INs are the writers. The rest of you are our audience and when you try to write it is cringeworthy...

INs are the writers. The rest of you are our audience and when you try to write it is cringeworthy. It is time to listen, and not speak plebs. Your endless struggle and striving for knowledge is the place we live intuitively.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Counselor

I feel more like the patient desu

I'm an "IN" and I'm always suffering because of my constant persuit of knowledge and truth

MBTI is a terrible model of personalities, but you're getting at is a real phenomenon. When people with certain personality types try to write, it's as awkward as normies trying to start memes.

INTJ here to say that's bull, I can't lead people for shit.
>tfw glorious pureblood aryan wizard

Can someone conclusively prove that MBTI is serious and not complete bull shit ? In my experience Jungian typology is accurate to an uncanny degree while the Big 5 are just superficial manifestations of the underlying cognitive functions; Any psychology students or Jung enthusiasts who would care to provide insights.

INFP here... Dreamer is quite true, too much dreamer alas....

WE OWN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE. Dont give it out without profiting off the normies.

Most of those Es are likely wrong

these things are such wank
im an ENFP cus i like to be around people and hanging out and going to parties or whatever
but then i have fairly piss poor confidence and mild to moderate social anxiety
so according to this thing im both ENFP and INFP

These tests are terrible, stop wasting your time.

INF here, please don't assume you can write INT's.
Stick to formal Non-fiction if you want to call that writing

I don't own shit I can't even think sometimes, I'm just lost 90% of the time

This always makes me giggle cause it's so true.

>organized and decisive in implementing their ideas

Yeah, that's a no for me dog. It's usually the exact opposite for INFJs (having all the big ideals and not being able to follow through in just the right way and being frustrated because you feel like your failures are because you didn't want it bad enough or you chose the wrong path and it didn't work out because it wasn't supposed to and if you find the right path then it'll be better but you just need to do this one other thing before you can get on that path but when you do it'll be great and you'll make meaningful contributions to society but because you haven't made any impact you're probably worthless and should just not exist.

Nice image quality, I can almost make out the words

Where all my fellow Hagrid boys at?

that's pretty spot on desu senpai
Having low Se doesn't even make sense from an evolution stand point. I wonder why i even exist.

Sorry about that. Here you go m8

You're just a faggot. I won't hesitate to take control when I realize that my leadership and insights will benefit the group. I'm also quite eloquent, and my commands are rarely questioned by normies.

inb4 anecdotal evidence

t. bossy INTJ

Accurate. Especially the edginess.

Im between INFP and ENFP and neither of those descriptions are even close

Same here. From what I've read and observed from myself: INTJs don't strive to be leaders, but in the case of necessity will assume, relish and excel in the role.

INFJ here, can confirm. There is literally nothing wrong with destroying all your critics

The whole cognitive functions thing is interesting though kind of hazy. The current model is pretty unscientific desu.
Try reading about neuroscience. In particular the prefrontal cortex.

It's unscientific but is based in a tradition where proofs are rarely scientific. Only the behaviourists and the neurologists seem to care about empirical evidence in the field of psychology. The thing is that MBTI's introspective testing methodology seems to horoscope like but I have noticed that an elaborate understanding of the functions puts the concept behind the theory into a lot of perspective and you can sometimes make uncanny observations behind the methodology; Big 5 certainly proves that personality exists and it is fairly well defined and remains constant throughout life. I feel like cognitive functions are still relevant but merely hard to observe so there is a lack of scientific validation but the theory is valid in my experience of the world.

I'm on the border between Trotsky and Dawkins, which is exactly where I'd want to be.

fuck off harry is intp
intp would be some faggot loser that we never see who fails school and gets kicked out

oh my i've realised that i am, in fact, retarded

>S types

>basic bitch MBTI made by woman trying to rename simple archetypes and only linked it to Jungian works after-the-fact & shoehorned them in there incorrectly anyway

>not Socionics, the superior russian system of typology that actually makes sense as to how people tend to relate to each other and was constructed to be consistent with Jung from the start, and accurately typing ones self or others requires decent understanding system rather than relying on poor quality online quizzes that often feature incorrect examples of the types

>also inb4 mbti plebs incorrectly say you just switch the p/j for introverts; wrong.

ENFJ here, and we have a decent roster if this shit is true. By decent I mean extremely mixed.

>rarely any S's on Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, or Veeky Forums


does anybody have one of these with authors?

confirmed. INT's prefer to go in dry
There's an add to a book titled "INTJ and the Narcisistic personality" at the top.
In the defense of all INTJs, is our superiority complex not justified?

>most autistic personality type
>most fedora personality type
>most likely to praise the objective truth above feelings type because of muh rationality personality type

the answer is no


ENFJ's is kind of hilarious. "You guys are like, the main characters! But no for real knock it off with that arrogant shit."

that list is terribly inaccurate at least 50% of them are not intj.

eric from that 70s show is the archetypal teenage INTJ

INFP Luna Lovegood

Cool, I always liked her the best. She sees things others can't. Literally. Mah bae.