Verbosely using adjectives that end in "ly" in your writing

>verbosely using adjectives that end in "ly" in your writing

>adjectives that end in -edly


>using adjectives.

>frankfurter wurstchen

I find myself having a natural dislike for adjectives, but sometimes their use is warranted. Why are they so despised, though?

The problem with adjectives is that it's easy to use them like a kindergartner. I flinch everytime I'm reading a story and suddenly I read something like "he shrugged embarrassedly" It's just- it's awful. I can't take it. Why? Why does this happen?

Adjectives are fine. Except people tend to use them as a substitute for actually writing.

embarrassedly would be an adverb though...


True. With a halfway competent writer the reader would understand that the shrug was done "embarrassedly" via context. In cases when context is not obvious it must be ok to use adjectives. Right?

Overusing them is bad, but remove them altogether, and you tend to just get "he said, he did, he went"-level tedious banality and I think that's worse.

Oh shit...didn't notice

Isn't that what Stephen King does?

Basic grammar up in here

Ok, I fucked up, but my point stands.

You used an adverb in your OP, some people would say you used it verbosely.

Eeeey! *finger guns*

OP btfo, embarrassingly

People itt fail to see that english is ugly precisely because people who love and create english want short words, short expressions, they want slogans. English is good for this. As soon as you go beyond these little -ly, the english sentences become heavy and ugly.

iyss, mert.

I've started saying bigly in real life now.

This thread's going terribly.


> this thread
The Americans-and-adverbs meme is real.

those are called adverbs

This thread is fucking embarassing.

>mfw this is an actual word
>mfw I have no face
