I'm going insane

Someone explain this to me. There are 7.6 billion people on the planet. Each one of those people are born from 2 parents, 4 grandparents, etc. Conservatively estimating an average lifespan of 50 years per person that makes out over 8 trillion people that have lived and died in the last 500 years alone. On any bigger timeline the numbers become beyond comprehension. Without bothering to do the math on how much real estate it requires to bury that many bodies, shouldn't we be figuratively be up to our ears in human bones?

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There was a HUGE amount of incest going on, that's why the count is lower.

Yeah, it's kinda gross, but your question's answered,

But many of these people are indians that come from 12-child families

>what is decomposition
>what is cremation

Population statistics are bullshit. There's about 2 million of us at most.

Bones do not decompose anywhere near that quickly. Cremation is not very prevalent

Are you assuming a unique set of parents and grandparents per person?


Theres a lot of overlap in ancestors

yup.. incest was rampant back in the day...most peoples family tree looked like a stump

A government funded organisation. Okay I believe them.


>Population statistics are bullshit. There's about 2 million of us at most.

>I have two brothers
> we have six parents

Okay, okay, I don't know the exact number, but I do know 7 billion is bullshit. We are only ever told this number, it's not been independently verified.

Can you post the math, step by step that you used to calculate this? I want a cheap laugh at your expense because I'm in a sad mood right now.

I checked it by counting everybody and it's accurate

Let me frame it this way. Forget about everyone whose lived in the past. In a thousand years there will trillions of people who have lived and died. Assuming even just half of those people receive proper burials, there should be seas of dead people with graveyards taking up huge tracts of land. How many graves are in your town? Not even enough for one generation probably. Shit doesn't add up I'm going crazy

I'm curious about what you are saying. Could you expand on that for me?

I googled a bit to see if there could be truth in what you're saying, but all I could find was Alex Jones tier shit.

Go to a graveyard and look at the dates on the stones, they rarely have really old ones, they just repurpose land and make mass graves of old corpses

I think there's a conspiracy (oh no I said a naughty word, I probably believe in reptilians too, right?) that we are made to feel as insignificant as possible.

This includes lying about the shape of the earth. A globe means there's no more land to explore, whereas a flat plane could have more land to explore. Much easier to control a population in one defined area.

It also includes lying about space, stars and planets. If there are billions and billions of other galaxies then we'll feel powerless.

Where does all our information about these things come from? Government. We are told this from the moment we go to school. No alternative is provided which is required to make informed decisions.

Alex Jones is a joke. He will mix truth and bullshit so that the truth is also considered bullshit because it comes from Alex Jones.

>bones don't rot
what happened to all the bones?

What if.... what if they're all in one place? All the bones are being collected and hidden in a secret place. One day, they'll hide no longer. Will that day come in my lifetime? OH GOD! WHAT IF IT COMES AFTER MY LIFETIME?!? Will I be forced to join them after death??

>This includes lying about the shape of the earth

>It also includes lying about space, stars and planets. If there are billions and billions of other galaxies then we'll feel powerless.
So if planets and galaxies aren't real where's your evidence for that?

Yes I thought it was ridiculous too, but can you explain why the north star is always in the same place despite the earth rotating 1000mph while orbiting the sun at 66000mph? The stars should be different every night.

Observation show us something completetly different. When pointing a camera at the north star, the stars are rotating around us. Proof: youtube.com/watch?v=tp6UkqIwVfk

>So if planets and galaxies aren't real where's your evidence for that?

The burden of proof is on you. The only proof you have are fake images from NASA. Show me a real photo.

Don't turn this into a flat earth thread. Come on

I recommend CoolHardLogic's series "Testing Flattards."

It's all linked. If they can lie about the shape of the earth then of course they can lie about the population of earth.

Check out r/astrophotography on reddit. It's all amateur stuff. If you weren't a gullible retard you'd buy a telescope yourself to test the dumbass claims yourself.

That actually makes some sense. I need all the autists out there to verify though

That's great but can you explain why the stars remain the same every night despite our flying through space?

Holy fucking shit. The north start is at the tip of our axis, that being why all the other stars rotate around it. I swear, you flat earthers unanimously have a total lack of science education and don't want to work hard when it comes to finding things out. Rather than strive to achieve a level of knowledge that most people don't have, you just want an easy out by thinking you're "in on" something no-one else is. Pick up a fucking book and read it end to end, instead of just getting spoonfed youtube videos of shitty theories from people who never had a physics class.

