Is salt and pepper actually necessary to make tasty dishes?

is salt and pepper actually necessary to make tasty dishes?

salt is one of the worst things to have too much of and the main cause for heart/blood pressure issues

i always hear fancy chefs use this bullshit that they "bring out the flavor" but it seems to just make it taste more like salt or pepper

almost like S&P became an accepted pretentious ketchup/sauce (which apparently offends a chef if you need it for his steak or other entree because its not tasty alone) yet all they did was add their own flavor changer during cooking

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not sure if bait.

>i always hear fancy chefs use this bullshit that they "bring out the flavor"

it does. it literally enhances the natural flavors of food, most of the time.

Yes it is sometimes necessary. Cooking without salt can be a fun challenge though.

Garlic and onion help regulate your blood pressure, so does exercise and even a long walk can help

Salt breaks down the fat/protein tissue of the meat. Also extracts water from the meat, which affects the texture and naturally flavor

>is it actually necessary


Take a chicken breast, slice it in half

Season one with just some salt and pepper, don't season the other one at all.

Cook both in as little oil in the pan as possible so it won't stick. See how much better the one with the salt and pepper tastes. You will see how much better it is.

>salt is one of the worst things to have too much of and the main cause for heart/blood pressure issues
Yeah, ill worry about salt intake when im 60. For now i think ill enjoy food.


so does any other seasoning, it alters the actual natural taste of the entree.

adding sauce to a chef's steak is supposedly the biggest slap in the face tho.....

we're not talking about onions and garlic

>add seasoning to something to change the way it tastes naturally

that's not the point of the question

Yes. Grits aren't even half as good as they can be without a good dash of salt and a fuckton of black pepper.

Drink a glass of water to balance out the salt. You'll be fine

>that's not the point of the question
Are you retarded and I'm missing the bait?

salt makes something taste like salt

this whole "brings out the flavor" bullshit sounds like some ancient meme that managed to keep getting passed down over time

plenty of things taste good by themselves, especially vegetables or fruits

>steak or OTHER entree
Where are you from that steak is an entree?

Faggot is asking is it necessary, he already answered his own question in the OP, I think he's trying to ask if it's possible to make something as delicious without salt and pepper as it would be with it. It's impossible.

>steak isnt the most popular dish in fancy restaurants

add a tiny pinch of salt to a strawberry and say that shit again... no matter how much you want to you won't be able to


>adding a flavor to something makes it taste better

>b-b-but these 2 flavors are meme'd from the olden days and universally acceptable for "bringing out the natural flavors"

>b-b-but dont you dare ask for any other flavors after i cook this pretentious cut of beef or ill be offended

Yeah sure go eat steak with absolutely no salt next time
You sound like you have never cooked a meal in your life

>plenty of things taste good by themselves, especially vegetables or fruits
No one is saying it isnt? Salt does bring out the flavors of most savory dishes. Its almost essential for meat.

I still dont understand. Salt is great with almost every spice.

I'd rather add sugar, who the fuck would add salt?

salt is just as if not more responsible for health issues than sugar is but sugar is the current meme to deflect attention from salt

cause your pretentious proteins which need these magical 2 ingredients to apparently unlock the flavors would then suck

its almost like none of you actually like any of the main proteins and instead like salt and pepper like a crack-whore

>cook something
>it tastes bland
>cook again and drown it in salt and pepper to it to make it taste more salty and peppery
>wow this is so tasty!
>i really like this cut of beef!

>salt is just as if not more responsible for health issues than sugar
You are either trolling hard or seriously retarded.
Go actually cook something before you spout out shit like this.

everyone during the roman days added sugar to things or ate a lot of naturally sugary things which add to fat

over time it switched to salt which kills you on the inside and is just as bad, so you can walk around "looking" healthy but still have high as fuck blood pressure and then when you die on a jog one morning ppl wonder how crazy it was because you were "fit"

just like how beer is still acceptable vs cigarettes, the side effects can be smelled, someone who drinks is killing their liver and doesnt affect anyone near them

Answer the question, thicko. How the fuck is steak an entree?

The Romans had a diet extremely low in sugar, retard.
Do you fuckers just make shit up?

>its common so its wrong
I know you think that you are thinking but you really aren't.

