Am I the only one who can't stand pickles on burgers

Am I the only one who can't stand pickles on burgers

I, too, once was 6 years old.

I used to be like you, but then I had an actual pickle on a burger, and not mcdoggles sour green smears and I saw the light and intelligence of what was originally intended and not the poor aproximation that fast food shits out

I can assure you that you are not the only one on this board who is underage, no.

My 4 year old loves pickles.

I can't stand them as well

I am above 18 years of age just to make that clear

I'm 29 and I eat a lot more different foods than I used to and I never ask for modifications to any foods except burgers. Gotta have em plain and dry. It's just embedded into my pallete. I like cheese and bacon and if it's some crazy foodie shit like pic related I'll give it a go but the classic lettuce pickles tomato etc on a burger just doesn't fly with me.

pic related

t. 12 year old


Oh fuck me I would spend like half an hour trying to choose one of those.

Only when I'm not having a bacon cheeseburger, pickles do no belong on those.

>Goat Balls

Yea I really want to spend 45 minutes having to choose a burger then spend the rest of my life wondering about the other ones. No thanks. For me it is the Mcchicken, the best fast food sandwich.

Honestly a big Mac acclimated me to it. It adds a saltiness to it that couldn't be achieved otherwise. Many burgers could do without but it's a nice flavor burst.

I would go for the salted sow


>Bad hombre

I like them on burgers, though I don't like them by themselves.


>Am I the only one who can't stand?
-Pikles Ornburgress the beetus

Does your family have a history of autism?


Why the FUCK do fast food places put a big, juicy pickle on the top of a god damn grilled cheese sandwich?

I can eat them on the burger, but I prefer them on the side. I feel like they conflict with the ketchup.

>everyone with different tastes than you is a child
t. someone who enjoys pickles