User let's split th-

>user let's split th-
Thoughts on splitting food?

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if you suggest splitting food I automatically hate you

>tfw no hot black shemale gf to split a bucket of chicken with before splitting her tight voluptuous asshole

People who share plates are annoying.

>Eat out with wife
>Share an appetizer
>Both get an entree, let each other try it

This triggers the autist.

Asian food, especially Chinese is designed to be split among family/friends so I guess I'm used to it seeing as that's how I ate growing up.

>Eat out wife
>Share her buttplugs
>Eat each other's asses as an entree

don't you DARE touch my food >:(

no one gives a shit Chang

>Thoughts on splitting food?
Splitting main dishes is silly. Splitting appetizers is good.

I like the social aspect of eating quite a lot, so i love splitting food, BUT ONLY IF I KNOW BEFORE HAND AND GET TWICE AS MUCH.

I always split, why not try as much as possible?

Fat shart in mart detector

If I'm eating with family or close friends, we split our food. That way everyone gets to try new things and we all wind up with a better dining experience. With anyone who isn't that close, though, even offering is weird.

how do you expect to eat everything on a nice restaurant's menu without sharing?

you're autistic as fuck.. sharing food is humanity at its finest.

I love sharing, that way you can try multiple different things. The only people who disagree are autistic fatties who can't bear the thought that they might "lose" if the other person is eating something less expensive or if they get a bite or two less food than they would have otherwise.

>Engaged to a Viet
>Split every meal
>She gets pissy if I order a rice dish
This is why we don't go out more.

>implying that the faggot homeless dog din't have hepatitus like all homeless people do

>homless 40 years old fucks classy, rich 18yo teenager
why was this allowed

Who would've guessed Veeky Forums would attract people that aren't comfortable in social situations. Guess how I know you didn't like to be touched as a child?

These people have the right idea, especially with Chinese and Indian food. Social grace isn't that hard, you awkward, off-putting retards.

I don't know what your deal is, but you're not getting a bargain on it.

>eat out with boyfriend
>trade plates halfway through each course

very good

I don't split, but I always offer to let the people I'm with try my dish if I can try theirs.

As a side effect, I always place my order last to make sure I didn't double up with anyone else.

obviously cultural maxists and jews at disney are trying to normalise degenerate behaviour by promoting it to young children, thus, hastening the destruction of the white race.

My parents fucked up my childhood which is why to this day I hate splitting and it makes me extremely anxious and nervous when people ask.

Whenever my mom asked for splitting or even a taste she would take such a large portion of my food there would hardly be anything left. She gets mad if I say something about it and starts pushing my guilt buttons very bad. Once she asked if she could take some of my facial clay for a facial and I found her with a cup squeezing out over half the bottle. She says that she does it because it is her right as a parent even though I've no longer lived in their house for about a decade. It got me very messed up even now because when she gives me something I just know someday she wants to "split" and take all my shit.

>Guess how I know you didn't like to be touched as a child?

I wasn't one of those autists you were replying to but in fact I don't like to share food with anyone and didn't like to be touched as an infant (so I was told) or as a child. I didn't realize they were correlated until just now. Interesting.

When I get sushi with my gf or family we usually just pick out a bunch of rolls and share them.
In my opinion that's the only case it's acceptable.

So if you wanted something and someone ordered it before you, you'd change your order just to not double up?

>Splitting plates
>Each getting a small bite/bite out of each others plates to taste it, especially if in a new restaurant or experiencing a new type of cuisine.

When we order pizza at work i usually look for someone to share half a pizza with me.

It's a given if you're in a place where the dishes are meant for the table and not individual meals. Those are usually my favorite kind of places to eat - where you just order a bunch of dishes and everyone passes them around.

There are only two acceptable options: a) One person pays for both or b) each person pays for what they order.

>people that are so obese they get upset when someone else wants to try their food
Sharing is caring you fat fucks. No wonder so many of you don't have any friends.

I don't really care, when I eat out I let other people choose or I choose something simple and fast
I can make better food at home and I know what I'm eating, eating out for me is about spending time with the people I eat out with, I invite my real friends home and I cook them feasts anyways
Thank God there is an excuse for the people I don't want inside my home so I only have to put up with them for two hours

Dining is an inherently communal act.
If you want to eat by yourself and not split or share anything, stay home.

I don't have a problem with splitting food, so long as I know about it in advance, before I order.

