Programming skills to improve livelihood in Uganda

Thoughts, Veeky Forums?

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Ugandan prince when?

god bless Sam for his javascript classes

Quite ridiculous, I really can not see these third world countries making jumps which took the west hundreds of years.

memes aside, what would these kids even do with questionable code monkey skills?
the infrastructure and market for anything they could do just doesn't exist there

copy pasting technology and knowledge doesn't require hundreds of years.

good for him, he could be hired as a cheap code monkey.

I'm a spic and companies like microsoft seek our best programmers to make 40k a year, which is a lot of money here (4k a month versus 500 usd paid by local companies).

So no, he could live a better live and help develop his shithole.

Even making some android app or game could mean several times more income than what he could make locally.

>memes aside, what would these kids even do with questionable code monkey skills?
spam the fuck out of americans to troll for money

shit good for him. that's some serious fucking initiative. he knows english well enough and is already learning to code, pushing himself to do so

i'd hire him

Yousafzai, Aisha K et al. Effects of responsive stimulation and nutrition interventions on children's development and growth at age 4 years in a disadvantaged population in Pakistan: a longitudinal follow-up of a cluster-randomised factorial effectiveness trial. The Lancet Global Health , Volume 4 , Issue 8 , e548 - e558
>1302 mother–child dyads were re-enrolled between Jan 1, 2013, and March 31, 2013, all of whom were followed up at 4 years of age. Children who received responsive stimulation (with or without enhanced nutrition) had significantly higher cognition, language, and motor skills at 4 years of age than children who did not receive responsive stimulation.

Great idea. It's well known the brain is one of those organs you lose if you don't use

Need to start teaching it even younger IMO

Countries like the ones in North America, Australia or Israel didn't take hundreds of years to get developed. Just because Eurocucks are slow, it doesn't mean the rest of the world should be.

They could be picked by foreign companies to do low-tier software work. That's usually how it goes.

>copy pasting technology and knowledge doesn't require hundreds of years.
Thats not what I meant. It took Europe hundreds of years to go from farming to computer science.
Large parts of Africa are completely undeveloped, no infrastructure and neither need nor opportunity for these kinds of Jobs.
Europe transformed naturally into these Jobs, forcing this upon Africa might not be something which anyone desires.

The question is what do these people actually do with their skills?
Of course they could become code monkeys and work from afar (unlikely since the Internet is probably quite bad) or move but that solves none of the problems Africa has.
It will not make Africa a better place and it will not resolve Africa's need for food.
Being a Programmer in Africa is essentially useless, you have to move and Africa will stay an absolute shithole.

Europeans seriously need to leave that place alone, I had to sound like an SJW but neo-colonialism is a thing, but this time we are destroying Africa with the best intentions instead of leaving them alone and letting them develop by themselves.

You realize that in a lot of these countries English or a derivative is the state language?
It is not an achievement to know your mothers tongue.
I also do not get why you would hire anyone just because there exists a photo of him in front of a monitor, that seems like garbage level standards.

Exactly, they were settled by already developed countries.
This is not a question about infrastructure, but about society.
Just like the inferior Amerindians were slaughtered by the whites because of their low societal development, we are now forcing undesirable change upon the Africans.

Early childhood education is something we need to take much, much more seriously precisely for the reason you just brought up.

You want an intelligent population that facilitates development and growth? Invest in early childhood intellectual stimulation and make it as widespread as you can.

>Just because Eurocucks are slow, it doesn't mean the rest of the world should be.

You need to understand that the region of Uganda this video is discussing is a lowly-populated highland backwater. Rural peripheries are always poorer relatively and have lower potential for development, be it in Uganda or the USA.

In major cities and urban settlements of Africa, I'm sure programmers and software developers will find opportunity, or at least will in a decade or two.

>Just like the inferior Amerindians were slaughtered by the whites because of their low societal development
kek. reducing "societal development" to "being good at war"?
the amerindianfag has you this triggered? sad!

Of course you will find large software companies outside of small towns, but that is not the point.

