Why does he have so much lolis and pedophilia stuff in his books?

Why does he have so much lolis and pedophilia stuff in his books?

I don't want jokes or speculation, I want the actual reason. Has there been any academic writing that addresses it?

I can only really recall in GR... don't remember any of it in anything else I've read

well in gravitys rainbow im pretty sure slothrops affair with bianca is supposed to be the point that he goes from a likeable protaganist to a tragic figure. hes transgressed a moral threshold that pretty much any decent human being would find unacceptable and i think its no coincidence that this is around the same time he starts to disintegrate from the narrative. but i dunno maybe pynchon is just a sick fuck

There's an entire song about it in TCoL49.

To appeal to his audience

Why does he have so much coprophilia?
A lot of is honestly being transgressive and taboo for the sake of being transgressive and taboo.

you can say it's because of "muh domination and submission metaphor" but there are a million other ways to go about that, so yeah it's basically just to be edgy and subversive. Not that it isn't great stuff, though.

>A lot of is honestly being transgressive and taboo for the sake of being transgressive and taboo.
Do you really not see how this is a good thing? Whenever a group of animals tries to ban something, the works of great artists can be used as an example to stop them in the name of artistic integrity.

If somebody makes it big, they have an obligation to humanity to be as edgy as possible.

Because it's fucking hilarious is mason and dixon.

>Do you really not see how this is a good thing?
When did I imply it was a bad thing?

You implied it was a bad thing. Because there is nothing else that phrasing can mean. You're only now back pedaling or being snarky. That other user is just throwing shit at a wall and you're reacting in a very low section.

why does he have so many rockets?

Pinecone knew where the internetz was go.

bianca is 16 when he fucks her that was perfectly fine in those days, not that its cool now but it was historically acceptable at the time.

>bianca is 16
wha? when does it say she's 16? I thought she was like 12

Why is GR so fucking dense it will take me months to finish this garbage
Since you faggots meme'd me into reading Ulysses I can't read normal shit anymore

Hehe cuz it's like a peniz and we imagine it as our peniz killing our enemies

He is pretty lecherous with those scenes. Not just Bianca, but Pirate's received fantasy of the old man leering at the girl guide, Polker's unspoken affair with his daughter, Blicero with Geoffery [I don't think his age was ever explicitly mentioned], and Slothrop with the vampire girlchild.

In M&D you can tell the three South African daughters are favorites of his. I don't know, honestly he might have an ephebophile thread or two within him.

But then again given the scope and depth with which he writes he may just be covering all his bases.

I read it in 8 days

I'm a really slow reader (aka brainlet)

uhh 14 is the age of consent in most of south europe

A month is a good time frame. Take two months if you need it mate; it's not a race.

Yeah it is I still have to start with the greaks

>tommy what's gotten into you man?

Yeah, the bar scene where the dude always tries to fuck 16 year old girls

It makes his modern admirers on the more academic side extremely uncomfortable. Can't affirm that it was the purpose all along, but if there is to be a purpose, I think that's a more credible one than most.

when it comes to making academics uncomfortable, Samuel Delany's "Hogg" wins, every time, so why even compete?

16 is legal here in the U.K.