Not marrying a wealthy...

>not marrying a wealthy, employed woman who's the main bread earner so you can become a stay-at-home dad and work on your reading and writing

You're doing it wrong, anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying you can find a woman who's willing to do this

It's actually rather nice that we live in a society where men can be matrimonial parasites as well as women. It's no longer just a tool women use to capture men, the converse holds as well.

Still wouldn't risk putting myself at the mercy of the law to such a degree.


Wife makes 350,000 a year to get taxed 33%
Husband makes under 50k but gets taxed at her rate.

33,500 a year.

5 Day a week daycare 8-5 is about 7-12k a year per child

thats a 9500 dollar profit a year, or 1/36th of what hypothetical wife makes, so that he can work 9-5 to not be a "parasite" and his kids can be at daycare all day with some pleb who cant do anything but be a shitty preschool teacher.

That's literally been my goal.

im trying to find a gorgeous patrician conservative white woman whose will accept a position subservient to my own while her wealthy family bankrolls my NEET lifestyle.

still waiting

She will cheat on you. Assuming you find her in the first place, which is very unlikely.


>getting my master's in math and planning on teaching part time
>gf is 7/10 Asian but is intelligent, from a traditional family, and in pharmacy
>she said it's totally cool if I homeschool our future kids and do domestics while she works fulltime

Not surprised that the low T cuck is with an Asian girl.

Good luck living on ninety five hundred dollars a year, brodie.

I'm not saying he's parasitical to society, there is no such thing as a general "society," I'm saying he is living off of his wife like a tapeworm. He is parasitizing her: regardless of his "profit," if he's not living for himself i.e. if he's relying on her resources, he is the definition of a parasite.

And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, either. I'm remarking that it's interesting to live at the first point in colonial or post-colonial human history where it's "socially acceptable" for about 1 billion people (Europe, North America, Australia, some parts of South America, Asia, and Africa) to let men "stay at home."

It's a new phenomenon at this level of technological advancement

>low T cuck
Possibly. But my last gf was a legitimate 10/10 white girl from a rich family, and she ended up cheating on me while I was in another state visiting my terminally ill father. I'd rather date an average girl who is loyal

>legitimate 10/10 white girl
Doubt it. Very few 10s assuming normal distribution. Maybe a 9.

>she ended up cheating on me
No shit. You weren't high T enough and don't have any money. Same thing is going to happen if you become a stay-at-home dad and raise your crazy hapa kids. Doesn't matter if she's only a 7.

Supportive spouses are not parasites, human society has often had a lack of parity between sexes, especially when you have soldiers being fed by a female workforce at home, or hunter gatherers hunting whilst the women get the greater part of the calories through gathering.

Today, when you get married, intelligent couples have to make a decision on how to maximize security and value. If x spouse stays at home to take care of children because y spouse makes 36x what x was making, in addition to keeping house, cooking, shopping, maintaining the living space, it is a partnership.

Isnt this the board that assigns less worth to actual money?

>legitimate 10/10
lol probably a soft 8

>wanting mixrace kids
wew lad

Just be yourself.

This board is pathetic

I wish this thread had never been made

>implying that traditional gender roles isn't at least partly genetic
>implying you can rise over biology
Kek. Good luck.

Why, friend?

You're just claiming the parasitism is mutualist, i.e. both parasite and host derive benefit from it. I never denied that this could happen. It still fits the definition of parasitism as "consumption of the host's resources by a separate organism."

I don't assign "worth" (in the sense of objective value) to money, again, I'm not saying it's "bad" to be parasitical. I'm describing a state.

I'd rather be my own man and not have any children then be a "house husband"

I wouldn't be able to respect myself

p.s. where do you find women who make 350k a year and are willing to date poorfags like me?

There's a 1000% chance she will cuck you with an actual man.

This is basically my life, minus the "wealthy" part.

