Attack NEETdom without appealing to ressentiment

Attack NEETdom without appealing to ressentiment.

>inb4 no replies

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NEETs are the next stage of evolution

unapologetic NEETdom is the body without organs

are we not talking literal NEETs then?

last man's just as comfy. it's his whole problem.

Leaving your potentials.

inb4 spook

"When Zarathustra was thirty years old he left his home and the lake of his home and went into the mountains. Here he enjoyed his spirit and his solitude."

Zarathustra was a NEET

OP can't inb4

Hermitage is just a special vocation.

there's being NEET (nobleman) and being NEET (basement dweller)

the only way out is to go through the mud, black bile, and phobia. neets are cowards, afraid to face the problems that contribute to the anxiety and pressure they feel. its nobodies fault that the economy is shit but looking into the convex mirror is what will get you by, to the best of your ability. blaming society, your family, or immigration just lets the wound fester until you eventually choke on the blood from biting your tongue in passive-egressive tantrums.

>afraid to face the problems that contribute to the anxiety and pressure they fee

already straw manned. that envy is showing my dude. keep cucking wage cuck.

envious of a bunch of people who have dropped out of life? lol.

I can't. NEETdom is the final and most patrician state of man. Labour for material wealth is meaningless and detracts from studying the great mysteries.

Nope, envious of a bunch of people enjoying their lives in spite of your morals.

lol. yeah, neets sure do enjoy their lives.

sure do.

not all NEETs were born rich you fucking retard what even is that shit video

a youtube is the best you can do? pathetic.

>attack subject deserved of ressentiment without appealing to ressentiment

It's just simple fact that NEETs living comfortably on welfare are just seen as freeloaders and parasites - dead weights that need to be shrugged off.

The best you can do being a NEET who doesn't want to feel hated or looked down on is living without the crutch of a collective to sponge off, which most likely means:

A. Living as a Hermit
B. Living as a Hobo on bare handouts and traipsing round soup kitchens
C. Living a life of some form of productivity (eg. usually creative art) with the help of specific financial benefactors that support you

But we all know the kind of NEET you refer to is the basement dwelling social reject who does nothing but use his Dole money for booze, cigs and junk food, and browses Veeky Forums to aggressively attack people anonymously online. There's no philosophy skirting round this one - it's deserved of resentment (whether you think that resentment is from 'ressentiment' is up to you)

You don't have to be born into it. I worked a few high paying jobs in IT, had my fun being rich and now I don't work. Rather, I just read all day and write my books because money is absolutely meaningless.

how much money do you have now?


NEETs hate themselves, I dont need to attack their lifestyle.

Hey man you wanted to categorize NEETS as disturbed victims, it goes both ways my dude. Just because i don't want to exploit myself for someone else's gain, or subscribe to your morals doesn't mean i carry the baggage you proclaim.

no one believes you

NEETdom within society is parasitic and weakness. Ironically, the best arguments against being a NEET came from Nietzsche. If you live in the woods, by yourself, sustaining yourself, of your own will and power, then great, but if you're living off your parents or the government, that's weakness; your entire livelihood is determined by the whims of others.

He lived by himself for himself.
There's a difference.

>pleasure pleasure pleasure pleasure pleasure
HA. This video is a joke. Hedonism is a shallow road and dead end.

im not the guy you were talking to earlier, i am NEET myself, that video triggered me at first but then I realized it was satire lmao

just out of curiosity what is your ideal way for the world to work then? you don't want to exploit yourself for someones gain so are you implying you would rather live in communism or something?

>just out of curiosity what is your ideal way for the world to work then? you don't want to exploit yourself for someones gain so are you implying you would rather live in communism or something?

To be fair, I don't know. I personally find it petty to care about things that don't make me happy. That "live life as if you had to repeat it forever " or w/e is a pretty good quote.

i would fucking kill to be an unapologetic NEET.

can you get enough bux to have an apartment on your own or do you need to live in a basement?

Communism is a life time of slavery. I'd rather have a free market, low taxes, less building restrictions, and buy my freedom from society after a decade of working, instead of working until my grave.

