How does Veeky Forums feel about lab grown meat?

How does Veeky Forums feel about lab grown meat?

I'm annoyed there is manpower going towards appeasing vegans instead of focusing on using this technology for medicine

I dunno, haven't tried it.


Those are not mutually exclusive.

I won't be satisfied until we have machines that you can put nutrients in one end and get a continuous slab of muscle and fat out of the other.

>has worked in a lab

I'd be fine with it but that lab better be sterile as fuck.

so this could easily solve world hunger and without going full vegetarian retard?

sign me in

Agree. If the technology is perfected, there are absolutely no downsides and only idiots would be against it.

>I won't be satisfied until we have machines that you can put nutrients in one end and get a continuous slab of muscle and fat out of the other.

>take a shit in one side of the machine
>food comes out the other side of the machine
>we just solved the world food crisis

Cause you know cattle ranches and slaughterhouses are so clean.

Until doctor Oz tells all the soccer moms it gives you cancer and diabetes.


>Oh whoops some bacteria got into the cell culture and grew in the incubator along with the muscle fibers.

Yeah, I don't want the lab to be worse than the slaughterhouse, that's all. As long as it's sterile it's fine.

Shouldn't really be a problem. At the time when this shit is actually ready for the mass market, you're probably gonna need almost no human interaction at all. Just sterilize the lab once, and you should be good.

Only real niggas can eat Beyonce's ass!

This raises a good ethical question.

If meat is grown in a lab and is not part of a physical body, will it be okay to eat human meat?

>always preaches about all these healthy things you should do and you wont get cancer
>gets ass cancer

I would say it's already alright. consider this: you are in an accident and it requires the amputation of your leg
would you prefer to
A. have them throw that piece of you which you've carried your whole life in the trash
B. take your shank home and braise it to nourish yourself and your friends so a part of you that is lost can be given to sustain those around you

I work in a pathology lab and I see gangrenous feet on a weekly basis from diabetic fat fucks.

I guess all I can say is if they amputated your leg it would have to be from an accident not an infection, and they would have to throw that shit in a freezer immediately.

it's called cow user

This is actually cannibalism

I'm not bothered by it, conceptually. I'd like to see how it tastes to be honest.

On a personal level even though I eat lots of meat I do think the meat industry is pretty fucked up. It'd be neat if we could find a cost effective way to farm meat that didn't involve all that suffering. Plus, a huge factory with big sheets of mindless meat growing in vats sounds pretty metal.

>Solve world hunger


>will it be okay to eat human meat?

Why would you want to?
Know all those warnings about eating fish like tuna and shark because toxins like mercury bioaccumulate the higher you go up in the food chain?
Eating a human would expose you to all sorts of hormones, toxins, and probably antibiotics and/or medications.

Unless you plan to kidnap a bunch of baby humans and raise them like a bunch of atrophied Tarzans in a veal cage with a very strict diet.

babies fall into 2 categories for me
too lovable, or too gross
either way I wouldn't want to eat one

shhhh, just let him be, you know how grandad gets when you rile him up

Would not eat. It's too humane for my liking


What about the humans who suffer to harvest the soybeans for your tofu?

Seems fucked.
We're supposed to be tied to the land. Our subsistence off of nature is one of the key factors bolstering our love of nature.

If it tastes the same, I'd much rather eat meat that was made without any misery and slaughter. The meat industry has become pretty fucked.

protip: it doesn't


Yeah I've read it doesn't yet but in time I can see it becoming much the same. I mean it's not like all meat currently tastes the same either, all batches are slightly different.

Just add some salt lmao

salt doesn't add marbling or build muscly cartilage

world hunger is a logistics problem, not a material one.

we have more then enough food to feed the world, just no way of getting it everywhere.

even major international efforts can get taken over by local warlords like in somalia

It says a lot about how much does humanity still need to progress that billions of dollars are being spent just to satisfy a revolting corpse fetish.

Still, at least a small percentage of it goes towards satisfying it in a humane way - by growing it in a lab instead of sacrificing thinking, feeling beings for some ghoul's comfort.

I remember something like this from a movie where people would get diseases that celebrities had and there was part of the plot about making meat from celebrity cells.

Why don't you just stop eating beef and eat more sustainable animals and keep the oceans clean so we can eat a lot of fish?

I'm pretty excited about it, except for the fact that they're not including the heme iron and taking other things out and saying it's healthier. It might be healthier for people who eat too much of it but that doesn't mean we should start taking things out of it. I would happily switch to eating it even if it's not quite as good but not if they're taking things out of it. I don't eat meat that often so the heme iron is probably good for me in the quantities that I get it.