Sharing doesn't bother me, but I need to know how much to order.

user you have to try this
>No thanks
But you haaaaaaaave to try it
>No thanks, I already have my food
Ok I'm just going to leave a bit on the border on your plate and it's going to akwardly stay there until you eat it without your permission

Better yet
>user I want an entree
>user let's split an entree
I don't want an entree
>Everything looks so good :3 what do you want?
I don't want an entree
>user I'm too full, finish my plate

>Go out to eat with gf/family/close friends
>Order varied selection of appetizers
>Share them like sane human beings
>Main courses arrive
>Someone asks for a small bite
>Allow & share, why not share the experience?
>Divide the bills by the numer of people, don't worry about who spent what exactly (as long as someone didn't order extravagantly)
This is how to have an enjoyable dining experience.

Splitting appetizers (and pizza too) is great. Can't decide between two things? Order both and share with a friend. Done. Sharing a small bite for your main course (or dessert) is just normal human behaviour.

I've had memories from when I was on holiday in Italy at a friends' house, with dinners lasting from 5 or 6 untill 10 or 11PM. Masses of varied dishes, which you just naturally shared, and just a nice, slow pace of eating, sharing, talking and drinking wine (or beer, nobody cared). Took about an hour or two before you even got to the antipasti, nevermind the other numerous courses. Those evenings lasted for hours, and I personally think that's peak culinary enjoyment. The closer I can get to that experience in a comfortable restaurant (not fine dining of course) with some good friends, the better.

Should have shared that entree m8, would have been nice, and she wouldn't have been as full. Leaves more room for other things.

I was forced to eat some of the entree aswel

>Not going to a new burger joint, deciding on two burgers you'd quite like to try, two different sides you'd quite enjoy, then getting to try the lot at once getting the best of all worlds.

Fuck man, it's like you're just handicapping yourself.

I mean, look at this:

>Get to have all four, and still leave the establishment looking like a respectable member of society.

Get yourself a wife.

>>user I want an entree
>>user let's split an entree

"I don't want to fill myself up too much or to commit to a longer meal in case this date goes sour and I need to make a hasty retreat"

i.e. she thinks you're a fuccboi.

>go to dinner with family
>order small entree
>thats all your having?
>they all order too much
>nobody can finish their meal
>I eat it all

I split entrees with my spouse at certain seafood restaurants often. They serve it on separate plates. It makes sense if you're getting a few appetizers and dessert.

People that connect two unrelated things are stupid as fuck. That alone should invalidate his opinion.

>We are both immediately torn between the same two meals
>instantly agree get both and swap plates after we eat half
>everything works out fine

>she wants like two sides, a salad, two apps, and a split entree with some substitution
>all of them sound like shit and are nothing like what I want
>but maybe I kinda want one of the apps
>we spend like 15 minutes juggling our order around to try and meet in the middle because I like variety and am not food picky
>half the time we give up and just get two basic entrees anyway after all that planning

Second case is a pain in my ass. Just fucking order its not complicated.

Who the fuck goes to a new restaurant with people and doesn't order a few things for everyone to try?

This fucking board, man.

I have a problem with places that try to charge you an extra fee for sharing. I refuse to pay it and it's not legally enforceable on their end either.

I'm paying for food, that food is my property, you can't charge me an additional fee if I choose to give some of my property to another person. I could shove the whole plate down my pants if I want to, I can buy it just to look at and never eat a bite of it, it's mine and I will do with it what I please.




I'm just trying to have a nice meal and you ruin it rubbing that fucking BUKSHIT at me, FUCK NORMIES

>I have a problem with places that try to charge you an extra fee for sharing

Is that a thing?
I've seen a few offer extra portions for sharing which obviously has a cost, but to observe your dining habits and charge a fee for particular ones?