Maybe because the distance end to end of our orbit (at either end of a hypothetical diameter drawn across the orbit, which isn't actually perfectly circular) is miniscule compared to the distance between our star and others. This is like asking why the moon doesn't move when you walk from one end of the block to the other.

Bad math, user. Many of us have the same ancestors. Usual estimates are 100 billion for the total number of people who have ever lived. You were off by 7900%.

Haha, do you know how those "photographs" are made? They are made from "data" which is then processed and coloured manually.

Just use your common sense, they look fake as shit.

Dude you can take photos like those yourself.

The axis does not stay in the same place, you are forgetting how the earth is not only spinning, it's orbiting the sun as well. The stars should change drastically as we'll be looking at a different part of space every night.

Other stars are really really really really really far away.

Ya I realize my math was fucked. Oh well I'm done pondering it anyway I'll leave this thread to the flatards I guess

They are not photos, the telescopes provide the data that's stored on memory which is then converted into an image.

So? If I look in one direction at the universe, and then turn 180, I will be looking at a completely different part of the universe, doesn't matter how far away things are.

You're wrong, actually.

The axis does stay in the same place, though it does have a slight wobble, creating the four seasons. The existence of seasons alone immediately disproves flat-earth

So is the illuminati hacking my camera when I take pictures of other galaxies with my telescope?

What, why wouldn't you what could they possibly be lying about

I'd love to know why.

Again, you seem to forget that the earth is moving in multiple ways. Its own rotation would mean the axis doesn't move much, but the earth is orbiting the sun as well, and the sun is orbiting something else too, so it is not staying in the same place in the universe, yet the stars rotate around us every night.

>what is decomposition
the same reason we arent up to are uncles in all kinds of organic mater
thanks Saprotrophs

1- one set of parents may have upwards of 20 children
2- many cultures encourage marriage with close cousins
3- many people marry distant cousins unknowingly
4- some cultures practice sibling marriage
5- cross-generational incest (Your grandfather is your father)
6- Polygyny: one man may take many wives
7- Polyandry: One woman may take many husbands

A- Cremation can reduce bones to small bits of ash
B- Catacombs: after decomposing for a given period, graves are dug and the bones are removed to be stored in a small area, and the grave plots are filled with bodies again

And I’m sure many other explanations as well.

I don't know who it is. All I know is they're the smartest criminals around, which is why I don't know who they are.

Hmmm, maybe everything?

>I don't know who it is. All I know is they're the smartest criminals around, which is why I don't know who they are.

That's one of the most retarded things I've ever read.

Why's that? The earth ain't gonna be run by good people since good people aren't usually attracted to positions of power and control.

Those positions will be taken by the smartest criminals. If you believe the North Korea theatre, then that'd be an example of a country run by criminals who are smarter than the majority of the population (not because their brains are inherently better, but because they have access to the truth, and therefore are able to provide the opposite to the population to maintain control.

Dude. You are literally saying that when I go in my back yard and take a picture of Andromeda with it it magically is fake. Even if I took a photo with a non-digital camera you'd still say it was fake somehow or that I was lying. That's Grade-A dumbfuckery. I seriously doubt you've ever actually even used a telescope.

For most of history, average lifespan was more like 35, what with more than half of all children dying before they reached adulthood, and thus not leaving any descendants.

How are you able to do that every night? It takes six months to move around half of the sun, the earth will be facing a different side of the universe and yet the stars remain in the exact same place in the sky.

Unless you made the telescope yourself you don't know what it's doing.

Have you ever zoomed in on a star that's visible to the naked eye? They're nothing like what we are told: youtube.com/watch?v=H1I4-OROXZI

Precession of the equinoxes (the earth spins like a gyroscope) means that Polaris hasn't always been the north star. Sometimes there hasn't been any north star.

I'm not even talking about that dumbass claim of yours. I'm talking about you saying galaxies aren't real.

Read this. Maybe you'll learn something.

>every couple has only one child
What you do, is you keep calculating from this assumption until the mass of bones equals the mass of Earth, and then conclude that this tells us the time since God created Adam, Eve, Bob, Fran, Craig, Gladys, Dennis, Helen...

> the stars remain in the exact same place in the sky.
Relative to each other, yes. Relative to us on earth, no. Orion (to give one example) is in a different part of the sky now than it will be in the spring.