They've done the same thing with animal-free milk. They're making it without the lactose and saying that it's a good thing for everyone, that it's inherently healthier without the lactose but that's just not true. Lactose is good for growing kids and it can help keep your digestive system healthy later on too.

I'm not sure if it's just from a cost perspective or that it's difficult to make the meat with heme iron/milk with lactose, but I'm not going to switch as long as it's not the same as the "real" stuff.

>trying this hard
Jeez, have a pity reply as my gift to you m8

Can't we just feed the cows tiny explosives? It might be less painful.

Even though we've evolved to eat meat and there are some studies showing that eating meat in moderation along with a healthy diet and exercise is good for you, a lot of people still feel bad about having to kill animals for food.

>I am calm and rational and explain my point of view in a more agreeable manner.
Can't tell if obnoxious vegan or troll. I've seen enough vegans dehumanize non-vegans to believe it's real though.

Skeptical on taste and expecially texture, would try.

Vegventrues does it on purpose, semi-ironically.
Still, there is absolutely nothing human about tolerating torture of other living beings for own hedonistic indulgence.

Summing up the need for animal products as "torture for pleasure" just makes you sound ignorant.

Every moment you exist brings suffering to untold multitudes of humans, animals, and plants. End yourself, end suffering.

meat doesn't taste good without knowing the animal suffered (even if only briefly), so i'll still to the real stuff thanks

Someone else would take my place and certainly cause more suffering.
I have to exist.

Vast, vast majority of uses are exactly like that.
In before
>but bone glue is used for something right now, therefore only bone glue can be used for this purpose
>if we freed all animals at once, they would starve and we would have no car seats or perfumes
Animal product consumption in first world countries could be easily cut by half with no major ill effects, the only barrier is immoral hedonism.

>Vast, vast majority of uses are exactly like that.
No, the vast majority would be people who are ignorant about dietary needs and don't fully understand how much meat is really necessary.
>inb4 meat isn't necessary
It provides high quality protein and iron that's easily absorbed by the body. You can be a healthy vegetarian but you're more likely to need supplements and have less muscle mass, and that scares people, so they think they need to eat huge portions of meat every day. I was vegetarian for a long time, but once I started becoming more physically active I could tell that my body needed meat. I don't want it every day, but usually once or twice a week. Education is a better tool to help animals and cut down on overconsumption than just telling them they're torturers who only do it because it feels good.

If it tastes the same I have no obligation.
It's hardly just to please hippies. With the current growth of world population land to raise livestock on will become a problem. That's just a fact, nothing to do with how immoral or whatever eating meat is. And it's not like there's s finite amount of science done per year, the people working in the food industry wouldn't just start developing medicine if they weren't doing this.

Just because logistics is the main issue in 2017 doesn't mean it will be in 2050 or 2100. It's not like thid technology is only a few years from hitting the market. Farming animals is very inefficient use of land.

objection dumb phone poster

I believe this shit currently still costs 100 grand or something stupid like that.

So meh, not really worth to think about at all yet.

>people worrying about taste being the same
>nobody mentioning price
Price is more relevant to 99% of the population than taste. That being said, I only carry about the taste myself unless this shit is practically free.

Nah, it was like $250k/lb at first but it's down to about $20/lb now for a low quality ground beef. It's still expensive and not great from a culinary point compared to actual ground beef but it's getting there. I think it's supposed to be in stores within the next 5 years, 10 at the most.

Yeah, if the future allows us to get a steak for like 50 cents I wouldn't give a shit how it would taste.

I can always use some lab-grown ketchup to make it taste nice.

Well fucking obviously no one is going to pay more for it. The implied question is that when the technology is advanced enough that it can compete in the market.


>It says a lot about how much does humanity still need to progress that billions of dollars are being spent just to satisfy a revolting corpse fetish.

Have a (you)

I looked at the thumbnail and thought you had turned the cow into donuts. How great would that be

Does it naturally grow fat?
Or is this a lean 'burger'?

There will probably be a future where 'real' meat is a delicacy only for the rich to be able to afford on a regular basis.


What, the same way Dr Wakefield scared them about vaccination or early critics of locomotives convinced them that it'd cause their uteruses to shoot out? Quacks die, but progress is eternal.

Even getting past the stigma and difficulty of processing waste to make food, it wouldn't work due to conservation of energy and matter. Recycling isn't a perpetual process.

