Just make your own pizza, it tastes bet-

Just make your own pizza, it tastes bet-

Didn't you post this exact thread a week ago?

Hi. Go to hell.

>Go to the anime xd edgy meme website

can i get uhhh
boneless pizza
and a 2 liter of coke

It's 3D cgi furry anime, if that makes you any more pissed off.

I love little caeaers just like the next guy, but fuck. Shit gave me colon cancer.

>Just make your own pizza, it tastes bet-


>Veeky Forums is an anime board

Lol. Hi newfag.

>implying it's not
Hi newfag.

>Implying it's 2007

Hello newer fag than me.

where's your evidence bro

less than 1/4 of this site's boards are about anime

Yeah but the site architecture, logo, and appearance is literally based on a manga.
It's everywhere.

Yeah. It was. Welcome to 2017. We are mootless.

Stop being a newfag trying to fit in.

manga isn't anime

So suddenly everyone hates anime because moot is gone?


Well I think that's just DUMB

Who is moot?

No. People hate anime because it's retarded weeb shit. This site grew because /b/ used to be the wild west of the internet. Nothing to do with anime.

pffff fuck off

no u

This is a good thread.

Moot is moot. The creater. The original. Mootsy.

There is literally no bigger meaning to the word "irony" than seeing a fucking retard on Veeky Forums calling someone a "newfag" and then saying they "hate weebs and anime".

fuck off you virtue-signaling namefag
>hey guys look at me defending weeb shitposting, i'm such an oldfag!!!

I wish Hunter was an oldfag. He's a newfag tho.

that's the point i was trying to make user

hey guys i have this weird yellow rash on my privates and i went to jack off and it spread to my hand

should i be worried???

Yeah it's funny he trolls here too. Usually he wrecks threads on /k/. I'm guessing /pol/ also, but probably too busy a board to get his attention points.

put your name back on, hunter.

You're an idiot.


no you're


What? user contractions are taught in 2nd grade. You failed 2nd grade.

no u



>implying you wouldn't

>Veeky Forums is a board

Yeah... It is. Do you have a point?

Is this a Veeky Forums thread or a Deep Dish thread?

I used to work at a little caesars. we once failed a health inspection and had old rat droppings near the drink and flour area. i did dishes and there was no washing kek just rinsing really don't go to any of their chains it's disgusting

I think that just means that your store was awful.

not just that, the commercials are too, and every single ingredient just about was frozen at one time or another. the chains are terrible food isn't quality but it still tastes pretty damn good. oh yeah and the sauce on your pizza is like 8 pints of sink water, warm 2 sauce bags, and one packet of seasoning just FYI

Yup. Get the fuck over it. The anime days are over bud. BUH bye

Shut the fuck up newfaggot nigger

>he thinks Veeky Forums is an animu image board

>tfw giving yourself cancer from all the additives in take-out pizza
>tastes better, guise!
you must watch fat retard Joe as well, you fit right in that category

Eat my shit nigger

wtf i own an oven now

>newfag cancer still trying to push his anti-anime agenda

Butt blasted weeaboo pedophile detected.



>some fat virgin weaboo actually took the time to make this

Like 8 years ago newfag

We know you actually like anime and you're just doing this to get a rise out of people.
Haha, good one, user. Epic troll.

Whats the deal with all that bread dough? why so thick?

>actual child-fucking pedophile tries to distract and scapegoat with weeb toons

2L machine broke
We got 1L tho

Just picked up a hot n ready earlier. I get that it's shit, but I actually love their pizza

Yup. Reddit filial now. Only cats allowed.

fuck you mean b