All of Africa has to develop, it is not about building a few roads and a bit of other infrastructure.
Society as a whole must develop and educating people in skills that they can not use to the benefit of their countries can not help your country.

Europe can get away with a few percent of the population being farmers, Africa can not.
If your country (as many African countries do) suffers from hunger and needs outside governments to stop the population from starving, then you should educate people to be good farmers and not to be software developers.
Africa has had a lot of trouble with that transition, unlike other parts of the world like eg. Malaysia.

>the amerindianfag has you this triggered?
Actually no.
I tried to trigger him as hard as possible, I added the last sentence after realizing it is him to provoke a (You).

>the absolute state of computer "science"

To be honest, like you said - Africa is in many ways a colony continent to this very day.
The idea that they will pick themselves up and start working towards stable and functional governance in the midst of all international intervention is absurd.
Africa is inherently integrated into the world system in a way that prevents it from developing further and instead makes it a raw resource reserve to be exploited by the other powerful players.

Taking you behind the scenes of a Kode school in Uganda

>Thats not what I meant. It took Europe hundreds of years to go from farming to computer science.
In Finland it took a few decades. It's not that hard to catch up. Just requires human level intelligence.

>In Finland it took a few decades.
I do not recall Finland being being colonized during the last 2 centuries after hundreds of years of more or less isolation.
But of course, evolutionary differences are important.

>I do not recall Finland being being colonized
Well, it was. First by Sweden for centuries, then after a war that killed half of the Finnish men, by Russia for another century. It even included few periods called "period of oppression", where they tried to extinguish Finnish culture and history. Next month Finland gets to celebrate its 100th birthday.

Ironically, the lack of infrastructure is driving innovation in that part of the world.

I really like to take mobile money as example. Cashless transactions has become commonplace in africa way before stuff like apple pay or contactless cards become mainstream in europe/america. Airtime credits is used as some kind of crypto-currency way before bitcoin becomes a thing and everyone with a mobile phone can access the service. Reason; lack of access to the banks (especially in rural areas), risk of theft and rampant counterfeit currency in the market

Mobile money is also creating/driving other industry. People could pay for their groceries with mobile money, obviously, but they can also get micro loans (to start business, buy seeds for their farm, etc), pay their insurance, motor taxi fare (or boda-boda as its called), etc. Another benefit of mobile money is that any transaction is automatically VAT-deductible so some small business have mobile money-only policy , since plenty of them couldn't do their taxes for shit and electronic billing machine is a hassle to use.

In countries like uganda, people are increasingly relying on solar power (again, because shitty infrastructure) so it doesn't take long before some entrepreneurial guy see how to make profit out of solar energy and mobile money. Hence, stuff like solar credit came out where they installed solar power in someone's house but he need to pay monthly installments for them,using mobile money (or pay per use/PPU where the houseowner only pay for the electricity while the equipments remain with the provider. Even solar charging kiosks is a booming business, where you charge your phone on a solar-powered stall, for a fee.

I know about that, but that has happened for quite a long time, there was a conditional in my sentence.
Finland wasn't isolated from Europe for thousands of years.

Also Germany isn't significantly older then a hundred years either, but then again I think I already told you that you are right and that evolutionary factors are part of the reason why finland has developed significantly more.

Aside from that, a premature "Happy Birthday" for Finland.

And yet, none of this is gonna fly in western countries

>mobile money
We have access to the nearest ATM in relative safety
>off grid solar power
Only pot-smoking, tree-hugging hippies and germans are into this kind of stuff
>solar charging kiosk
Which is redundant because almost every places offer power outlet

But for your average african who needs to walk many miles on a dirt track just to either charge his phone (because his entire village doesn't have electricity) or go to the bank to get money? That shit is a Godsend

>Aside from that, a premature "Happy Birthday" for Finland.
There will be a party. You can come if you bring a present.

I'll consider it.

>Solar kiosk

Looks like a good idea to me. But yeah, I don't think it's going to work in europe

None of these are particularly novel or breathtaking

CS brainlets

South Korea did it, but it remains to be seen if all countries will be able to pull rapid modernization off. I doubt it.

You're missing the point