The land problem is moot if we do what we should have done hundreds of years ago and level land used by third world negroes and other subhumans.
Just saying.


Pretty sure that's satire.

We probably won't get much of that in the west.
This kind of shit will be used for poor/starving countries

I've seen a lot of vegans in the west say they would eat it if it's available. There's also a growing group of people looking forward to technological developments like this. It'll probably start out just being used for processed/fast food, and maybe pet food until the process is refined and you can get better quality meat from it. Right now it's 100% lean which is bad for flavor and texture.

If it tastes good I'll eat it.
I'm hoping we can get some designer meats going on. Beef flesh with pork fat. Game animals with the gaminess removed. Things like that.

They haven't gotten to the point of making it with fat yet but I bet perfectly marbled steaks will end up being a lot cheaper. You'll also probably see more people eating raw meat since theoretically it'll be cleaner with less chance of bacteria/parasites making you sick.

I would easily eat vegetables if they were made of steak

Quite disgusted, to be honest.

You know, the solution to this particular problem is just to eat vegans. No problem with bioaccumulation of toxins because they're at the bottom of the food chain.

>Game animals with the gaminess removed.
What's the point of that?

Could be a healthy and inexpensive option if they market it correctly. Would try it and see if it's any good.

will never replace steak. might be good for ground beef though.

I think a more promising (ie. potentially cheap, which I doubt lab meat will ever be) is taking vegetable protein and 3d printing it into something more interesting. You could use transglutaminase to get it to hold together better, fat, spices etc.

Just need a vegetable protein other than gluten which isn't disgusting.

>bioaccumulation of toxic substances in lab grown tissue


It's fucking pure genius on the agri-business level.

Growing a whole cow includes feeding its bone growth, nervous system, etc. That costs a ton extra of stuff that end up like steak.

I'm sure the process for vatmeat isn't perfect yet but it's the future.

We use ALL of that shit. Cows are not just for meat

yes that would be fine. The logical trick to your question is the assumption that meat grown from human stem cells would be human meat. It's not, it's just specifically vatmeat grown from human cells.

We use it all because cows are expensive. We're forced to make uses out of all that shit or the business of steaks doesn't work.

This process will have dramatically better profit margins in the long run.

the moment it fails at making an embryo, every side of the spectrum will be pouncing on it and delay scientific advancement for the next 100 years. It's better to take it slow and master the craft.

>other than gluten

Is it still expensive? I also heard they couldn't get the taste right.

It's expensive still because it hasn't entered mass production phase. It's a unique area with unique hurdles to jump for FDA approval also.

The problem was texture. Muscle fibers grown without any tension or work have shit texture, and initial solutions brought theoretical cost of the meat way up and made them go back to the drawing board. Note how OP pic specifically mentions "grown under tension".

Taste tweaking is a lot easier problem to solve.

Regardless of the reason, it's commercial poison at the moment.

Never say never. Of course, lab-grown ground beef is probably around the corner - could be on the market in 5 years.
Steak is probably still gonna take a few decades, but I wouldn't rule it out.

I'm amazed it has taken us this long. It's still so weird to me that we still eat animals. I'm not a vegetarian. It's just weird that we've gone to space, we can build robotic arms, we've mapped out every inch of our planet, yet we still need to eat like animals.

I'm confused by this thread. People can't even treat other people well, yet we are surprised that we don't treat animals well?

It's not and will never be a white country problem, so why the fuck care ?

If other race shit childs they can't feed, why should it be our responsibility ?

Yeah, it's almost as weird as the fact that there """people""" who genuinely believe that a sky grandpa created the earth in 6 days, then flooded it with water to kill off all land life except for a single pair from each species (species as defined by humans).
Half of people are dumber than median. Median is about as dumb as average. And average is pretty fucking dumb.
A great deal of people is as dumb as the cattle they eat.

sure but, so what?

It is dehumanizing to compare consumption of meat of mindless animals to cannibalism.
I mean, pigs and cows have thoughts and feelings, but come on - crickets or celebrities?

Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy actually encapsulated the reasons why this is really really well. Chemical proteins as the end result of millions of years of evolution, an organism's lifespan and its specific diet are actually REALLY complex even compared to things like navigating the galaxy with faster than light travel.

>I'm annoyed there is manpower going towards appeasing vegans instead of focusing on using this technology for medicine
that's a pretty ignorant socialist statement.
no one is being forced into developing and researching this.
people who want to work in medicine can work in medicine, and people who want to grow meat in a lab can grow meat in a lab.
doing one thing doesn't take away from the other.