Bones completely decompose in a few years under normal conditions. How often do you go into the forest and stumble on animal bones? And yet how many animals have lived and died there in the past n years? Look along roadsides especially where roadkill is common. I've found a few bones here and there occasionally, but they just don't last that long.

Also the Earth is big. Really big. 100 billion bones is nothing. You could throw away 100 billion bones and it would barely make a dent in the amount of garbage we currently put into landfills every day.


>Polaris hasn't always been the north star. Sometimes there hasn't been any north star.

The fact is has always been there in the same place in my lifetime is proof enough that the earth is not moving. Show me proof it's been a different star, or never being there.

I'm not trusting any space shit coming from government organisations, which includes galaxies. If you believe that the universe contains billions of galaxies then there's potential of other life and therefore we're not as valuable as we thought, just a product of chance. Much easier to control people who think that.

>which includes galaxies.
Hey dumbfuck did you forgot how I said people take pictures of galaxies all the time with their personal telescopes and you said it was the illuminati hacking cameras?

Hehe, this is how "science" works now. Come up with some convoluted nonsense and give it some important sounding name and now it's fact.

This technique is getting old. Whatever happened to Occam's razor?


It's not convoluted at all. You're just a moron.

>Occam's razor?
What's more likely; Hundreds of thousands of scientists are all lying or there is no conspiracy?

Despite the huge numbers, humans actually occupy very little space in terms of their physical bodies, in relation to the size of the earth.

You could actually pack everyone standing inside a 27 km x 27 km square. All 7.3 billion of them.


Now, secondly, your maths assumes the human population was larger in the past than it is now in the present, with an unique ancestry to every single living person. In fact the human population is calculated to be much smaller in the past. For example the population of the UK in 1950 was about 50 million. In 1500 it is calculated to have been about 3 million.

So those 50 million people, for the most part, are directly descended from 3 million people, meaning that if you back far enough through the generations you get a lot of inbreeding, although at a remove, such as distant cousins marrying.

What should really concern you is the fact that if you trace your ancestry back through either your paternal or maternal line then 350 million years ago your direct ancestor,, YOUR DIRECT ANCESTOR, PAL, was a FUCKING FISH!

Yeah. That's right. Go through your father's line and eventually your get to a FUCKING FISH swimming around in a Carboniferous sea.

Holy Fuck, doesn't that blow your mind? It should. I mean people get all antsy about us humans being descended from an ape-like common ancestor, but you take evolution to its logical conclusion and we were FUCKING FISH at one time. Fish that passed its sperm on to eggs which gave a new generation of fish and so on down through the vast passage of time until amphibians evolved, then reptiles and then mammals.

Sperm after sperm after sperm. It took a lot of fucking to get you here, young man.
Think about that.

How does the telescope take a picture exactly?

Don't pretend you know what the Wiki article is saying.

Hundreds of thousands? Nowhere near that many.

They aren't lying, they are just given incorrect axioms, from which they build mathematical models which are also incorrect.

Fucking fish, man, it blows my mind.

>How does the telescope take a picture exactly?
You literally attach a camera to a telescope and point it at something. If you have a tracker the telescope collects more light which forms a better image in your camera.

>Don't pretend you know what the Wiki article is saying.
What in the article don't you understand? It really isn't that complicated. Maybe it doesn't have enough pictures for you?

What hasn't the government of any nation not lied about?

If we take evolution to its logical starting point, it won't be fish, because something had to birth that fish, and so on to infinity. Evolution doesn't work logically, I'm sorry.

Attach it how? You're telling me you can't see the galaxy through the telescope itself?

Also if you are somehow miracorously getting clear shots of galaxies millions of miles away, how come there's no clear shot of the moon's surface? That should be easy.

>What in the article don't you understand? It really isn't that complicated. Maybe it doesn't have enough pictures for you?

It's a load of made up bullshit. It's deliberate, because you then assume that only really smart people can understand it, and so it must be true. It's fucking sci-fi.

It gets worse. Much worse than just FUCKING FISH.

Go back 600 million years. You want to know what your DIRECT ANCESTOR was doing? Sitting on a rock somewhere in an ocean, filter feeding and being a FUCKING SPONGE! Pumping out zillions of sperm and hoping, just hoping one of them would find an ova to fertilize.

I mean, Jesus Christ, can you imagine if it was possible to have a snapshot of all your direct paternal ancestors and start flicking through them, going back through the generations. You would sit there for hours going through a photo album that has your immediate ancestors as recognizable humans, then as the years passed, they would morph into fucking FISH, and then into FUCKING SPONGES! Fuck. Just fuck!

