I have been a meat eater all my life but after seeing how animals are actually slaughtered in a factory...

I have been a meat eater all my life but after seeing how animals are actually slaughtered in a factory, I'm not so sure anymore. Even though I still like the taste of meat everytime I eat it I can't help but think how many countless innocent animals were violently butchered and processed.

How do I get over those sissy thoughts Veeky Forums?

I haven't quite made the transition to full vegan yet because veg food sucks and is completely devoid of any flavor compared to what meat is.

>inb4 quorn

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Eat LESS meat.

I've been a meat eater all my life.

After I shot a deer we had it processed. Shut up little turd boy.

Eat MORE bullets

Think of it this way - Imagine your father being as much of a faggot as you are right now, I'm talking faggotry of epic proportions, basically a supernova of cum guzzling faggotry, sticking carrots up your ass sort of gay shit. Would you even be born?

Just eat less meat or don't eat meat at all. Going vegan is too much but you won't even notice the lack of meat in your diet.

Just think about all the humans that get slaughtered by animals

This if you're a pussy start by shooting yourself with a .22 and work your way up.

You should know damn well that the people who make those videos are completely biased and only give you one side of the story. They (these fuckers usually on PETA's payroll) find the most sleazy butchery they can find - usually in north-west Mexico somewhere where the meat doesn't even get shipped to the US - and selectively choose the most nauseating bits of canerawork, pay the poor mexican on the line $2 to make it extra bloody, then slap it all together and call it a movie. If you fall for that shit, that makes you a retard. It's like going to a Starbucks and turning into a liberal because the "barista" smiled at you.

Don't be that guy, you gullible little cancer.

>slauterhouse conditions

They are better than they were through the 90's but that was because of the awareness raised by unveiling the actual conditions in US, not Mexican, slaughterhouses, you fool. Without constant vigilance and uncovering of malfeasance by that industry, it will slide right back into the same conditions before the horror was exposed. Stop being cucked by big agri.

There's horrible shit going on in the world all the time which you're indirectly supporting, "poor little cows" is the trendy one to be worried about.

Meat is fucking delicious though.

Then only eat meat who's source you can verify. I feel the same as you, so I only buy meat that's grass-fed/cage-free/cruelty-free/ect. It's a little more expensive, but it tastes better and the animals are treated in a more respectful and natural manner. So you end up eating less meat, but it's better for you and better for the environment.

When I eat a salad I think about how the plains were completely destroyed and the buffalo were nearly wiped out just so I can enjoy it

To live is to cause others to die, meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans, its all the same

Most vegans don't go vegan because they don't like the way meat tastes. Gardein is an excellent fake meat to get started on your transition and if you know how to cook you can make flavorful vegan dishes. Vegweb.com has a ton of recipes you can try.

Have you honored every part of it?

>After I shot a deer we had it processed
>not butchering it yourself

I'll bet you didn't even field dress it, you little faggot.

Maybe you should research the industry rules and practices and not watch biased videos. Assuming you're in the US, they put down animals in the quickest and most humane way so that the animal does not suffer. It isn't perfect, but if it really bothers you than just buy from local small farms.

eat hard boiled eggs;they practically have everything your body needs from meat
1 egg per day is enough

Killing yourself will fix all your problems, OP

dont be a pussy op

>How do I get over those sissy thoughts Veeky Forums?

Just buy meat from small local farms instead factory farms. Problem solved.

You also might think about the massive number of animals that are killed when crops are farmed. They get displaced when land is cleared to make a farm field. They get poisoned by pesticides and fertilizer runoff. And when pic related goes through a field it's a small-animal massacre.

Dude, its apparently not cruel enough. I want my meat cheaper. Hell extra cruelty if it even gets me 50 cents off my burger. Growth hormone, the whole 9 yards.

>completely devoid of any flavor compared to what meat is.
meat starts tasting kind of gross the less often you eat it.
and you should learn to eat something other than boiled potatoes as your only vegetable.

>meat starts to taste gross the less you eat it
This is false

>I haven't quite made the transition to full vegan yet because veg food sucks and is completely devoid of any flavor compared to what meat is.
Have you never tasted Indian food before? I suggest stocking up on various whole spices and legumes at an Indian store, after that initial investment and a inexpensive coffee/spice grinder, you'll be set to make a load of different dishes that just require some additional produce you can get anywhere.

> because vegan food sucks

Stop eating shit quality food, i'm at a festival right now and i've eaten quality ''cheese'' soufles and fallafel balls and a burger which was fucking delicious.

