Which country has the best sandwich?
Which country has the best sandwich?
>bug sushi is a sandwich
This goes beyond total sandwich anarchy.
>every flag except japan
>Not PB&J
What is this bullshit?
Could've at least meme'd and put a burger as murrigan.
Do americans eat anything on their sandwich besides mayo?
The obesity rates say no.
You forgot Italy
Bacon sandwich with Wilson's gravy.
If you dislike it you've never tried it, fuck off.
Bonus retard points if you don't know the difference between bacon and ham.
Unironically Australia
United States
>wilson's gravy
Its fucking brown sauce mate, can tell you're a southerner jesus and that bacon looks gash pal.
Mama Mia.
bacon is too thick and fatty, bread is 50/50 not white, 2/10
also "wilson's gravy", go back to essex
Looks ally to me, shandy boy.
>bahn mi
>No results
Delete this thread
ching chong ping pong
McDonald's Mcchicken, the best fast food sandwich
Too stupid from shit living to formulate a real opinion much
Is that a chip butty for England?
Hey look everybody, we got ourselves a real opinion formulator here!
Normally they disgust me, but of the options presented, the chip bitty is the best.
Second to none.
Cuban Sandwich > everything else
This and lobster rolls are both pretty dank. How can worst coasters even compete?
>He doesn't put mayo on his pb&j