thanks for the comments back. I just want to put hard facts in his face.

Don't get me wrong I have got my fair share of government theories but there more political.

At what point would you think the government are lying about the shape of the earth to lie about religion.

It's madness. He believes the masons are above the Jews along with aliens. I digress that is another argument.

On the science side of things I will attempt the few comments here.

I will try the what happens if you fly to the edge of the earth? Or what is the cut off point for the edge of the earth.

Could you give me some said evidence. I'm not clued up totally on it. But I do believe the earth is at least round in its form.

I tried saying the sun is round. Why don't we see it rotating like a coin. Didn't work.

If the Earth is flat, why haven't we reached the edge yet?

Flat Earth isn't re-

I need Carl sagan

>Can somebody give me some absolute facts. I mean solid undeniable facts about the earth not being flat.

Part 1 (of 3):

No satellite pictures, just uses simple geometry and basic sky observations to destroy any Flat Earth nonsense.

Thanks. Yea any photo is labelled CGI.

Out of interest I can't seem to find a good source for a real photo. Anyone?

Just grab some fucking binoculars, get the time/area from


and see the fucking space station with your own fucking eyes you idiot.

Live space video on YT.

This was the start of his argument it's hilarious

Himawari 8 (Japanese weather satellite) has taken some pretty good photos.

If I remember correctly it is in a geosync orbit and has some of the better cameras available which makes it one of the few satellites poised to take full disc images of Earth.

I love this guy. I wish he would make more than one video every two months.

Ignore crazy people or you become crazy. Best advice I could give you, these people are actually mentally ill to some degree.

look at the sea
see it disappears?

Whoever you are arguing with is a full on retard and willfully ignorant to boot because all the relevant information is at his/hers fingertips. If it was me I would just stop associating with said person(s) immediately


dude a fucking ancient mathematician was able to figure it out based on shadows and sticks and common sense/trigonometry ~ 200 BC

When it's winter in North hemisphere it's summer in South hemisphere.
When it's summer in North hemisphere it's winter in South hemisphere.

Flat Earthtards can't explain that.

The tilt in Earth axis causes the 4 seasons.

How flat Earth tards can explain that December is the hottest month of Australia's summer?

the heliocentric model can predict things to extreme accurate, and they always come true. pic related.

the flat earth model also has a definitive disproof

this video is a faithful recreation of the flat earth model. it looks absolutely nothing like what we see in real life. as you would expect, a similarly faithful model of the heliocentric model looks exactly like what we see in real life.

also, be prepared to be flooded with retarded infographics. the same dude/bot/group waits for a flat earth thread to pop up and posts the same 15-20 infographics, copy pastas, and arguments, despite being BTFO every single time he posts them.

here's a pic. it was taken by a film camera on an Apollo mission. no CGI back then.

Likewise, there is no evidence solid enough for someone who will disregard any evidence that contradicts what they blindly accepted as fact from NASA.

whenever people claim you can't see any curvature from a baloon i just post this image.

Nice painting

>we would know the truth about religion.
We do, it's only some retards in denial.

Flat fucks can't even explain the day and night cycle, Its not hard to debunk them. There is no arguing whit these people when they are this willfully ignorant. They wont ever accept anything you give them that opposes their belief.

You dont need any tangible 100% certifiable foolproof explanation for earth not being flat. Just learn the basics of mathematics and physics. Then atleast in macro scale everything makes perfect sense and can be accurately calculated to a high degree of accuracy. If a person is too retarded for basic math and logic, then there is no point even arguing with them.

Luckily enough i live in northern Europe and have never even heard of a person who believes earth is flat.

>give me some absolute facts.

This is not how science works. You've come to the wrong place.

>here's a pic. no CGI back then
So that's a painting.
Fabricated by NASA to deceive the humanity.

Plotting celestial object positions. Magnetism. Shadows during different times of the day. Different times of the day. Horizons. Sunsets. Sunrises. Anything having to do with the sin casting any shadows. Gravity. Telescopes. Plane rides along degrees of both longitude and latitude. The concepts of longitude and latitude guiding travelers for millennia.