Can pronounce v's and w's perfectly with my inner voice when reading a book

>can pronounce v's and w's perfectly with my inner voice when reading a book
>can't pronounce it when speaking it aloud

Hello Rajeet!

I'm from Transylvania and when my family moved to America people would make fun of me for doing this exact same thing.

Is cute

I wouldnt even speak to you irl desu senpai

Same deal 'f' and 'th'

Nigga senpai

How come American English speakers can pronounce every sound other languages can, but not vice versa?

I mean as an American English speaker I might not know what I'm talking about but generally speaking Americans come in contact with the most variety of foreign languages at young ages so they probably learn many more phenoms than people of other cultures.

Why is such a basic word as "literature" completely impossible to pronounce properly?


I prefer


t. Burger

i always thought it sounded too similar to really tell the difference

Ever heard an American trying to speak French ?

This is hilariously wrong in every conceivable way.

Good luck on sounding like an English native speaker.

The correct pronunciation of the two 'th' sounds is the final boss of English.

I am an English native speaker though.

Obviously in cases like "Though" then TH- sounds nothing like F-.

But in cases like "four" and "Thor" then they sound too similar to me.

Four sounds like an 'f'.
Thor sounds like a 'th'.

They have nothing in common except being fricatives.

Estuary southern English?

When they learn it young their pronunciation is impeccable. Most americans choose spanish, so if they end up visiting france they only learn a few phrases. Most "cultured" americans can easily pronounce things from other western european languages whose cultures have more of a hold hear. German, Italian, spanish, chinese, even vietnamese words are almost always intoned correctly.

English draws from so many other languages it lays the groundwork for learning many other ways of speaking. America is also insanely multicultural which may help with that

I think he is talking about the two sounds that are both spelled "th" They are made almost the exact same way though, as in the difference between the "th" in "things" and "those."

Am I being baited? Americans can barely keep with latinisms in english, like diphtongs and digraphs

Hath the the three-thirds thought they, then thou thoroughly thinks methinks. Though thy thick thought thins thorough through thunk things, thine theosophies threadbare theme thine theatrics therefore.

She surely shan't, shall she?

Hussle Scissors!

I buyed it. English speakers can't deal with tripartite diphthongs.

Like the eau in Bordeaux wants to be broken in the English mouth along e/au fault as e-aux. We'd want it with a horribly asperated ough.


>When they learn it young their pronunciation is impeccable.
That's true for literally any language you retard.
>Most "cultured" americans can easily pronounce things from other western european languages
That's why Americans constantly make the "I'll be Bach" pun?

"a" as in the "u" sound in "umpire" and "ture" rhyming with "sure".
Four syllables

The "th" in "things" and "those" are exactly the same though

Pleb mouth? Is this it?

They should be saying "I'll be black"; lmao

Or if I feel like enunciating: literachure

OP English sucks, ghoti

ooh boy not gonna take this bait

JAJA have luck pronouncing a spanish J

Wait, don't you pronounce "bordeaux" as "board-oh"?

>tfw russian

i cant speak english but at least they cant speak my language either

The fuck? Everyone I know pronounces -eaux as "oh" or "ew"

really makes you think...

дaт из вaт ю тинк!

I've never heard it pronounced anyway other than "oh"

>tha' feel when ye've gorra 'eaveh region'l accun' an' fowk dote understand ye anyway, even when thuh from't same country, like

2шe бpaт

>mfw I would trigger everyone in this thread if they knew I came from Versailles
>pronounced "Vir - sails"

all w's should be pronounced as v's and all v's should be pronounced w's


V is just a voiced F.

>yи /лит/ нay