What branch of math should I self-study to better understand the following concepts, for theological purposes: Oneness...

What branch of math should I self-study to better understand the following concepts, for theological purposes: Oneness, Multiplicity, Infinity, Continuity, Zero(Nothingness), Absolute, Consistency, Convergence.

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Popmath will give you the deep illusion of understanding necessary for spiritual enlightenment.

Try numberphile

pickup dummit and foote

probably analysis

Thread is idiotic, but you should study analysis and topology.

Baby rudin ------> Folland for measure theory

I love Folland don’t get me wrong but I think for a self-studier the Stein and Shakarchi book is basically all you need for Reals.
Maybe even for basic analysis a la baby Rudin, but I haven’t read that one.

>pop math
>cantor was a brainlet
t. naive engineer

Set theory, analysis, geometry and topology.

Toontown is god

back to Veeky Forums you go

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says the amount of entropy in the universe cannot decrease, but Ellis and Coule [122] and I[21] have shown that the amount of entropy already in the CMBR will eventually contradict the Bekenstein Bound near the final singularity unless there are no event horizons, since in the presence of horizons the Bekenstein Bound im plies the universal entropy S ≤ constant [i.e., the Bekenstein Bound]×R2, where R is the radius of the universe, and general relativity requires R→0 at the final singularity. If there are no horizons then the (shear) energy density can grow as R−6 which means that the total available energy grows as (R−6)R3 ∼ R−3, and so the Bekenstein Bound yields ER ∼ (R−3)R ∼ R−2 which diverges as R−2 as R→ 0 at the final singularity.

Per the laws of physics, as the universe comes to an end at this singularity in a particular form of the Big Crunch, the computational capacity of the universe (in terms of both its processor speed and memory storage) increases unlimitedly with a hyperbolic growth rate as the radius of the universe collapses to zero, allowing an infinite number of bits to be processed and stored before the end of spacetime. Via this supertask, a simulation run on this cosmological computer can thereby continue forever in its own terms (i.e., in computer clock time, or experiential time), even though the universe lasts only a finite amount of proper time. The known laws of physics require there be intelligent civilizations in existence at the appropriate time in order to force the collapse of the universe and then manipulate its collapse so that the computational capacity of the universe can diverge to infinity. Due to the increasing temperature of the universe during the collapse phase (wherein the temperature diverges to infinity), life will have to transfer its information processes to higher energy states, eventually using elementary particles to directly compute on via traveling waves and standing waves. As the radius of the universe goes to zero, the matter energy of the universe goes to positive infinity,1 thereby allowing the number of particle states in which to store information to diverge to infinity. The Omega Point final singularity and its state of infinite informational capacity is by definition God, due to it having all the haecceitiesclaimed for God by the traditional religions. The final singularity is actually a different aspect of the Big Bang initial singularity, i.e., the first cause, a definition of God held by all the Abrahamic religions.

The implication of the Omega Point cosmology for present day humans is that the cosmic-scale computer close in proper time to the Omega Point will be able to run computer emulations which are perfectly accurate down to the quantum level of every physically-possible universe, and of any life contained in them, from the start of the Big Bang (which starts at zero informational capacity and diverges to infinite informational capacity as the universe progresses in time, thereby allowing sufficiently later states of the universe to perfectly render earlier states). The recreated inhabitants at the states near the Omega Point will thereby be resurrected in an infinite-duration afterlife, which can take any imaginable form due to its computer rendered nature. The interstellar colonization phase required for achieving the Omega Point will be accomplished by naturally-evolved sapient lifeforms (with such species indepen dently evolved on average roughly every Hubble volume2) whose brains have been transformed (e.g., with nanotechnology) into artificial computers (such as quantum computers) onboard tiny starships of circa one kilogram that will exponentially colo nize space, many times faster than mortal human beings. The incredible expense of keeping flesh-and-blood humans alive in space makes it highly improbable that such humans will ever personally travel to other stars. Instead, highly efficient substrate transformations of naturally-evolved sapient minds and artificial intelligences will spread civilization throughout space. Given the rate of exponential growth of human technological development, this colonization phase should likely start before 2100. Small spaceships under heavy acceleration up to relativistic speeds can then reach nearby stars in less than a decade. In one million years, these superintelligent self replicating spacecraft will have completely colonized the Milky Way Galaxy.

In 100 million years, the Virgo Supercluster will be colonized. From that point on, the entire visible universe will be engulfed by these sapient spaceships as it approaches the point of maximum expansion. The final singularity of the Omega Point itself will be reached between 1018 and 1019 years of proper time (i.e., one quintillion to ten quintillion years, using the US short scale convention for names of large numbers).3

>Popmath will give you the deep illusion of understanding necessary for spiritual enlightenment.
In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

Yes... very good....i like it.

Read Aristotle

t. brainlet
