What's the best STEM field?

What's the best STEM field?

Mathematics could easily derive all the other fields in like 1 year

Neck yourself.

Psychology, obviously.

i see, a man of culture and intelligence

Go b8 somewhere else

This guy!

Psychology invented IQ.

IQ is the best shitposting invention of the century.
So Psychology.

If it wasn't for normal people and the people regulating your grants, math would just focus on homophobic algebraic manifolds or whatever instead of actual useful science.

Information/Psychological Warfare and Military Media Relations.


Go mathematics if you want to be gibsmedats teacher with no money
Go electrical engineering or robotics if you want cash and actually do something useful


I'm studying economics and I like it so far.
I know we are quite hated, I just don't understand why.


>Homophobic algebraic manifolds
I laughed out loud, thanks


Electrical engineering

The one nobody else is in.

>This guy!
I'm not a "guy".


I mean the only difference between a homomorphism and an isomorphism is one of them can't get married.


Computer science
Get paid to sit on your ass to do basically nothing but type,unless you get lucky and become the "IT guy",which in this case you literally do fucking nothing gg

because its easy as shit but economis try to treat as anything worthwhile, even if economics is mostly guessing shit or calculating with guessed numbers


There's very little to choose between them, just study whatever you like (that's not biology). You'll almost certainly end up doing software development.

because economy is a pseudoscience and most economics and business admin. students know less advanced math than some engineers

Industrial Engineering

Definitely biology hands down


Math is father.. Then physics(engineering) and biology is cool

Made my day. The IQ threads get very insane and extreme.

I actually think the Nazis were right in terms of making low IQ people infertile. Only smart people should be allowed to reproduce and no one else, then we would have an utopia in the future.

>the best STEM field

It pays a decent salary.

Guaranteed to always have a job: Mechanical Engineer.
Until it is manifest in the physical world it is all just masturbation.

Mathematical and computational ecology
>Important work
>research Life at home
> Extremely Interdisciplinary
Only downsides are the pure terror that comes along with understanding our current situation, and when trying to apply the science, which is often literally life and death, having to fight the state and private power every step of the way.
It's also just my favorite field, we all have our favorites.Mathematical and computational ecology
>Important work
>Life at home
> Extremely Interdisciplinary
>Leaves you with a tremendous and beautiful understanding of how the world works
Only downsides are the pure terror that comes along with understanding our current situation, and when trying to apply the science, which is often literally life and death, having to fight the state and private power every step of the way.
It's also just my favorite field, we all have our favorites.Mathematical and computational ecology
>Important work
>research Life at home
> Extremely Interdisciplinary
Only downsides are the pure terror that comes along with understanding our current situation, and when trying to apply the science, which is often literally life and death, having to fight the state and private power every step of the way.
It's also just my favorite field, we all have our favorites. I've studied zoology since I was a little baby, I always picked animal encyclopedias for my bedtime story and aspie shit like that. the other day I found a school assignment about the life history of polychaete worms I wrote when I was 5. I've studied, evolution, phenology, ethology, ect and acquired a very broad working knowledge.The reason I bring that up isn't to brag, it's to point out that when it comes to ecology in particular, and in general the more dots you can connect, the bigger your model world is and the more rewarding things are.

>When I was 5
Okay that's a little too early, I was in second grade so I was probably 7 or 8. By then my favorite field was marine biology, I was more into entomology at 5

Wow I sure fucked up that blog post
For the readers health

Mathematical and computational ecology
>Important work
>research Life at home
> Extremely Interdisciplinary
>Leaves you with a tremendous and beautiful understanding of how the world works
Only downsides are the pure terror that comes along with understanding our current situation, and when trying to apply the science, which is often literally life and death, having to fight the state and private power every step of the way.
It's also just my favorite field, we all have our favorites.I've studied zoology since I was a little baby, I always picked animal encyclopedias for my bedtime story and aspie shit like that. the other day I found a school assignment about the life history of polychaete worms I wrote when I was 8. I've studied, evolution, phenology, ethology, ect and acquired a very broad working knowledge.The reason I bring that up isn't to brag, it's to point out that when it comes to ecology in particular, and in general the more dots you can connect, the bigger your model world is and the more rewarding things are.

Pharmaceutical or chemistry

And then it is sex?

We all have our own unique passions and interests. There is no "Best" STEM field, we should all study what we find the most interesting.

gaysex, we are fucking engineers after all. heh

for mental masturbation, probably the most abstract fields

pure meth, theoretical physics and stuff like that

Mathematics: specifically either Set Theory & Logic or Financial Mathematics

you can close this thread now, OP

that's exactly what a physics retard WOULD say
t. mathfag

>It pays a decent salary
Unless you get a PhD and are lucky enough to become a physicist there are few jobs out there.

I like chemistry and physics.

You're right.

Now let's let US Republicans decide what goes into IQ evaluation. I'm sure it won't include a Bible Quiz.

The best STEM field uses as many STEM topics as possible, with strong understanding of each. So I'm gonna guess something like Biomedical Engineering.

what kind of STEM should i go into if i want to do lots of outdoor field work and not just as a lab hand but with a sincere amount of scientific effort

Kind of needlessly hostile, no? We’re scientists, let’s all just do our thing.


CS for jobs. Math for fun

Ecology, biogeochemistry, or ethology.
Regardlessly of what you go into, study ecology as much as you can if you plan on doing field work.

Chemical engineering (plant work) or some kind of ecology research

mathematicians aren't scientists you FUCKING IDIOT

>pure meth

So Chemistry?

Yes in internet you are a "guy"

math engineering

>implying a high IQ person couldn't easily learn enough material to pass a bible quiz in a limited amount of time


Just need to combine with engineering and it goes fine.

Underrated post

What do faggots have to do with this?

BSJ is a biomedical engineer, just look at the boy


CS by far. Lmao'ing at pure math dorks making at best 50k for their whole lifes.

>Unless you get a PhD and are lucky enough to become a physicist there are few jobs out there.
Yes, you need a PhD to get the interesting jobs.

And there are plenty of jobs, pay isn't too shabby either.