>Work as bookseller>bookstore manager>copywriter>production editor while wife does nine years of grad school in Archaeology/Classical Studies at a top program, including a year abroad that takes us both to Athens, where we get by on her fellowship and some savings.
>During which time I write some stories and start but ultimately abort my first novel.
>We get pregnant with twins while she's writing her dissertation. Panic mode sets in.
>I start freelancing from home to help with the kids and keep her on track.
>A year of zero sleep wearing twins in bjorns while each of us is working, taking zombie shifts during the night because twins won't sleep more than 2-3 hours at a clip and never at the same time.
>She finishes her dissertation and earns her PhD in these conditions.
>Not only that but she lands one of the only jobs in her field that year -- a three-year gig at a private college.
> Pay is nothing compared to what the non-academic professionals we know are making but still more than either of us has ever made in our life. Enough to buy a house.
>Nearby daycare and/or preschools are expensive as hell and employ people I wouldn't want to babysit my kids, let alone educate them.
>Freelance contracts and my own writing dwindles away to nothing as I continue to spend every waking hour taking care of two incredible little girls. Harder yet more rewarding than any job I ever had.
>Struggle through the rough years. Wife leaves every summer for three months to direct a dig abroad, during which time I am a single parent 24/7, making it next to impossible for me to have a regular job anyway.
> On the flipside, my daughters get to go abroad with us every other year (all we can afford), starting at four years old.
> Their passports now have more stamps in them than almost every other adult I know. I babysit them in temples and tombs and dig houses.
>We ask way too much of them and they develop into the type of kids who can hang tough in far flung places where they don't recognize any of the food or understand the language. We're always living on an extreme budget.
>Wife saves the day again by landing a tenure track job at a good university. We move again.
>Wife kicks ass, writes and publishes a big fat book reviewed by the NYT, and lands tenure.
> Kids now in public school full time. I suggest it's time for me to go back to work. Wife says, no fucking way, we've lived on 12k a year, we can live on this. Now is your time. I start writing again. Publish six stories in two years.
> Wife lands Fulbright. We move abroad for another year, put twins into international school.
>I finally get into a groove, research and write my ass off.
> Come home with a doorstop historical thriller that is actually pretty damn good.
> First agent I query asks for the full manuscript. Interim email suggests she loves it but dragging her feet on final decision.

Wish me luck senpai. I'm almost there.

Bars outside medical schools

it is easier to satay with mom though

women cheat at work, so weather she is brings the money or not, men are meant to be resentful cuck

look luck my boy, hope all goes well.

I hope everything works out for you

>Wife leaves every summer for three months to direct a dig abroad

You know you got cheated on at least a couple of times here, right?

>I will never marry a cute anime girl
I honestly don't know why I bother to continue to exist

Being a stay at home dad is a one way ticket to a failed marriage, children who hold no respect for you and being viewed as by the wider community as being slightly above creepy dudes who jerk off in parks under their clothes on the social ladder.

Source: was raised by a working mum & stay at home dad.


what happened to them?

Nothing. My mum works her ass off, does all the house work and is miserable because she has no time to do anything else, my dad does the shopping, walks the dogs and spends the rest of the day watching TV. They're both deeply miserable but so devoted to avoiding conflict that they refuse to even discuss the issue.

That's not even touching how fucked up my siblings and I ended up.

The nuclear family developed for a reason - women just aren't suited to be the primary providers, and men aren't suited to be the main caretakers. If you want to fuck with tens of thousands of years of social development, that's fine, but don't force the outcome on your kids.

Fuck, I'd rather be a lonely neet than live like that.

>>not marrying a wealthy, employed woman who's the main bread earner so you can become a stay-at-home dad

i'd rather be destitute and alone than do this.

fucking nu-males.

i have a similar story

i was raised in a house with a working mother and a step"father" who has never had a steady, decent paying job and has been unemployed for over half a decade. basically, he's a parasite. she works and does most of the chores, he does some tasks and watches tv. both are miserable, and he's pretty pathetic, always getting bossed around and getting screamed at while impotently stewing in anger because he can't leave, as he has essentially nothing to his name. she's constantly crying and screaming and looking depressed, but she won't throw him out, partly out of pity, partly because they've been together for maybe 18 years now and i guess she's attached to him.

i can tell you my life would have been much better without his presence, too

This is actually literally what I'm doing. She's gonna be making about $200,000 on her own, which maybe isn't wealthy, but is plenty to live on comfortably. I am gonna be working, but I'm thinking about taking a few years off to raise kids when we have them (and desu I'm also thinking of homeschooling but that's a much bigger step I haven't fully thought through yet).

I'm a stay at home dad. Kids are great, I get to read to them every night and help them with school. I have parties at my house twice a month and always cook top tier food so that all the women are impressed as fuck. I stay Veeky Forums, I read a ton, I do all the housework and shopping, I volunteer at church, I handle all of my wifes finances and investments and investment properties, which is growing into a full time job when we start commercial investments.

>your wife gunna cheat

I would be much more nervous about cheating if I were working my wifes hours and she had nothing to do but sit on her ass while the kids were at school with the internet at her hands.

Sounds comfy af, desu. God bless.

Being outside all day with men flirting with her isn't reassuring either. Does she have job conferences, travelling? Certain cheating.

>Wife makes 350,000 a year
You see you lazy NEETs, 99% of people, especially women, that earn this much money come from very rich and respectable families already. Nobody, except someone out of their mind, would even date losers like us on Veeky Forums.

