Looking for something in Spanish to read on my 20 minute train ride every day...

Looking for something in Spanish to read on my 20 minute train ride every day. Something short and not incredibly dense but also not mindless genre fiction either.
Pic related, tried reading ficciones and couldn't take it all in.

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invention of morel




hey, this was a great recommendation. Thanks.

El Juguete Rabioso
Los Siete Locos

he's easy to read but also fucking amazing

A short Bolaño novel. Perez Reverte makes interesting adventure and mystery stuff.

La ley de herodes

Read classic short story books like Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte, or Historias de cronopios y de famas.

Arlt writes like shit though, terrible recommendation for someone learning the language.

Try a book of poems by Cesar Vallejo, lad.


the absolute short-madman: epublibre.org/autor/index/3973

Those are not easy for a non-native speaker.

This if you lie poetry, or just find random ones of his online, maybe some Neruda as well.

Asturias' Banana Trilogy is some of his lightest stuff.

Avoid his poetry though. I like it, but it's just wordplay and puns. Kinda like a spanish-speaking Jimmy Carr.

El llano en llamas by Juan Rulfo. Is a collection of 17 short stories about diverse themes setted on rural post-revolution México.

I was working my way through 2666. Got through about 500 pages but it was just too tough to read about murders in the desert every day on my commute.

Yeah I started reading siete locos about two years ago and struggled with it.

That's why I said a short Bolaño novel, those are more accessible.

Which would you recommend?

>something short
la rosa de paracelso


was replying to the first post boludo

What? Can you just reccomend me a short bolaño book lol

try llamadas telefonicas