When, dear God please, will this man stop being right about EVERYTHING?

Other urls found in this thread: is nick land rightwing?

be more specific? what's blowing your mind?

Where to start with him?

I haven't read anything by this guy but I have a basic understanding of NRx.

Why is it that he apparently has moved recently right wing?

Please, you have to say dear GNON


That happened about 6 years ago, friend.

I mean, look at this:

Then there's WaPo changing their slogan to "Democracy Dies in Darkness", for example; it all has this feel as though we're living in a simulation written by Nick Land, but it's the other way around and everyone knows it: when he induced schizophrenia, he opened himself to the Oort, and it was our simulation that wrote him. Now he's the gravitational centre of the Western world, by no visible force but coincidence.

And yet there is a force, even if not visible. And it's growing.

Doesn't answer my question, brain-let.

>reading this dork instead of Spengler


It's a dumb question. It has a straightforward factual answer, in the form of biography. Unless you mean 'why does he believe what he believes/what does he believe?' in which case, I guess, you can google that too. is nick land rightwing?

so pretty much nick land is "im a deleuzean marxist but things have gotten so bad that we really just need neo-neoliberalism run by robots"

> Bannon appears to be a fan of the 1973 French Novel, The Camp of the Saints,

citation needed

further proof of the BAP-white house pipeline

Thanks for that article, semi-interesting



The true leader of the alt right and the United States shadow government

Very valuable piece of information to understand master plan.

Those ready will understand

Could you make this site easier to use please I use chrome

>I first heard about the Dark Enlightenment (aka “Neo-Reaction” or just “Reaction”) last year, the year after I graduated from college and was interning at a conservative think tank. I briefly become involved with the Dark Enlightenment and then left the movement in disgust. Here is what I learned:- The Dark Enlightenment is controlled by what the media call “Sith Lords”. You have more public Lords like Mencius Moldbug and Nick Land, but there are even some Lords up higher whose names are not revealed. They say the Master Lord says ‘Et Ego in Arcadia’ which is an anagram for ‘Tego Arcana Dei’ (“I hide the secrets of God”).

– But only the media call them ‘Sith Lords’. In Inner Speak, they will often use phrases like the Men of Númenor or the Eldars.

– I never met any of the higher Eldars, but I did once meet an Eldar in Training. I don’t know his real name but people called him Legolas. He had long blond hair, was dressed like a 19th century count, and wore a pendant that had both a Christian Cross and Thor’s Hammer on it.

– The movement is a weird mixture of ethno-nationalists, futurists, monarchists, PUAs (“pick-up artists” like Chateau Heartiste), Trad Catholics, Trad Protestants, etc. They all believe in HBD (what they call “human biodiversity” i.e. racism) but disagree on some other minor points.

– The religious people in the movement (both Christians and pagans) practice what is called “identitarian religion” (religion that doesn’t deny ethnic identity).

– Some of the rising stars of the Dark Enlightenment on the internet seem to be Radish Magazine, Occam’s Razor Mag, and Theden TV.

– The Dark Enlightenment allegedly has millions of dollars of money to play with. They have a couple big donors. One is rumored to be a major tech tycoon in Silicon Valley. They actually had a private 3-day meeting on an island which was furnished with a French chef, etc. Different forms of formal attire were required for each day (tuxedos, 3-piece suits, etc), and some weird costumes were required too (capes, hoods, etc) — which sound like a pagan cult. (I wasn’t at this function but heard about it.)


– I was initiated into the first stages of the Dark Enlightenment, which involved me stripping down naked so people could “inspect my phenotype”. I was then given a series of very personal questions, often relating to sexual matters. I was then told to put on a black cape. (I really regret doing this but at the time I was younger, more impressionable and eager to please.)

– For the initial oath taking, everyone must swear on a copy of Darwin’s Origin of Species, just to show their fidelity to HBD. After that, for the later oaths, seculars will swear again on Darwin, while Christians will swear on the Bible, and pagans on the Prose Edda or Iliad.

– At one of the meetings I heard someone continuously chanting “gens alba conservanda est” (Latin for “the white race must be preserved”) and then others were chanting things in Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse and Old German, but I don’t know those languages so I can’t remember exactly what they were saying.

– They also have all their own secret handshakes, and their own terminology [like the Cathedral (“political correctness”), thedening (“re-establishing ethnic group identity”), genophilia (“love of one’s own race”), NRx (“neoreaction”), etc.].

– On the philosophical level, this movement is not entirely original. Much of it is borrowed from the Identitarian movement in Europe. They also all detest democracy. They are not trying to be a “populist movement” but are only trying to convert other elites to their way of thinking.

This whole movement is like a secret cult, which is why I left. Also, because of the valiant and brave efforts of people on the net exposing this movement, I saw this cult for the evil it truly is. Please stay away from it.

/x/ pls go

Can you imagine being an intern at the Atlantic or Salon or Huffington Post and you are paid basically nothing and you also have $100.000 in debt for your very expensive college degree from a good school? And then you think of yourself as some character from those old time movies where a brave reporter exposes bad guys and also gets the girl in the end, so you conduct an "investigation" about an evil shadowy cabal aiming at world domination and they are in the White House too! But the problem is you have a bunch of crumpled paper balls for brains.

Being a Leftist isn't edgy enough



>One is rumored to be a major tech tycoon in Silicon Valley.

Why don't you just come out and say Peter Thiel?

He spent his life advocating accelerationism in academia philosophy, a field whose breaking research is 40 years old and with regularity publishes papers on concepts older than Rome itself.

Really makes ya think

Meanwhile Republican Neo-Capitalists are employing days-old research to extract oil from sand by shooting it with giant steam cannons and refining it by exploding it so hard it literally breaks in half on a atom level.

Where'd you get this from?

I'm literally 100% these threads are all being started by a small handful of his acolytes. A good chunk of it could literally just be one guy. The way they're written make it really obvious.

His ass

Is this going to be the annual Veeky Forums meetup?