Arithmetic derivative

One might want to define a "derivative" on [math] \mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Q} [/math].

A candidate is the Lagarias arithmetic derivative (

Define [math] d(n): \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\} \to \mathbb{N}\cup \{0\} [/math] by the rules
[math] d(p)=1 [/math] when [math] p [/math] is prime.
[math] d(nm)=d(n)*m+n*d(m) [/math] for all [math] n,m\in \mathbb{N}\cup \{0\}[/math]

Then [math] d(0)=d(0*0)=d(0)*0+0*d(0)=0 [/math], and [math] d(1)=d(1*1)=d(1)*1+1*d(1)=2d(1) [/math] gives [math]d(1)=0[/math]. More results are in the image.

This may be extended to [math] d(n): \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z} [/math] by setting [math] d(-n) = -d(n) [/math] for all [math] n \geq 1 [/math].

A further extension of the derivative to [math] \mathbb{Q} [/math] is obtained by using a quotient rule [math] d(\frac{p}{q}) = \frac{d(p)*q-p*d(q)}{q^2} [/math].

Nice blog post, user. Tell me more, please

Just look at kahler differentials

could anyone invent a more useless tool and even give it a name?

Where are going with this, user?

I mean yes, there are a dozen operators that fulfill the Leibnitz rule, aka derivations.
it's happening guise

>the spectrum of the integers is “intrinsically curved”

>>the spectrum of the integers is “intrinsically curved”
He's not wrong.

have you really thought this through

>have you really thought this through
What's wrong with it?

I suppose this is equal to [math]\sum_p \frac{n}{p}[/math] for prime factors p of n (potentially repeated) or if you prefer [math]\sum_{p,k} \frac{nk}{p}[/math] for distinct prime factors p of n with exponents k.

>He's not wrong.
I'm not a "he".

are you are Alexandru Buium they clearly weren't talking about you retard

>are you are Alexandru Buium they clearly weren't talking about you retard
Can you rewrite that into something makes sense please?

> the ring of integers plays the role of a ring of functions on an infinite dimensional manifold

>Before you compute 1+1=2 you must first invent infinite dimensional manifolds

what the fuck are you talking about you autist

not who you're quoting but since you're retarded i'll help you:
>are you are Alexandru Buium? they clearly weren't talking about you retard
hope that helped, retard

>hope that helped, retard
It doesn't, what does "are you are Alexandru Buium?" mean?

not who you're quoting but since you're retarded i'll help you:
>are you Alexandru Buium? they clearly weren't talking about you retard
hope that helped, retard

isn't math about simply making novel conjectures, not strictly useful ones?

it's not useless, what if you need to find velocity in some Z space?

>are you Alexandru Buium?