Accessibility is a big problem regarding this. I'm actually vegetarian though, trying to eat more healthy than usual.

no its true. grosses me out when i try it sometimes. not every time, but maybe it's being grossed out by the texture more than the flavor changing.

They won't even take it if it isn't field dressed you transvestite hooker. Don't act like a hunter because your dad did and you know a little bit of lingo.

Even then transporting an undressed deer would be a fucking pain. Even if you got lucky and shot it only 40 ft from the truck.

Suicide is the answer. Trust me

Just eat like 50% less meat and use the money you save to buy meat where the animals are treated better. Support some local farms, get better tasting meat, fewer ethical issues.

Every dollar you spend is in support of a system which is enslaving something somewhere in the world, I don't see how meat is any worse

the thing is, you can't stop eating meat or dairy anyway. most people can try but wont persevere. carnivorous diet is too easy nutrition, protein, b12, part of culture, etc.but what you want to do is, you want to eat meat less often, and avoid any meat that comes from profit-optimized mass production. buy organic instead. having meat once or twice per week is enough. daily meat intake is one thing that's wrong with people today. avoid beef and pork, eat chicken instead. cows and pigs are mammals with brains, they get bored and they feel the neglection. chicken are stupid dinosaurs who would eat you too, it's simple self-defense to eat them. buy goat cheese and lamb meat. they usually get raised in much better conditions than cows or pigs, even when not organic. and another important step if you care for the animals is: eat the cheaper cuts too. sausage and cold cuts, minced meat instead of steak or filet. you honor the slaughtered animal's life by consuming every part of it. a vegan might state that eating e.g. salami is bad because there are pig snouts in it and that such low quality parts of an animal are disgusting. but if you don't eat them, you do bad.

The amount of animals killed by agriculture is nowhere near the amount of animals killed due to animal agriculture directly breeding and slaughtering them. They are orders of magnitude apart.

That's like saying a serial killer who only killed 5 kids is a better person than one who killed 10. Absurd. The moral argument of vegans holds no water.

False equivalency, agriculture is necessary to feed our population. Serial killers are not vital to society. And even going by your logic, if reduction of suffering is important, then on some level a serial killer who only kills 5 is certainly better than one who kill 10. If you had 10 kids, would you rather all 10 die, or only half? Which is worse to you?

yeah, but on one side those animals are being raised to be killed while the other are literally just innocent animals.

Here are a couple solutions
>stop thinking that you matter enough to change the meat industry
>hunt (seriously, do that, it's pretty fun)
>buy meat from your local farmers
>buy organic/free range meat

>Implying the ones being raised specifically to be harvested for their meat aren't innocent

veg food doesnt suck at all. try this recipe and try to tell me its bad, and youre simply wrong :
2-3 cans of red beans
2 cans of corn
500g of red lentils
2-3 red onions
200g of smalll cherry tomatos or whatever those tiny ones are called idk
2 jars of tomato concentrate
some boiled water
mughali meat masala
jalapeno powder
chipotle powdered
cayenne pepper powder
some kind of chili pepper (the amount depends on how hot you want it)
2 of those garlic shits
olive oil

1. chop finely the onions tomatoes and chillis and garlic.
2. on preheated pan pour olive oil
3. sautee half of the chopped onions, all of the garlic and half the chili peppers
4. once onions turn red, pour all tomatoes into the pan, close it and let it sit for like 2-5 minutes
5. once tomatoes are fairly soft, add two cans on the tomato concentrate
6. add the beans and corn with all the water from the can.
7. add the rest of the onions and chili peppers
8. add about 2-3 teaspoons of mughali meat masala, around .5-1 tbl spoon of cumin, teaspoon on jalapeno powder, 2 teaspoons or more of chipotle powder, around a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
9. actually add a bit more of mughali meat masala and maybe a bit more cumin? to taste basicly
10. mix that shit in.
11. close pan for around 5 minutes
12. add some water (dont make it a fucking soup, just a bit watery but still stewy and not soupy)
13. throw em lentils in bwoy
14. throw in half of the chopped leek ( i forgot, you should chop leek desu)
15. close pan and let it sit for another 5ish minutes
16. open up, let some water steam out for another 5 minutes
17. mix in rest of the leek, take pan off heat.
18. serve mixed with sour cream and some guac in a bowl, or put it in a taco shell, and pour sour cream and guac over it or think of something m8.
19. dont be a fucking vegan you sissy, just dont eat meat. milk products are godly.

source your meat by hunting it yourself