No don't
After recently graduating from NEETdom, it's a t truly horrid experience

You have to live off your wealth, or your parent's wealth. At least in the USA.

I can't. I keep returning to the NEET life because nothing beats it. All of the wage slaves defending employment wouldn't work if they didn't feel obligated to.

>Communism is a life time of slavery. I'd rather have a free market, low taxes, less building restrictions, and buy my freedom from society after a decade of working, instead of working until my grave.

>has never enjoyed the joys of work
>has never enjoyed life

desu this probably sums up all of neetdom.

I never enjoyed life as a neet. not once I knew what enjoying life was about.

NEETs are depressed, lazy, useless eaters who fail even at the most basic tasks of self improvement. Their inability to pursue virtue is so radical that I think we shouldn't even consider them people.

The joys of work is a misnomer.

That's just a recipe for a plutocracy, and freedom for the very few. Those neoliberal policies you yearn for have been implemented and have failed every time without exception. They're what led to Britain's economic decline in the late 19th and early 20th century, and they're why the US has been in decline since the 60s.


most of NEETs pay all taxes they have to unlike CEOs of big companies and many celebrities

>global poverty is at the lowest it's ever been

Of course I've experienced the joys of work. It's why I love being a NEET so much. NEETdom means I get to create what I wish and for myself, satisfying my creative urges. Employment has only ever gotten in the way of meaningful work.


>American economy grows significantly, prices go up, but middle class incomes stagnate for decades

Still waiting for that wealth to trickle down.

>Still waiting for that wealth to trickle down
No economist has ever thought "trickle down economics" was a thing. Ever. It's literally a leftists strawman.
Also, you've not refuted my point at all. Capitalism rules the globe. Poverty has gone down and it keeps going down.

The Last Men prototype, pioneers of blinking.

I never argued against capitalism. I argued against free markets, low taxes, fewer restrictions. Look at virtually every prosperous country and you'll find an economy that was heavily regulated. America, during its period of most prodigious growth, was extremely protectionist, with some of the highest tariffs as well as the strategic use of subsidies. Same was true with Britain, Germany, France, and, if you want to look at even more recent history, South Korea. Governments have played an integral role in long-term economic development throughout history. In freer markets, because short-term profits are the aim of private companies, the status quo tends to be preserved.

government checks can only buy so many tendies

Where the fuck is this tendies meme from?

/r9k/, around the same time as GBP. It's the only meme from that hellhole I find funny, simply because all the outlandish stories imply an understanding audience.

pleasure is the only source of meaning in this world. it can be carnal or spiritual, but nonetheless pleasure.

Lol this must be fake.
NEETs don't go outside.

Weakness of parents or government, I'd say. Not yours, if you don't feel moraly obliged.

I was NEET for a whole year and it was pretty cool.

NEETdom is life-denying.

You kiterally can't debate this.

>doing wage work and having your employer take a cut of the wealth you created is supposed to be fulfilling
I'll be an employer or a welfare leech but i would rather kill myself than be a wage worker.

NEETdom is psychologically, physiologically, and developmentally damaging.

"Not in Education, Employment, or Training"
The acronym does not justify what the term has come to actually describe and the reasons for such a disposition to occur. You don't even have to criticize it from your own perspective; just ask yourself, have you ever heard of a non-deluded, healthy, fulfilled NEET?

I've never heard of a non-deluded, healthy, fulfilled wagecuck either...

>a fancy cravate makes your neetdom different

el o el

You sound like a pleb who needs to distract himself from his own existence.

NEETdom is great.

Whats wrong with deying """""life""""? Who do you think you are to judge what is life and what is not life?

-It's not economically feasible for the full population, therefore it cannot be given as a right. If it can't be a right then it is entirely based upon circumstance (that being the charity of others).

-It's life denying like another user said

-It is decadent

-It is not independently sustainable

>staying home all day
>omg what a loser
>work in McDonald's
>wtf im overman now?!
wagecuck logic, everyone

yeah it is, I'm denying something that's awful, what's your point?

