What am i in for lads?

what am i in for lads?

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A waste of a decade

>you'll always come back
They aren't even bothering to hide it anymore

Why do all my friends drink nothing but this shit?

>plastic bottle with a Native-American themed pattern

You're going to discover why homeless people drink this shit very soon

Just run it through one of those Brita water filter things and you'll be fine.

That's how premium vodka is made, they just take shitty vodka and filter it a bunch of times but the CORPORATIONS don't want you to know

When you have to drink wodka every day just to hold back the radiation poisoning, you learn a thing or two of how to make it good

>hold back the radiation poisoning
Does that actually work? I thought it was just a joke in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

This is also how the finest cognacs are made, they take a shitty whiskey and age it in barrels for 15 years.

This here

You mean Brandy?

Vodka has radiation prevention/etc properties to it. Just google it. Other alcohols too.

It isn't some video-game style cure like it goes away immediately, and it doesn't even really work as well as a medicine might; but it does and can work.

It's real. Some people go on tours of Chernobyl in Ukraine and the tour guides constantly feed them vodka.

It has an extremely mild ability to flush free radicals from the body

but if thats the goal, you're better off drinking tea

That's the biggest lie I've seen on Veeky Forums in about an hour. You need special permits to go there. And it's only for science/government as far as I know.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>It's real. Some people go on tours of Chernobyl in Ukraine and the tour guides constantly feed them vodka.
That sounds like an excellent way to get robbed.

>i'm a huge dumb retard : the post

truth in advertising. first it goes down, then it comes back up

I know I'm replying to a late post but nobody said it yet:
Sorry bud, lurk more, try /k/. They're obsessed with that sort of thing.

Because it's the best bottom bin vodka, and vodka is the best cheap liquor.

What does oxidative stress have to do with radiation exposure?

>throwing a boomerang downwards


The hangovers from that shut
You're gonna have a great time, then a bad time


>getting your boomerang knowledge from cartoons

that's how it works though