Stop being so deluded and start making money online and live a fragile life, that's the modern real path to freedom

>tfw no mommy gf

>10 months ago I made the worst decision of my life: I decided to be a stay-at-home dad. Don't get me wrong I love my daughter and I love being with her, but it has completely ruined my relationship with my wife. I can't fully explain my wifes shift in demeanour towards me but it's like she has lost all respect for me as a man. We've only had sex one time since our daughter was born because she always says that she's not in the mood. We've been together for the better part of a decade and she's never acted this way towards me. Even while she was pregnant she didn't treat me this way. I've tried to talk to her about it but she just says that she can't change how she feels. For these reasons I've been feeling pretty emasculated. So as the title says, I've been having an affair. The woman I'm having an affair with is one of the moms in my "mommy and me" group. I've known her for 6-7 months now but we've only been doing this for about a month.
I honestly don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I don't know where I'm going to go from here... All I know is that she makes me feel respected and makes me feel good in a way that my wife doesn't anymore. I want the relationship between my wife and I to return to what it was previously, but even if I went back to work and she started treating me with respect again, I don't know if we could ever go back.

Youre a cuck that goes traveling even though hes short on money. I hope you get divorced one day and never see your daughters again

>wanting a neoliberal careerist

Fuck is wrong with you?

>tfw dating an artist who is crazy hot but plans on continuing to volunteer in galleries for the next few years
>tfw I'm doing a graduate program and running a bar just to keep us afloat
>tfw Id love to be a stay-at-home dad but neither of us will ever make enough money

Stay classy, Veeky Forums.

>he still wants/has had children after reading the best literature has to offer

be ready for the divorce.

>hide the truth Veeky Forums

Protip: not everyone is so miserable and unfaithful. Sorry for whatever made you guys so cynical and glum. Find a classy, smart girl (or guy for that matter, or go it alone) and build a life for yourselves, however the dynamics play out.


Wew lad were only being realistic you cuck. Maybe do a fatherhood test because maybe youre raising two little chadlings.

In islam you would be whooped 80 times for accusing his wife for cheating.
you would die like a bitch at the 6th whip.
next time learn to flex like real men do.

By the law of my antitheist science fiction middleage fantasy universe that I am currently working on, for even mentioning a filthy religion like christianity or Islam you woul be turned into a squirrel with a polymorph potion, be put into a jar and then be turned bacl into a human, causing the jar to explode and caise near lethal wounds onto you. Then you would receive a fine of 450 Gulden and if you can't pay up you will be thrown into a forced labour prostitution camp where you will have to whpre yourself out together with cyborg succubi and faery drones.

Mind your words you coward

go on r/deadbedrooms

like 15% of marriages fuck under 12 times a year, and probably 50% of women change after having a kid.

Fear the whip, she will automatically sting. you weak estrogene rich body will deserve the whip for his little mouth potty.
talk shit get hit. irl he would enter you. look down the ground as you always do. you know you have no value.

It's not cynical to know women are lustful creatures who want a man not a housewife.

Your diction betrays you, user. "Lustful creatures" is a pathetically incomplete (also antiquated, and yes, quite cynical) understanding of women.Go looking for unfaithful whores--male or female--and that's all you'll find.

You're right, but you also are incomplete when mentioning 'unfaithful whores', they certainly don't think of themselves this way. And it happens to women you'd never say are whores.

I mean, just as every man likes boobs and a woman's skin so they all also like dick and a man's touch, people think with their genitals sometimes.

Point taken, but don't fall for the macho or misogyny memes. Women stray for all sorts of reasons (inattentive husbands being #1), but in my experience, lack of manliness doesn't rank very high on that list and women who are lured away by big cocks/muscles/bank accounts aren't worth having in the first place. Do you want a sex doll trophy wife or a friend to talk Veeky Forums with after mutual orgasm?

>Do you want a sex doll trophy wife
I'll take two.

If she cheats then you can divorce and get alimony

>not changing your gender and marrying a wealthy, employed man so you can become a tradwife and work on your reading and writing

This actually happened to me but she was dirt poor when we met.

So... you're cheating on her? More power to ya, then.

Sometimes they are just bored and want a new dick, sex without consequences or with someone you don't have to talk to after afterwards is very appealing to women.

I'm actually planning on doing that. Just need a qt who'll let me live such a life style but I plan on becoming a househusband.

LMAO at all of the butthurt tradcuck pussies mad at the idea of househusbands. Why so upset that it's not just females any more who can be lazy parasitic pieces of garbage like they have been for millennia?

Reverse the genders and you literally have my story. Damn, I guess based on my specific experiences all housewives should just kill themselves

we should all kill ourselves user

We should just #killallfemales, IMO.

Naw, been married 12 years now. Our lives are so intertwined even if one of wanted to leave, we couldnt. All the bullshit about unfavorable divorce laws that is thrown around here doesnt stop the fact that I own 50% of our considerable assets in a no fault state, and that if she wanted a divorce I would not leave the house until ordered too by a mediator.

But things are going great. She doesnt want me to work because the kids are getting older and we are into international travel. We are best friends, love each other, she understands me and I understand her. I would like more sex, but there are plenty of couples that have it worse. Things of course could go to shit, but even the kissless NEETs on here could have a house fire or something.