>animals are life-denying

wew laddio


NEETdom means living the life of an animal. You're not overcoming nothing, and you're not exerting your will in any sensible way. If you think that you're doing so by shutting yourself in a room for 30 years accomplishing nothing that just speaks volumes about how mediocre you really are.

>Brb imma not go hunt for food and let the pack starve

NEETs are life denying.

why are you putting such a premium on exerting your will or overcoming?

Just like the legacies of NEETs.

You should aspire to be a human, not an animal. You have limitless potential, and you're wasting it by living a life of NEETdom. You learn nothing, you create nothing, you do nothing in general. You sedate yourself with cheap entertainment, and then you die, just like a dog dies.

>enters specific form of education
your translation is shit btw, Heimat doesn't mean that

>humans aren't animals

Because it's a Nietzche thread.
The point is to argue against NEETdom as Nietzsche without using the ressentiment argument.

There is a biological niche for NEETdom. Outsourcing the energy needed for food production and other necessities is extremely efficient as an evolutionary tactic.

Nice strawman there, buddy. I learn, create and do much more than most wageslaves.

>humans should not aspire to overcome their being animals
>humans should instead spend their lives on the internet, doing nothing until they die

NEETdom means that you're not pursuing any sort of education, this means that you're not a NEET

I know, but I'm questioning your argument

>spending your time handling the spreadsheats of your boss is overcoming your animal nature
>spending your time savouring and creating dank memes is not

19th century protestant work ethic is tiresome as shit desu senpai

Right, so every time I have a Wikipedia tab open or look at a traffic sign or a food label I'm not NEET.

By your definition needs do not exist except for maybe the comatose and the intensely retarded.

"ressentiment" isn't a real thing.

>you can overcome materiality

*neets desu

wagecucks btfo

Because it makes sense, once you start doing it you will quickly realize that humans are really supposed to live this way, and that living this way is not a sacrifice at all (instead is probably the most fullfilling form of existence).
Exerting your will is to express your creativity, even forcefully, on the world. I don't see, for example, why would you not want to live a magnified form of your dream lifestyle.
Overcoming is what you need to become what you are. To truly see the limits of your personality, to stop treating yourself as a self and to start seeing yourself as a multitude, and only then to redirect this multitude to what you really desire through a unifying idea (what we could call a "life goal").

I don't see how you could choose the NEET path knowing this.

>posts on Veeky Forums

>you can't be arbitrary and just choose to assign value to something (wether it's art, science, philantropy, conquering, whatever)

That's semantics. Are you just skimming random facts on the internet? Then you're not in education.

I obviously was not implying wageslavery, nor I am promoting work for work's sake.
What I'm saying is that if you're a NEET and you're not studying to become great at something you suck.

>Exerting your will is to express your creativity, even forcefully, on the world.

you're free to do this as a NEET

>I don't see, for example, why would you not want to live a magnified form of your dream lifestyle.

you know what 99.9% of jobs are like, right? they're not tailored to the best express the creativity of whomever is partaking in them, they're tailored to maintenance and petty bullshit

>That's semantics. Are you just skimming random facts on the internet? Then you're not in education.
NEET refers to people who aren't formally (self-)employed and aren't involved in formal education. I'm not the one trying to bend the definition, that is what you are doing. Formal education, not 'any sort of education'. If I would befriend a carpenter and have him teach me things I would still formally be NEET.

People can learn and better themselves very well without being involved in formal schooling.

>I obviously was not implying wageslavery, nor I am promoting work for work's sake.
>What I'm saying is that if you're a NEET and you're not studying to become great at something you suck.
Greatness for greatness' sake is as silly as work for work's sake.

So where are all the good arguments against NEETdom? it just sounds like wagecucks defending the status-quo because of their lack of autonomy.

what you idiots don't understand is that you need to go through all that bullshit in order to overcome and do something great, starting has always been the most difficult part
>waaah b-but girls live life on easy mode ;_;
>waaah I'm poor waah
just go and get that job at McDonalds, you will be able to get better jobs if you have some kind of experience
Do you expect jobs to be great just as comfy as your bedroom? of course they suck

>you're free to do this as a NEET
It would require education, wether it is formal or not.