What a retarded thread

>salt raises blood pressure
>alcohol lowers it
I think im ok

>alcohol lowers blood pressure

I have bad news for you buddy.

>Drink salted alcohol

so a fillet isnt an entree?

fuck me bigboy, they serve it as one every fucking season

This. I'm out. OP is ridiculously stupid. Inb4
>I was baiting you all – I know about salt and I know what entree means

what ever, roman, greek or some other shit near by you know what im talking about

and im talking about the royals, not the peasants

>cows are seasonal
>plats are entrees
Sure is summer in here.


>this is stupid!
>i love (insert protein here)
>w-well obviously when i say i love (protein) its universally acknowledged that i mean i love it after its been drowned in these 2 seasonings
>b-but its the (protein) which is so delicious!

>HRH King Julius of Romanland
You're an idiot.

I didn't say that. Bye thicko.

>pretentious proteins
what a faggot you are

Holy shit OP have you never cooked in your entire life?

>inb4 bump limit

Don't listen to all these n00bs, OP. Big salt and pepper goes back further than the rothschild's. These people have been brainwashed for generations into eating the cracked and crystalline jew

This. Add sugar to your food instead OP.

You are an idiot

ive cooked most of my life and never add salt

ive cooked eggs with just some pepper, ive also had them with no pepper or salt, just either over easy or scrambled, they taste fine

butter or cheese is usually the only thing i add to protein, but its because i dont bullshit myself and realize i add it because i like the way butter and cheese taste

not a bunch of salt and say "wow it really brought out the flavor"

fuck off, yeah this fucking cheese that i poured on my pasta really brought out the flavor (im eating pasta n velveet rn)

OP, are your parents twins, by any chance?

you know they'be been brainwashed when they literally buy instruments to prepare the 2 seasonings

they literally have "settings" for the thickness of pepper based on the dish

its almost like the old caveman aspect is being kept around cause if i cant turn and (((CRUSH))) something to add it to my dish it wont taste good

they even think that grinding the pepper somehow makes the pepper more peppery than pre-crushed

but they dont crush their own salt, that is allowed to be pre-grained

My head hurts from trying to comprehend anything OP writes.

maybe its the dehydration from all that salt

I was about to close this window but I started to enjoy OP's stupidness. It's just cute harmless idiocy – like a dog chasing its tail.

Salt addict BTFO. Stay SALTY.


or cantaloupe. god damn a pinch of salt makes cantaloupe even more amazing.

>we're not talking about onions and garlic
the poster seems to be addressing the bit about blood pressure

nobody eats onions or garlic in fancy restaurants cause nobody wants to smell of either when they go back to work after lunch

also those are tertiary factors

this whole "unlock the flavors" meme is bullshit

especially on something like a fillet which literally is told to never be cut before serving and to not cook all the way cause all the flavor inside will be ruined

no amount of salt makes a well done steak taste good and the salt on the outside which is seared isnt penetrating the meat, the while point of the sear is to do the exact opposite, quickly fry the outside to make sure no juices come out, which means nothing is going in, then its baked

>fancy restaurant
Anywhere that isn't McDonald's then?

If you use MSG you can halve the salt in your food without losing taste.

They need to start publicly banning bait threads like this.

They do unlock flavors, it's chemistry. Sagged.

chicken "naturally" is fucking boring. that's why you season it

but (((they))) dont like you using MSG

nice liberal mentality there

"i-i dont like logic upsetting my culture, we need to make it illegal!"

sounds like you dont actually like chicken then

also fried chicken is delicious, if you use basic flour and basic cooking oil, its gonna be delicious

>contempt face
>british cuck voice
>liberal black rimmed glasses
>pretentiously over enunciating

wow everything he says must be the truth!

Exactly. That's exactly how it really works.

Absolutely not.
(((They))) encourage you to consume more.
It's all about lowering testosterone to make the population more passive.
If you don't believe me just look at the servile Japanese manlets.

You have never cooked chicken or fried chicken before. You still put seasonings in the breading for fried chicken.

