I cannot comprehend death. I refuse to believe there is absolutely nothing on the other side

I cannot comprehend death. I refuse to believe there is absolutely nothing on the other side.

Turn to religion then...

We cannot know with empirical certainty what lies on the other side, that is why faith exists.

I imagine death will be a lot like a dreamless sleep.

sounds pleasant

When do you wake up?

it's the same as 1y before birth

What was that like?

it was just nothing

>other side

Christians, man.

we are just cells. There is nothing "on the other side"

Having does once, I can say with empirical certainty there is no other side. You are a pile of material with the unfortunate ability to comprehend your own fleeting mortality. Get over it. Become part of the solution and help find a cure for death.

when september ends.

Believe what you want. You'll never really know. Just do no harm.

It's better not to live in fear of what will happen eventually.

Focus on now.

>I refuse to believe
Death doesn't require your belief or consent.

this thread is pretty fedora, there is no reason to believe or not so make of it what you want

My worldview is the following:
>past does not exist, neither does the future
>time is only a rhetorical device to describe change of the present
>my concept of self (me) is defined by memories and the way I interpret them
>both are based on my body
>if I shared access to memories of another person, I would also be partially them
>if I also shared their way of interpreting them, I would also be them
>the same applies from their point of view
>anyone with access to my memories and the way I interpret them is also me regardless of another disconnected me being aware of it
>the only difference between me and someone else is a lack of proper interface
>from this I conclude I am everything and everyone
>a fragment of me ceasing to interpret accessible memories is death of only that fragment
>I made my goal to aggregate myself to other fragments in viable ways, such as passing on knowledge or helping develop new interfaces until I can

>there is no reason to believe or not
>HURR muh subjectivity, magic spiritual quantum flapdoodle afterlife is just as likely as you needing a living working brain to exist when you stop to think about it mannn
Where does this line of thought even come from? Everyone is aware there is an enormous body of evidence the brain is the organ that produces cognitive functions up to and including your own sense of self, right? It's not even a controversial topic, neurologists practice actual medicine premised on this basic understanding. And exogenous psychoactive chemicals have extremely predictable impacts on cognition.

You know how when you sleep, a lot of time passes but you weren't aware of it?
It's like that

It's like the end of a movie. Yes it's sad that it ended and sometimes you long for more. The important thing was the actual part of the movie that existed though, you don't really focus on the what ifs after the end of the narrative. Going into it you knew it would end. And now it's over and that's ok. There doesn't have to be any more of it or any less of it.

I think there is no such thing as death because we are in a simulation and our continuously felt presence of time is purely an illusion.

Modern operating systems use something called process scheduling to transparently allow multiple processes (programs) to run on a single processor at the same time, and each of them thinks they own the processor completely when in reality they are being randomly paused and restarted and having each clock cycle distributed evenly

I suspect it's the same thing with the universe, except it's not time-sliced it's sort of abstractly entropy-sliced. No two individuals ever experience time at the exact same time, it's evenly distributed between them at a very small level of granularity

Or some shit

So basically when you die, just like when a process dies on a computer, there is nobody to experience the death because there was nobody experiencing life to begin with, it was just an illusion of time and life being perpetuated by the processor. The processor continues executing other processes and they are pseudo-"alive" instead

There is no death of "you" because "you" do not exist, you were a sustained illusion for a little bit.

I also think potentially linear time is an illusion. We may be a simulation probing the parameter space of universal constants, with each instant being simulated in a branching structure

At any node it feels like there is a past behind you so it feels like you have been moving forward in time, but if time paused all of a sudden and you were moved up the tree to some other branch where time had played out differently, you wouldn't know it because you have a new "past" that you remember which still maintains the illusion that time is moving forward

With this method it can feel like time is moving forward forever even if it's not. The universe may be an immutable data structure in this way where every state "feels" a past but nothing is actually changing, only the current N-dimensional location in this data structure is changing

(((these are some LSD revelations I had take them with a grain of salt. Even if they aren't what is actually happening they still make sense and are possibilities)))

after the big crunch when the universe recycles

If the universe just recycles itself over and over, there could be a point in time when your atoms reassemble in essentially the same formation, so look forward to that.

Well what do you know

I make this stupid post and then an hour later I get a call that my grandma died. My mom said that it's okay because she's in heaven now. I really want there to be. Never lost a family member before. Who am I to selfishly sit and be sad when she is the one who died, not me. Why am I writing this post. Guess nobody else to tell.

>I refuse to believe there is absolutely nothing on the other side.
Do you doubt the Bible?
>Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going. - Ecclesiastes 9:9-10

Anyone who accepts death is a cuck and doesn't deserve to be part of the human species.

you are a center of experience, not just a brain. death is just the abolishment of all external content, not the annihilation of the monad itself

I too, read the apology

What's that?

Socrates speech before he died, it's a quick read but before he's taken away he pretty much sums up this thread (and the replied comment)

What's the difference between a self aware computer program and a self aware meat program?


I know it doesn't mean much but I'm sorry for your loss, user. I suffered a lot when my grandma died, it sucks.

>I'm stuck with the same chairwoman of the itty bitty titty committee wife for all eternity




Please explain consciousness, not joking you sound certain of your answer and I haven't been able to have someoen explain consciousness to me.

>Nearly two people die each second.
>105 people die each minute.
>6,316 people die each hour.
>151,600 people die each day.
>55.3 million people die each year.