Is there any reason to use a chicken breast over thigh...

is there any reason to use a chicken breast over thigh? Thigh is so much more juicy and easier to cook and tastes way better. whats the point of breast meat

>liking legs over breasts

thicc posters will be ovened.

My neck...

Thigh meat is not white.

If it aint white it aint right

>eating dark meat

op likes his meat dark. he enjoys the tastes of big black drumsticks in his mouth.

What my grandparents used to say.

But they both meant something different by it.

Dark meat tastes way better than white meat.

im so confused though. the meats are all white even after cooking they get slightly darker but still white. wtf is this dark meat nonsense

If it ain't dark
Fuck you

>thread about chicken turns into a /pol/fest in less than two posts.

I'm inclined to agree. I exclusively use thighs at home. Thighs have such a better texture and don't dry out like breasts have a tendency to do.

Breast for schnitzels, sandwiches and salads.
Thigh for stir fry, curries and braises.

>chicken schnitzel










I deserved that one.

Breasts are only good for stuffing.
Everything else should use thighs.
Except wings. If you want to make wings, use wings.

this is so lewd

>I deserved that one.


Oh... you haven't seen lewd yet.


deep fried for sandwiches or grilled for salads thats about it. other wise thighs all the way.

my mum only eats breast meat and she's a mid 50 year old white woman whose favourite food is a microwaved potato with butter.

this is everyone who prefers breast over thigh.

Breasts taste better brined and fried than thighs. For me, it's the Chik Fil A chicken sandwich.

Breast works better for fitting my macros.

The only time dark meat should be used is for meal prepping

shit for once this is right

>come on now

Thighs are the greatest. So versatile and tasty.

Breast for cutlets and tendies, thigh for basically anything else.

There are about 5 dishes where breast is better than thigh meat (BBQ chicken pizza, Chicken kiev) and about 5 more where breast is as good as thigh (Fried chicken).

What pisses me off is, people have such a hard-on for chicken breast that all canned chicken soups advertise "100% white breast meat chicken!" like that's something to be proud of.

Show me where I can buy some chicken soup made with thighs, and I'll be a loyal customer for life.

Fucking spot on

I wish I was a mid 50 year old women.
I'd have constant anal trains run on my gaping asshole, huge tits swinging and precum leaking constantly from my caged little cock.

I'd tell you to seek therapy, but this is likely the only place that understands you.

Fat content
If you're doing keto go for thighs (it's also very hard to overbake unlike breasts)
If you're doing an isocaloric diet go for breasts


>is there any reason to use a chicken breast over thigh?
deep frying


tell us more

Just buy a whole chicken and put in on the grill friends. Remember to put the thighs closer to the heat as they require more cooking :)