Thoughts on Cheese Pizza?

thoughts on Cheese Pizza?

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Bannable offense

I usually just get cheese and people think it's weird.

That's a really smooth sink. Aesthetic curves. Sopping wet faucet. Tight drain.

How drunk are you?

How new are you?

In terms of an actual pizza - It's really good.
In terms of CP - Kill yourself

If the place has good cheese it can be great. If it's terrible cheese obviously it's awful. It can be used as a good judge of a place the first time going there as well.

I enjoy cheese but it's just way too much in one place.

Crust looks decent, and the colouration on the cheese is almost perfect.
Not too greasy either.

I don't get it

/b/tards used to hide CP in pictures of sinks.

are you FUCKING KIDDING ME I used to look at every fucking thread because I, honest to god, thought the sinks looked neat

I am probably being watched by the FBI. holy shit is this why people always used to fuck with me at work?

oh, how? did they make them tiny or something?


I don't know how they did it, but you would save the image and then open it with Winrar and there would be galleries of CP there.

My memory is rusty so that might not be exactly what it was like, but it was something like that.

You'd see a low-res image of a sink that was like 20 MB, so you knew there was more to it than just the picture of the sink.

You been around a while.

They know the difference between the unassuming and the guilty. They aren't as stupid as people make them out to be, mostly.

Ten years and counting.

Something like this.

Wow thats pretty cool, whats a lightning link?

It makes a semiautomatic handgun fully automatic.

>tfw been on this website over 10 years and never picked up on the sink shit until like the past year, like many other things.
I'm still a fucking newfag just because of how thick I am.

It's okay, user. I've been here since a month after the site opened and I still don't understand what those weird marimite threads were about.


When were the CP sinks around? Reminds me of pirating ebooks hidden in images of their covers

I want to say mid to late '00s.

I wonder if anyone older than 12 still goes to /b/. Everyone who made the board bearable just seemed to drift away. Or maybe I just got older.

There are legitimately some really lovely sinks and I've been on other sites where people just post pics of sinks. Do't have any on my laptop though sorry

>tfw I was in those threads just to look at all the neat sinks

/b/ used to be more varied. Nowadays it's just "[some porn category] thread" over and over

When do ppl understand that less is more on pizza, like Chicago style pizza is just the worst with its 3m of cheesestrings....
When I go to my favorite place the margarita has real mozzarella not the fake shit

Have you heard about an evil group of men that control the world's cheese industry?

The Hallouminati.

babbies first pizza

I still get into it every once in a while

take your basil leaves meme pizzza and shove it up your faggot ass.

>meme pizza
>literally the original pizza

I don't eat cheese. It is the worst food in america

it's a meme now, thanks to you faggot hipster reddit retards.

Nothing like a tremoudously good 'go 'za

>visiting religious relatives
>were getting pizza!
>oh yea its its friday
every time

prefer candydoll over cp. lera & nika

how bout I shove your dick up my ass you fucking queer

In my country it's hard to get fresh basil so I always make some basil pesto and add it a bit for my pizza, it's pretty great.

>I don't like it
>Must be a meme
>Must be reddit
Fucking kill yourself

American :
"If it's green, I don't eat it, except if there is added sugar, 50%fat and a 90% discount on it"

Buy dry basil, put it in a hot stove, the parfum will be liberate then add some olive oil and pour everything on the pizza

Cheese pizza? More like best pizza.



Get outta here, Hansen, we're discussing food.

Those guys over on /aco/ on the other hand, you should keep an eye out for.

By making the pictures into .rar archives. I'd tell you how, but uploading files with attachments in them is a bannable offense.

>turn 20 next month
>I'll have been browsing here for 7 years
Damn, time sure does fly.

How's basil? Haven't put much on my pizzas aside from pepperoni and cheese, and sometimes ham if i'm out of the pepperoni.
Red pepper is always nice, too.

w-what? I just really like cheese pizza. It's a good thing we have the finest of the finest cheese here in the Netherlands.

posted it fine. Gookmoot doesn't update moots filters

We know all about the under-aged cheese you've imported from the Baltic, Amsterdam. Why don't you take a seat over there?

Yea, I heard you guys sold it on the gas station magazine racks all the way up to 2000.

We all got older, user. Time has become a thin sheet.

It's literally impossible to block my picture because the data is part of the picture.
BMP is basically raw data. If an archival format can be roughly made out of random data, 7zip or whatever will still open it.
The other image formats aren't like that though. They're compressed, have specified metadata fields, etc. This makes it easier for moot to make a filter to detect hidden data.
That's why old methods of steganography like Cornelia don't work anymore.

whoop lel, I mean Cornelia.hta (script)
Cornelia (method) is what I used. Shit's so hard to remember nowadays.
Anyways, basic bitch steganography that doesn't hide the data inside the image won't work on Veeky Forums.

Jesus christ how fucking horrifying.

God fucking dammit John get back to making episodes

Speaking of pizza, I don't get why people don't like pineapple on it. It's actually really fucking good.

>tfw my decoder doesnt work since the last change
Help me bros ;_;

Habanero pizza or gtfo

Holy shit. Do people do it with other images randomly?

>T. Newfag desu~