If you're paying for your food, then you're paying for YOUR food

You don't have the right to give other people food when it was made for you, anything you share is lost profit I the restaurant

I get you're a fucking poor asshole who thinks "I can't get buy paying for multiple meals" by splitting it, but you can't, shit like that is a blantant asshole move, and hurts the quality of the restaurant, it's literally just as bad as stealing, and falls into the same category as piracy

Fuck you for being the asshole who ruins restaurant culture because of some """"ownership"""" premise you have you fucking moron

Also FYI, you don't OWN that food, you don't own it until you pay for it, and last I checked you don't pay until your finished fucking moron

Fuck you

>You don't have the right to give other people food when it was made for you
yes I do. it's mine

it is a thing, some will say it on the menu "a sharing fee of $10 will be implemented" or some shit like that, at which time I say to the waiter "we will be sharing this and I'm not paying an extra fee"

sometimes they try to stealth it on to your bill +$5 sharing fee
at which point I go nuclear on the management and get the whole bill comped

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but:

I have experienced fees for sharing, but it's rare. The only times I ever had an issue with it was at the fast-casual chain Bennigans, which has since gone out of business. If you told the waitstaff that you and another guest were going to "split" a meal then they'd bring out two plates: the main dish would be cut in half with half on each plate. However each plate would have full-size servings of the sides. They did charge extra for this, but it wasn't much. Something like $3, maybe? I can't remember exactly. Though if you asked for it they would simply bring out a normal serving and a 2nd empty plate with no extra charge.

>Having horrible reading comprehension

You can't share food until you pay for it retard, and you do normally pay until you're finished, hence you sharing is stealing


>orders salad
>"oh no I'm not a big eater haha"
>food arrives
>"omg user what's that lemme have some"
Or alternatively:
>food arrives
>just straight up takes food from my plate without saying anything
>gives me bedroom eyes as if it's supposed to make me forgive you
Note to self: never treat your grindr dates to dinner.

By your logic eating it before paying is stealing. I see you're trying to make up for your continual losses on the high school debate circuit by developing worthless arguments on an australian aborigine dreamtime sorcerer's board, but you still lose.

you cannot charge me more for goods because you don't approve of what I am doing with them

No, you ordering the food is a verbal contract in an of itself, one protected by laws that would persecute people who share/refuse to pay for their food

>Ad hominem + argumentum ad lapidem


Yes I can

You have all the right to not eat at that restaurant if you don't like it

>verbal contract

Sure. And part of that verbal contract is that the food is presumed to be mine when I order it. I own that food by virtue of that contract and can throw it in the trash, give it to a bum, share it with my associate or shove it up your transgendered cunt.

you can, as long as you pay for it first

That is expressly counter to terms of the previously agreed-upon contract

If I haven't tasted my own cum from your vagina or ass I'm not going to split food with you. If we've been hooking up long enough to get into a routine, I'm not going to make sharing food another routine.

antisocial fags need companionship more than they need to breath only are to dumb to realize

you're a faggot dude


>"I'll have the X"
>"Omg user! X sounds so good! But I'm not very hungry teehee. Can we split the plate?"
>tfw you're really hungry and wanted the whole entree for yourself
>tfw you'll look fat and selfish if you tell them to buy their own
>End up still hungry

>Eating out with two other people
>They decide to split an entree
>While waiting to order, they make comments like "The portions here are too big anyway! Who would even order a full entree just for themselves? I don't understand who could eat that much!"
>tfw you wanted an entree
>Waiter comes, they order with another "Oh, heehee, we're looking after our health" comment
>Your turn, they stare at you
>tfw order just a cup of soup

Sorry that was so rude to you chang. I will save some of my shit for you.

I'll tell you this from personal experience, relationships like that only last as long as the rich person is entertained, i'm the poor person, at least I still have my opioids

Ooooh, poor baby boo. Tell me more about how tramatic it is to split food with your big bad mommy.

Alright, normally I support splitting but cmon dude, some foods are meant for individuals. I don't want someone else's drool on my burger. And if you cut it up the burger will just fall apart.

It doesn't bother me in any way and I'm not sure why it would

>yes I do. it's mine
no it's not, restaurants sell a service, not goods

Just take it out of the waiter's tip.

>You don't have the right to give other people food
Settle down Chairman Mao. I know you love starving people out, but most of the world doesn't uphold communism these days.
>anything you share is lost profit I the restaurant
How? This isn't a buffet we are talking about. You can't claim lost proffits because you wanted your customers to buy more than they were willing to order.
>fucking poor asshole
>blantant asshole move
>literally just as bad as stealing
>same category as piracy
>restaurant culture
Oh you make me laugh

>Also FYI, you don't OWN that food, you don't own it until you pay for it
By your logic everyone who eats at the restaurant is stealing, because they all eat before paying.

>Fuck you
Good job number . You really triggered this fool.

Hey guys, everybody stop what they are doing and take some culinary advice from the guy who eats his own cum and other people's poop particles.