How do you talk to unintelligent people?

and I don't mean brainlets, I mean people who are literally just dumb in the way they talk. There's nothing worse than talking to some stranger and then realizing their level of discourse is just way below the average person's.

Do you just invent dumb stuff to say on the fly just for the sake of conversation? I unironically feel bad for these people.

I try to think from their perspective. Try to imagine how they expect me to respond to whatever they say.
that's how I talk to all normies

I assess whether the conversation is worth continuing.

But sometimes I accept that's these are normie customs that's I must partake in.

treat them with respect without pretending you're on their level of intelligence

Act like the fucking aspie you are and wait for them to come to terms with your shit.

ppl who are actually cool generally respond well to not being fake and if they are annoyed and you're not being a dick then they are unilluminated pieces of shit anyway so fuck em

DONT, just Dont

and whatever you do, dont try explaining complex shit to them, you will just confuse them which will make them angry.

I try and not talk about rick and morty

I avoid them.
t.grew up in public multicultural school

Talk like a black person "DAYUM BRO NO WAY!"



Just act like you're a white guy trying to be black. Accent and all. But if they're literally retarded just walk away. I usually talk to a lot of real dumb people so I just say "dayyyum" when I have nothing to say.

just talk about rick and morty / game of thrones yo fucking faggot

You have to have a VERY high I.Q. to understand Rick and Morty. he humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens.


Intelligence does not confine anyone to have intelligent conversations intrinsically. You yourself are assuming a logical fallacy and it is ironic.

I just let more of my southern accent come through. Even though my grammar is correct it makes me seem more normal or w/e

>How do you talk to unintelligent people?
Grunts, pointing, obscene gestures, and threatening body language.

I usually whip out my tablet and put the latest episode of Rick and Morty on. After a few minutes they're usually too intimidated to talk to me any more.

Sheer vitriolic derision.
Belittle them into depression and psychosis.
That's how.

If you can't explain topics to somebody its not them who is dumb

You think this is bad ?

Youve never seen a group of dumb people who think theyre correct and assume that they have high IQ just because they are a little less dumber than the most dumb. They then think that you a fucking retard, the only way to shut up these vain unaware assholes is to show proof of your mensa membership. Inironically they think that mensa is the highest form of intelligence and anything that would come out of a mensan's mouth is automatically fact.

>Youve never seen a group of dumb people who think theyre correct and assume that they have high IQ just because they are a little less dumber than the most dumb.
But we're on Veeky Forums right now

Yes, but that it sure does dramatically reduce the chances of intelligent conversation, and it makes some conversations impossible. I don't think you have enough information about OP's motives to point out a fallacy.

This. Holy balls this.

Replace "Mensa" with "IQ" and you have this board in a nutshell

Mensa isn't anything special.
It's basically an even more pretentious youth club.

there's no such thing as a single type of intelligence. Our brains aren't just a bunch of 1's and 0's like a computer and whoever holds the most is the smartest, the brain is complex and people are complex. I don't understand what's so hard to get about this.

I just ignore brainlets/dumb people.

You don't try to talk to insects right?

Why would you talk to human insects?

Best post

You just dumb your self down for the situation.

>tfw you are the dumb one

Feels bad

I play dumb around my friends and extended family. Actually, I play dumb around everyone except my father. Everyone else thinks I'm an incompetent buffoon. Goes to show what brainlets they really are if they're so easily fooled.

Practice in a mirror OP

subtle Veeky Forums bashing

only correct answer ITT

Unintelligent people aren't a problem. Belligerent people are.

I have friends who are slow and don't have any more problems with them than anyone else. I don't find it hard to talk to them at all. Find something you have in common, just like everyone else. If you have nothing in common, you probably have nothing to say to each other.

If you're talking about people with severe disability, like downsyndrome or etc. then it's more how you treat them that matters, than what you talk about, since their ability to talk is obviously disabled to the extreme.

same way you would talk to somebody just learning english.

Talk really slow and gesticulate. Drool a bit to make them feel comfortable and slut your words. Drag your knuckles on the ground as a sign of comradarie.

Well for blacks it’s just a simple “ooh” or an “ahh”, preferably following each other like “ooh ooh ahh ahh”. I can’t help you with anyone else really