
Post your schizophrenic and or drug induced scientific and mathematical thoughts here

>If time travelers from the future visited our time and used their own weaponry, the resultant description would likely look like the symptoms of mental illness or self-delusion, if it seemed to not be lies
>The scientifically or logically best legal or ethical system may run contrary to our feelings. Would this make it impossible to live by on a massive scale? Would forced assimilation procedures be morally justified if it legitimately enhanced society and the individual through this behavioral modification?
>Scientists do not get enough political power in our society. They should be our guiding candle, but they tend to be left to the side, only used as political weapons instead of used as oracles of objective truth depending upon their credentials.
>A society without scientists as a candle of truth will not go in any direction in line with reality. How do we stop this from happening and how do we even recognize it?

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well seems like you had your episode but let me comment on your.. revelations first:

>if time travelers
I don't get it, how would the resultant description be even possible without a clear evidence of time travel? ofc it's mental illness or self-delusion in reality because the time travel you imagine is literally impossible...

>the best system
Well depends how you define "best" system... best for whom? humanity? individuality? progress? survival?

I will elaborate on this at the bottom, as I have thought about it myself...

>scientist do not get enough pol power
careful there... first, scientist are also humans, with all their flaws and frailties, no scientist can give you objective truths nor are they oracles... second, science is the quest for knowledge. nowhere is stated that the scientific system we created is getting to a realistic representation of reality... actually since we can't know everything, the quest is futile...

>society without scientist
again, scientist are human and I promise you that EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIS WHO HAS EVER LIVED, DIED WITH A MISCONCEPTION ABOUT SOMETHING! be it a thing big as "the earth is flat" or a small thing like "peanuts are nuts"..

now my 2 cents:
dont confuse science and scientists. science is a system to manage knowledge in a way it's truthfulness can be somewhat evaluated. because of that I agree it is the only way for us humans to improve our efficiency as a whole. scientist on the other hand are just people who are curious and curiosity has it's dangers. Know that almost all of our scientific and technological advances was made in times of war.

regarding the "best" system. Have you ever thought about the fact that we are not the end to evolution and that machines might be more efficient in every way after they finally achieved consciousness.

so bottom line, would you surrender your humanity to live in a better system governed by machines? the ultimate goal being to transit humanity to a new state, would you like that?

Is the height of a judge's desk optimized for psychological intimidation?

nice bait

why dont you come up with your own thoughts brainlet. im not sharing my gold with you

Funny, I'm just writing a short story now fictionalising my drug-addled ramblings (only weedlmao though, although I'd love to do LSD and DMT (not together)).

Thinking of submitting to Asimov's if it get written to a decent standard.

nice, also yes.

you have to look up it's a display of power and domination method through showing that you are in a disadvantage point.

disadvantageous position*

I know this is going to sound completely insane but I believe my schizophrenic break actually unlocked the secrets of the universe to my being for a short period of time albeit hazy. I believe that energy may be interconnected and water is the earths blood, I also believe that we are all one consciousness living in different forms but part of the same process. God is the process and we are the process inside of the process I also believe that certain doors may be open in context to what level of consciousness we are on and also certain floors will be gotten unto if the dinosaurs parameters (walking) are met.

get a candle and an oil burner, or a wax thing for a bong if you have one. The smoke is harsh and you waste most of it. You want vapors.
Alternatively, sandwich method if buying a pipe makes you feel like a crackhead.

Sounds like psychs

>certain floors will be gotten unto if the dinosaurs parameters (walking) are met
I was following until that bit.

Google: Panpsychism

I only did acid once but I was convinced I could see the 4th dimension. I was looking at a lamp in the corner of my room and could somehow see a picture I had hung on the wall directly behind it, even though the lamp was blocking it entirely. I thought that I had 3 eyes and since with 2 eyes you can see 3 dimensions, I figured that with 3 eyes I could see 4. It made sense at the time.

one time my friend said to me
describe nothing, and after 1 min i said
a vacum where is not a single atom, and no light
yeah but there is stil space in there, space is space, its something
i was speeachless, i thought 2 weeks before i had an idea, i was thinking about time, time isnt a material, but it needs space to be, but then it struck me like a lightning bolt, imagination is nothing, it isnt a material, it doesnt need space, its just nothing

"Describe nothing" is paradoxical, since it wouldn't have properties to describe.

Basically, atoms couldn’t have no empty space between them, because then they couldn’t move. Nothing is the space atoms move through.

Get comfy and watch:

what is a dinosaur parameters (walking). please explain in depth as possible.

Lurk moar

Sometimes I have similar thoughts about empty space

Imagine a homonculus - the figure of a person with their more sensitive sensory organs increased in size. Now imagine a graph of the universe, but empty space is squeezed into nothing so gas clouds, solar systems, planets, etc. are directly next to each other and points of dense mass are increased in size proportionally

Then make the sort of compressed-ness of the space not affect the time at which light still has to travel through that area. Even if a bunch of empty space is squeezed into a millimeter worth of space, make light still travel at the same speed as usual through there

Maybe at this modified parameter space in which the universe is rendered there are interactions using geometrical relations to the other masses and this explains some physical force

>>Scientists do not get enough political power in our society. They should be our guiding candle
No SCIENCE does not get enough political power. A scientist is no more important than anyone else, it is the objective work they produce that would be "our candle".

Attitudes like this are the reason Bill Nye can push his bullshit political agenda.

inb4 bill nye isnt a scientist.
No shit.


In all honesty I only added the dino to break the unfalsifiable tension, and while my explanation of what I saw was intentionally poorly written, I still believe my assertations, half heartidly at that, because a friend explained everything I saw without asking me a single question, nor being told about my experience prior to the conversation.

I think that since we are a process within a process(?), the knowledge of the universe is stored within all of us, also titties.

We're currently as a discordant harmonic frequency. Humanity needs to quickly get to the next harmonic.

Maybe someone stabbed me with a needle at a death grips show
Cool and bad

What, just now? You should really see a doctor.

With what? A knife? I'm skeptical of this. If they really did, why'd you post it here?