More proof this is a bait thread
>randomly calling out liberals
You're too obvious m8

yeah you're an idiot, try again when you actually believe and understand what you're saying

im referring to here in america where the salt mines would go out of business if their legal cocaine was overtaken by something else

you could but you dont have to

this is the facts

when you go hunting do you carry around a fucking fanny pack with your little salt and pepper shakers when you cook the game you just killed while on your week of camping?

or do you simply cook it and eat it when its done

everyone i know who puts salt on their food has high blood pressure

>everyone i know who puts salt on their food has high blood pressure
Unless you are 60 i highly fucking doubt it. I also highly doubt that everyone you know knows anything about thier blood pressure. Im pretty sure you are just making shit up.

>they go to the doctor
>told they have high blood pressure
>are on hbp medication now for life

meanwhile im fat as fuck, use no salt and have bp within the normal range, sure its near the high end but still

if you don't use seasonings it's gonna be bland

i like chicken when it's seasoned. when it's unseasoned it's boring

not sure what point you're trying to make

if i went hunting i would take the meat home and season it

if i were camping i would bring salt and pepper so my food actually tastes like something

>eat salty food every day
>go to doctor
>told i have normal blood pressure
>keep eating salty food

so what was the point of this thread again?

Who are you trying to convince with this thread? It sounds like you've already convinced yourself that salt is the devil and now everyone else should stop using it entirely, despite 99% of chefs in the world saying its fine if you don't go overboard.

salt is also one of the worst things to have too little of. just use sparingly

>salt is one of the worst things to have too much of and the main cause for heart/blood pressure issues
incorrect. this is a meme and is false

for most people, too much salt, just makes you thirsty and it gets excreted without raising blood pressure. you need a certain gene for excess salt to raise blood pressure


Salt is necessary to make food taste good

Now if you don't like salt, don't add salt to your food. But please don't cook food for other people. They'll hate you and laugh behind your back.

u r a dumb retard

>Implying anyone would come to dinner at OP's
>Implying he'd invite anyone in the first place

I love salt

I personally can't stand salt unless a recipe calls for it. I'll add a pinch if anything.


judiciously applied salt does not significantly alter the flavor of an ingredient.

applying too much salt can make an ingredient taste "salty" but it takes a lot to get there.

fwiw, salt is known to make it easier for your taste buds to pick up certain, non-salt, flavors.

maybe do some actual research next time before asking such an autistic question.

4/10 for getting me to reply.

Fuck that took far too long.

You're a fucking retard

No salt is bad for you also. Plus, salt tastes great.


>is salt and pepper actually necessary to make tasty dishes?


Salt can be replaced with an acid like lemon/tomato when ya cookin meat but it doesnt "dig in" like salt. Black pepper is ancient god tier spice for turning cooked crap into tastes like food.

Why are any of you replying right now? This fucking dimwit is trying to disregard the concept of seasoning.

What a time to be alive.

Pepper works the same as any spice, it loses flavor gradually as it sits. Being pre-ground makes that orocess much faster, so generally it's preferable to grind your own as you need it, to maintain freshness. Salt is pretty much inert however, as it's just a mineral. How 'fresh' it is has pretty well zero effect.

Also you definitely want to be able to be able to control the grind size for pepper. Finely ground it'll meld with the dish and just offer background seasoning. Coarsely cracked you get bigger pieces that add texture and heat. It's quite different and depends on what you want for the dish.

Good fried chicken generally has several layers of seasoning.
>probably a brine
>seasoning in breading
>pretty well guaranteed salt immediately after coming out of the fryer

>but they dont crush their own salt, that is allowed to be pre-grained

Well sure. Salt is just sodium chloride, perhaps with other trace minerals present. There are no volatile chemicals present. Spices and dried herbs, however, contain volatile chemical compounds which mean they keep longer whole and are best ground right before use. Pre-ground spices lose their flavor very quickly due to the increase surface area.

Salt is used in almost everything because it makes olit easier for us to pick up other flavors, essentially making things taste more like themselves. The general rule for adding salt is that, barring intentionally salty foods like fries or whatever, if you taste actual salt it's too much salt, you just want to enhance the flavors you've got.

As far as blood pressure goes, if you eat home cooked food you're pretty much ok. It's the amount of processed foods people eat that really cause the issue, those tend to be absolutely loaded with way more salt than someone actually cooking would use.

I only use salt and pepper on potato or pasta.