*steps forward*

*steps forward*

Give me your top 3 books you own but haven't read yet.

genesis leviticus deuteronomy

Paradise Lost
Friend of my Youth

Godel Escher Bach, Bhagavad Gita, Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Les Miserables
Critique of Pure Reason
Foucault's Pendulum

Chess Story
William Blake - Complete Poems

Pound's Cantos

I can't find copies of the Cantos anywhere. Did you order yours online?

this thread is too complex for me

I don't own any books.

T-The Brothers Karamazov

War and Peace
Being and Time
Point Counter Point


Spinoza (complete)
Augustine, city of god

Brothers Karamazov
The Waves

3 Les Miserables
2 Cancer Ward
1 Pale Fire

>Eternally unfinished
The Red Badge of Courage, One, Two, Three, Infinity, The Book of Genesis

I got mine at a second hand book shop.
It is on Amazon. Make sure to get the Terrell companion, there are a lot of obscure references.

This spake Zarathustra. Foundation. Babbitt

Battle for Belorussia Red Army's Forgotten Campaign October 1943-September 1944

Caucasian Battlefields: 1828-1921

Vietnam At War: History of the Vietnam War 1959-1975

The Idiot

>ranking books you havent read

This is Veeky Forums in a nutshell. It's just a bunch of fucking pseuds. Pathetic.

you're here too


The Count of Monte Cristo
Les Misérables

I've attempted to read Catch-22 about 3 or 4 times now because I know that I should enjoy it but for reasons unknown I get turned off of it very quickly.

Moby Dick
Finnegans Wake
Crime and Punishment

there's only one book I own thatc I have not read or not currently reading
>The Road by Cormac McCarthy

leave it unread desu


it's a good book

snnn?. I ye ge diary

finnegans wake
infinite jest
gravity's rainbow

I'm reading GR right now tho, and that's the only three books i own that i have not ready

I like my invigorating liquid in the same tone as my fast beat, intense, cacophony based musical genre accompanied by low pitch growling and roaring, which some have decided to label "metal" - black

werther by goethe
middlesex by jeffrey eugenides
o filho de mil homens by valter hugo mãe

1) The fault in our stars
2) Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists
3) Selected Tweets

Infinite jest
Milk and honey

Complete Works of Shakespeare
War and Peace
The Brothers Karamazov

>Man and His Symbols
>Collected Works of Shakespeare
