Do customers have the right to expect service from a restaurant when entering a restaurant 15 minutes before closing?

Do customers have the right to expect service from a restaurant when entering a restaurant 15 minutes before closing?

Restaurants can serve any customer that shows up from opening to closing. Customers are welcome to dine in as long as they order their food before closing. The restaurant can deny other customers from entering the business while serving those customers who decided to order food 10 minutes before closing.

>provide a service
>Set times of service availability
>Customers utilize said times
>Get buttmad when customer comes in during that timeframe

If you don't like it, quit your job and grow the fuck up, people are entitled to the timeslots you promise

If you don't like it, set a no service time, then a closing time

If you don't, don't get asshurt when people come in late

If a restaurant advertises being open to a certain time then they should serve up until that time. People coming in while closing should be expected. If they don't want to be there late then they should close earlier.

They should at least post what time the kitchen and what time the bar closes separately.

What about customers that come in 5 or 3 minutes before closing?

If an employee doesn't like it, quit. If an owner or manager doesn't like it, then make it clear that you won't be serving by either closing earlier or posting a separate time for the kitchen closing.

What about if a customer shows up 30 seconds before closing?

>before closing
So its open then

Just tell them you ran out of food, they'll take the hint. It's not like they're going to demand you go buy some more.

Edgy contrarianism aside, only assholes show up 15 minutes before closing and still go in and get a table at a sit down restaurant

Do customers have the right to expect service from a restaurant when entering a restaurant 15 minutes before closing?
Good service?

15 mins is passable, if you come in any closer to closing you're probably a lard ass or too lazy to find another restaraunt thats open later, or god forbid cook your own fucking food

You will lose a customer, get a bad review and maybe a complaint filed to your higher up.

I think it's a dick move absolutely, but I still think they should get served

Yes, the posted closing time for a restaurant should be the time the kitchen stops taking orders. If you can't handle orders that late, post that the kitchen closes earlier

no. that's why there's such a thing as last call... which is usually an hour before closing.

I would agree if places actually posted when last call actually is. Otherwise you can end up wasting your time, like when I went to some Korean barbecue place like two hours before they closed and told me it was last call

>You will lose a customer, get a bad review

That'll just break my heart since it won't effect my paltry ass paycheck one iota. The fucking owner can come in off his yacht and deal with it.

>maybe a complaint filed to your higher up

Oh no, not that! So I walk down a couple blocks and am hired on the spot. Yeah, fuckoff.

>implying you have the authority to turn away a customer

Why don't restaurants just set their closing times to be 30 minutes before employees actually are supposed to leave that way they have time to clean up?

Run by lesser-thans

A lot of restaurants do this implicitly by locking the doors 30 min before and letting people out manually at closing.

>letting people out manually

if you don't have a sign that says "final seating is [this many minutes] before closing" you don't know how to run a restaurant

closing time means get the fuck out, you are now trespassing.

why not just close 30 minutes earlier

because the kitchen's shift isn't over they're just a bunch of drunk lazy cunts who want to leave as soon as possible rather than server the customers during the times promised

>Kitchen closes 30 minutes before the restaurant closes


perception of value

the $10 a month gym gives you a little flimsy key tag to check in with
the $240 a month gym pays pennies more and gives you thick credit card sized key card with your name, membership level, and date joined on it

why? because it makes it seem like more value. Same with adding a .99 cents at the end of a price and people round down so you trick them out of a dollar

what teh fuck does that have to do with closing 30 minutes earlier


If it's not busy the kitchen will close up early and they'll tell you the kitchen is closed. It has nothing to do with hating your job or MUH TIPPSS, managers won't keep the place open (bartender, cook, server) if it's not busy. Restaurants do occasionally close early.

Im honestly used to just musing and people take what I have to say at face value and accept it as accurate information. you're asking too much of me

I believe in you more than they do

simple....restaurants should designate a final order time, and a we're closed everybody gtfo time

No fuck them. Stop rewarding anti social behavior you cuck

You mean asocial. Antisocial would be the customer murdering the employees and smearing their shit on the walls as they left after being denied late night service.