Ah shut the fuck up you idiot. Go jerk off on the bible or something.

You're forgetting they didn't exactly have fantastic medicine back then. Most baby were dead on arrival or with their birth year. Then kids die fairly often before they can reproduce, so another chunk taken out. Not denying incest happened, but there's other factors to.

As an FYI, you can watch how the innovation of medicine caused a massive spike in populations in the last 100 or so years. Simply chlorine in the water helps.

>Attach it how? You're telling me you can't see the galaxy through the telescope itself?
You attach the camera lens to the eyepiece. Yes you can see it looking directly through the eyepiece, but it doesn't look nearly as clear as a long exposure shot.

>Also if you are somehow miraculously getting clear shots of galaxies millions of miles away, how come there's no clear shot of the moon's surface? That should be easy.
Galaxies are huge. Andromeda, the closest big galaxy to us, is 6 times larger in the sky than the full moon. You can actually make its shape out if it's dark enough out.

Sponges huh? That's not the logical starting point either. (Hint: There isn't one, you can go on to infinity).

I'm not religious.

Why don't you jerk off onto some science books, they are just as dogmatic as the bible, in fact even worse because it's designed to make you feel mechanical and worthless.

>an ova
an ovum (singular). Ova is the plural form.

Go back to before the sponges, and our ancestors were single-celled creatures.

>It's a load of made up bullshit. It's deliberate, because you then assume that only really smart people can understand it, and so it must be true. It's fucking sci-fi.
Point out what you had a hard time understanding so I have an idea what you're talking about.

I fucking love science!

So, Fucking Sponges. Yeah. Your DIRECT ANCESTOR was one.

I suppose you are feeling all out of sorts now, right son? Its a big thing to come to terms with. But ya know what, it aint NOTHING!

You want to see nothing? Do ya? Okay then, let go back 4.54 BILLION YEARS! Back then life hadn't even begun! There was nothing living. Well FUCK! Where did we all come from then?

We came from bits and pieces of materials, molecules of organic matter, all shifting around in the ancient seas, bumping into each other, forming lipid membranes and then somehow, managing to maintain our integrity until we could make a copy of whatever the fuck we were. There was probably a lot of fucking involved too.

You came from nothing but some shitty stands of random chemicals, son.

>We came from bits and pieces of materials, molecules of organic matter, all shifting around in the ancient seas, bumping into each other, forming lipid membranes and then somehow, managing to maintain our integrity until we could make a copy of whatever the fuck we were. There was probably a lot of fucking involved too.
Those same exact molecules are inside your body right now.

Shut the fuck up, you aint telling the story, asswipe.

>You attach the camera lens to the eyepiece. Yes you can see it looking directly through the eyepiece, but it doesn't look nearly as clear as a long exposure shot.

What direction does this galaxy move?

>Galaxies are huge. Andromeda, the closest big galaxy to us, is 6 times larger in the sky than the full moon. You can actually make its shape out if it's dark enough out.

So why can't you get a close up picture of the moon's surface?

How about every word?

>What direction does this galaxy move?
Same as everything else in the sky.

>So why can't you get a close up picture of the moon's surface?
You can.

>How about every word?
You're a fucking idiot. The article is about how scientists use trigonometry to measure how far away stars are. Not difficult to understand for anyone who made it out of middle school.

>Same as everything else in the sky.

So rotating around us then?

>You can.

Show me.

>You're a fucking idiot. The article is about how scientists use trigonometry to measure how far away stars are. Not difficult to understand for anyone who made it out of middle school.

Uh huh, so in other words you have no idea.

So great grand daddy was a lipid membrane or some shit.

But ya know what? That's good. At least HE WAS SOMETHING!

it gets worse. Much worse.

Ya see, all of this shit happened on Earth. But there was a time, before 4.6 BILLION YEARS ago, when even the FUCKING EARTH didn't exist!

That'' right! And all the fucking and sperming and evolution that DIRECTLY lead up to YOU existing had to originate, somehow, from a time before then!

Well, it appears that the Earth formed from a shit load of gases and rocky particles that lumped together under mutual gravitational atraction as they orbited the proto sun.

So yeah, go back 5 BILLION YEARS and your DIRECT "ANCESTOR" was a collection of space junk orbiting around a nerd sun. One day all those atoms and molecules and tiny bits of rock, would eventually come together and form the ancestor that would DIRECTLY produce you.