>you know what 99.9% of jobs are like, right? they're not tailored to the best express the creativity of whomever is partaking in them, they're tailored to maintenance and petty bullshit
If you're a NEET you can disregard working unless it is part of your life goal. You've got lots of free time, enough time to sort yourself out (fuck you JP for coopting it) and master a craft, or find your way into whatever project you're interested in.

It would not be the case if you were to be a wageslave (but even they should never take the victim's role, since there is no escape from it), but you're not: you're a guy who can do whatever he wants all day long. Stop wasting your potential.

>Formal education, not 'any sort of education'.
You can formally educate yourself, it does not imply the aid of any other institution, such as universities.

>People can learn and better themselves very well without being involved in formal schooling.

I would call that education, and I would not be a fool for doing so: we both know that 99% of NEETs on Veeky Forums are not involved in any sort of self-improvement.

>Greatness for greatness' sake is as silly as work for work's sake.
Greatness is not a universal concept. You know what it means to be an excellent human, and you what being great means to you.

lol, this guy has read Nietzsche and he ended up thinking that there is some sort of dignity in wageslavery. Doing nothing in your house is as valuable as doing nothing in a McDonald.

>You can formally educate yourself, it does not imply the aid of any other institution, such as universities.
When what makes it formal to you? Intention? No dancing around please.

>I would call that education, and I would not be a fool for doing so: we both know that 99% of NEETs on Veeky Forums are not involved in any sort of self-improvement.
I would disagree on that. Most NEETs I've spoken to live way more deliberately than your average wageslave.

>Greatness is not a universal concept. You know what it means to be an excellent human, and you what being great means to you.
In that case I would agree on it being worth pursuing desu. But I think even a lot of the really down and out trash NEETs do so in a way. The conscious ones at least, the ones you talk to online, often seem to have a Bartleby-like approach to futility and their pursuit of greatness lies in the non-engagement that seems the correct response to their worldview of futility and pessimism.

Who do you so readily presume that greatness must be found in economic activity of some kind?

Americans are honestly suffering from their lack of any sort of aristocratic sensibilities. The highest thing you can conceive of is a businessman.

the difference is that you get paid to be in McDonalds, stop being a parasite, help your parents by paying for some stuff from time to time, or simply paying for YOUR stuff instead of being a parasite to them. You want to live thanks to the world without giving anything in change. I think there is dignity in not being a parasite, the medium doesnt matter. You just have a prejudice towards working at McDonalds because society has teached you that

>When what makes it formal to you? Intention? No dancing around please.
Structured studying that strives for a goal, wether it is proficience, erudition or a set of skills that you need in order to do what you have to do.
Skimming facts on the internet is not propedeutic to anything, unless you put some order into what you're doing.

>I would disagree on that. Most NEETs I've spoken to live way more deliberately than your average wageslave.
When I think about NEETs I think about the typical /r9k/ user. That said, being a bit better than other mediocre people while still being mediocre is not a sound victory for NEETdom.

>The conscious ones at least, the ones you talk to online, often seem to have a Bartleby-like approach to futility and their pursuit of greatness lies in the non-engagement that seems the correct response to their worldview of futility and pessimism.
Which is life-denying, and there are lots of reasons for argue against life-denying tendencies. In what way living as a boring, passionless NEET is worse than living as an artist NEET? It's just a rationalization for lazyness and various addiction (most notably to internet).

life denial is the highest virtue

I never said something great was found in economic activities, they are just medium towards some kind of goal, regardless of what you want to become you need to eat first, to eat you need money, to get money you need to get a job, unless you want to be some kind of parasite

Working at McDonald's is not some neutral action you do just because: it is, instead, a draining, stressful activity that steals from you most of your productive time, giving nothing of real value in return.
I could understand your argument it your parents are really struggling cause of you, but if there is no heavy sacrifice involved you should just take this opportunity and make something out of it.

>indoctrinated capitalist try to coopt Nietzsche
Stop, it's pathetic.

This. Diogenes in the barrel should be part of kindergarten storytime.