Is Bukowski garbage?

I have a good size stack of his work from when I was younger, but now that I'm an adult I can't stand any of it. Maybe some poems here and there. Did I just grow up and become a normal semi-adjusted human rather than a shitty teenager or was it always this bad and I was too dumb to notice?

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I bought a collection of his poems with a gift card I got for Christmas. I've only read a handful of them but I thought some of them were decent. Some of them are definitely fedora tier tho

You have no right to accuse others of being fedora tier.

not that guy but you have hardly an idea of what fedora implies.
tho would imply he was socially adjusted for the times, aka not a fedora who would use some 20 dollar word to try to advance a cringe-worthy impression of themself.

No, fedoras are redditors who want to emulate black culture by transliterating their malformed street vernacular and listeninh to (c)rap music.

umm no?
liking rap music is hardly fedora-tier. It's "hip".
Fedora-types are by definition of unhip, trapped in cultural references from decades past with little concept of what's occurring in modernity, aka more like you for instance, someone who thinks rap music is a plague instead of just a natural progression of our culture (for better or worse).

>modern music is crap! wrung generashun REEEEEEEEE

You have no right to accuse others of being fedora tier.

It's very fedora tier. Fedoras want to be different and accepting, so they try to act like black people while retaining their nerdy image. They're common on Veeky Forums, they act like American black culture is some kind of great and insightful enigma, they listen to the black music that isn't quite mainstream, and they are intimidated by blacks. Get with the times, your definition of fedora died off a decade ago.

You mean contemporary? Anyway, I didn't say it was. I said rap music is, and that is true. If you like unintelligible babble recited over low quality snare samples, then be my guest, but don't act like it makes you superior.

You are a fucking retard, stop ruining my thread

>Fedoras want to be different and accepting, so they try to act like black people while retaining their nerdy image. They're common on Veeky Forums, they act like American black culture is some kind of great and insightful enigma, they listen to the black music that isn't quite mainstream, and they are intimidated by blacks.

How did me saying tho imply any of that? Keep playing mental gymnastics kid.

The latter. Post Office is funny in parts, I can't deny it. I never bothered with his poetry.

he peaked with post office and his poetry will only make sense to a drunk

>I said rap music is, and that is true. If you like unintelligible babble recited over low quality snare samples, then be my guest, but don't act like it makes you superior.

I never even said I liked rap music or that it made me superior. Why the fuck are you on Veeky Forums if you can't go two lines without fabricating a strawman. You clearly haven't read enough.

Stop being a fedora, then, "tho".
Because your transliterating black street vernacular, that's what fedoras do.

Why do you think I'm accusing you? Learn to read, brainlet.

>implying the people who listen to rap music think they're superior
most of them just want to be part of something, to feel hip and involved. It's not the worst thing that could happen. It's just a phase of a progressive culture. It's been pointing this way for like 70 years.

What are you talking about you mongoloid? Tho is just an abbreviation of though. It takes less time to type out. What about that makes you think it's black vernacular?

you are literally autistic and definitely the most fedora person in this thread.
you clearly have no concept of social norms and used the word transliterate in a >20 word sentence.

You haven't been on Veeky Forums, /mu/, or tumblr very much. It is very much an effort to feel a sense of superiority over their "uncultured" middle class peers.
It's what blacks write and say and it doesn't belong, even when spelled correctly, at the end of a sentence.

less than*

I'm not using the black vernacular like a fedora.

rejection of social norms has been hip since the 50s tardo, coincidentally the last time fedoras were cool but I guess you still gotta put that one together or take a good long look in the mirror retard.

If you care that much about proper grammar on an anonymous image board you're a fag and your dad should have beat the gay out of you.

Do you always defend your malformed syntax with homophobic slurs?

>It's what blacks write and say
Yes, and so do whites and Asians. It isn't contained in Negroids

It is their vernacular, just as so many originate with whites, largely outside of the US. Do you also say "nigger", "as fuck", and "dat"?

i would say that modern culture (since the 50s) has been heavily reliant on blacks, usually in a translated subtle subversion of traditional white experience because their more "authentic", outspoken, culture is really resonant with speeding social progress, especailly in the fast and immediate internet culture.

Are you always such a fag?

You're right, no person who is not black would ever think to save time on typing by writing out slightly fewer letters in a completely unimportant online interaction. That never happens, except to poor non-blacks trying to transliterate.

"you're", btw (uh oh, I transliterated)

Congratulations, you are normal. Bukowski's appeal is similar to Vonnegut's - he's great when you're in your teens, but the appeal wanes over time and any non-idiot will loathe him by their mid twenties.

That coupled with the blandness and sterility of American culture in the northern US. In the same way they believe they don't have an accent they believe they are the cultural norm, or lacking in culture. Probably due to their dominance, culturally, globally and the underdog mentality prominent in the Anglosphere.

This is bullshit, I'm never leaving /toy/ ever again

Fuck, I was just wondering if Vonnegut would hold up for me too. I guess I should've known.

Being attracted to trans women doesn't make you a fag.
Yet you also use it at the end of a sentence, which is wrong and consistent with ebonics.

ive often heard he's an author who appeals to the young but you begin to grow out of it as you mature like said seeing that he tends to romanticize alcohol, poverty, promiscuity, etc.

luckily im still young so he hasnt lost his charm in my eyes quite yet :+)

shut the fuck up

>tfw I'm an idiot in his mid-twenties

Fuck. Guess I get to enjoy more books though.

10/10 bait. Thread derailed

the only impression i got was self-deprecation. i guess there's some vanity in that, as with everything, but i felt like he was just trying to bum me out.


Bukowsky is a retard
I read Women it was okay tho

i find him literally unreadable - so fucking stupid
good man though

>everything that is going on is natural and you should not criticize it
>being this unable of thinking ahistorically
I want teenagers to leave this board

*tips fedora*

Only read ham on rye and thought it should be called "My dad the dipshit"
I got the overwhelming impression that it was mostly exaggerated because why not?

It's impressive the way you bend definition of categories to put yourself out of them, you're maybe not aware of yourself but we are

>good man

Shame you're not a middle aged woman and you could enjoy even more.

is water wet?

>I got the overwhelming impression that it was mostly exaggerated because why not

That's my main problem with a lot of his work.

Post Office seemed pretty trueful, aside from him almost marrying a billionaire and becoming wealthy at the race track.

Everything else of his has this huge inflated opinion of himself, like he was objectively one of the biggest losers of the 21st century, but he keeps making up these bizarre stories where he was really a golden gloves boxer at heart, and just a temporarily inconvenienced aristocratic millionaire, and worldly poet drunk, and etc. It's like come on dude, you're a fat, ugly drunk with mediocre writing talent, that's what I fucking LIKE about you, don't ruin this shit with your delusions.

>Not realizing that non-whites have shaped the aesthetics of western culture for a century.

Maybe try engaging with all people that share a language with you. AAVE is far less stultified than white English. White culture has a paralyzing stick up its ass.

America is about to become majority non-white. Be my guest if you want to have no way of navigating our future cultural terrain.

You mean American culture? Is that why it is such vapid trash?