You came from something which wasn't even alive! It wasn't even bound together as a single entity! Holy fuck! That was your DIRECT ANCESTOR, splintered through space, under the weak glow of a rapidly forming star. God, I think I am going to have to take a crap now, just thinking about this stuff.

Okay, but you think that's bad? Great grand daddy was a smear of uncollected space detritus? An unconscious, non-living, non-sperming, non-fucking assortment of chemicals drifting in orbit around a ball of incandescent hydrogen that has yet to really start heating things up?

Yeah, its hard to imagine that was your DIRECT ANCESTOR. But it gets worse. Much worse.

So when I fap, I am ejaculating some of my direct ancestors.I bet that pisses them off, if they had a consciousness to know.

This sounds like an exiting new form of instinctual self masturabtion. Am hard thinking about uit.

Much much worse.
But I am not going to continue unless someone goes tells me to jerk off on a science book again.

That's how life started. God made his primordial jizz and mixed it with science and sheeit. Then WE WUZ KANGS

Will the north star always be north? Directly above the north pole? All the time?

If Orion is in a different position, then so must all the other stars, yet the North pole hasn't changed.

it's an estimate based on various population figures from hundreds of countries + UN estimates, you fucking retard

>Cremation is not very prevalent
>not very prevalent
almost all asian nations predominantly cremate their dead, before everyone started following judaism and its derivatives cremation was common everywhere. Pretty much everyone did it, romans too. It's only becoming more popular today due to burials being bullshit scams and waste of land.

>its much easier to control people when they think their existence is due to random chance and there could be potentially billions of other intelligent species out there

I dont know man. The Catholic Church did a really good job of controlling people for most of recent history(if you don’t believe that, tell me what year it is and why), and one of their core teachings is that humans are like super fucking special. Like, the entire world was created just for us to have our way with it special. If you think the world is flat just book a ticket to Alaska, and observe more than 24 hours of uninterrupted daylight. 5 months later you could travel to Antarctica and observe more than 24 hours of uninterrupted daylight. If Antarctica is too hard for you try Ushuaia, you can get about 20 hours of daylight there in the Northern hemispheres winter months. Now, if you can tell me how that is possible on a flat Earth, while all of the countries in between those latitudes experience regular day/night cycles, i will transfer $1000 USD to a paypal account of your choosing. Im not kidding.

Yea the government lies about a lot of shit. They are shady as fuck and a HEALTHY amount of skepticism is a good thing, but i can tell you with absolute certainty the Earth is not flat. The method i listed is just one of many ways you can determine this for yourself without having to rely on outside sources of information. If flying is too conspiracy ridden for you, the route can actually be driven if you are crazy enough.

Gawds, these anti-science threads...

I mean, I hope folks are just trolling - I mean, they *probably* are... But imagine if they aren't.

Have we really reached the point where people just don't trust in any of the knowledge we've gathered over the ages and communicate it through a system that depends on said? Is this the end, not only of science, but of human thought and progress, which has been made possible by the passing down of knowledge through so many generations? If we can no longer build on mountains of information our various institutions have gathered over the millennia, if all human knowledge has to be rebuilt from scratch every generation, because distrust of those institutions and anti-intellectualism has risen to such staggering prominence that we no longer trust anything anyone tells us, regardless of the veracity of their sources, just how fucked are we?

I really hope it's just trolls, but some of these "there are no satellites, galaxies, black holes, the Earth is flat, relativity is a lie, there's only 2 million people, the Earth is only 6,000 years old..." etc. etc. really seem to believe the nonsense they are posting, and rail so harshly against any evidence against their insanity, that it's hard to believe mere trolls would be so persistent. It seems, at least some of them are ardent believers, being aided by trolls - but the ratio of insanity to mischief seems more and more to be leading towards the former, and it scares me to think how quickly that insanity is becoming the norm.

>Pretty much everyone did it, romans too. It's only becoming more popular today due to burials being bullshit scams and waste of land.
Actually, just reading into now, this has already happened. Cremation is the majority in most nations, even those with high kikeism.

Most nonmiddle-eastern asian countries are near 100%. China is 46%, Australia is 70%, New Zealand is 75%, Canada is 70%, Hungary is 60%, France is 45%, Netherlands is 63%, UK is 76%, Nordic countries range from 40-80%, USA is 49%.