Holy shit why didn't anyone tell me that tofu+soy sauce makes all the bland shit suddenly great?

Holy shit why didn't anyone tell me that tofu+soy sauce makes all the bland shit suddenly great?

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I am a vegetarian of 10 years and what the fuck are you talking about?

I eat animals because I fucking hate them.

This. Fuck animals.

Stupid nigger animals. Fuckem

I eat animals because they taste good.
Please analyze my mental gymnastics senpai.

I eat animals because god said it's okay

>tfw stupid fucking slut sows and heiffers are getting the shit raped out of them right now

I wouldn't hate most arrogant vegans if they weren't so fucking up their own arse about being a vegan.

I eat meat because I enjoy eating it, I grew up on a standard diet, enjoying balanced meals of veg/carbs/meat.

I acknowledge that animals are harmed for this but personally, I don't mind.

I don't particularly care about animals and I happen to live in a society where they are practical and affordable nutrition, so I eat them.
*lies down on yoga mat and farts*

enjoy your bitchtits.

Because nobody would blatantly lie like that?

I keep eating them, but these asshole farmers keep getting new ones.

Bitchtits are the least problem with hormone-pumped meat.
The same meat that causes bitchtits also causes a host of deadly conditions ranging from cancer through heart diseases.

Better yet, he put them here especially for us. And it's rude to turn down a gift, so vegans will go to hell.

>tfw you'll never kidnap a cute virgin bitch, force feed her veal, kid cooked specifically in mother's milk, fois gras, and then the final course- ortolan

That's legitimate bold faced lying garbage. I agree that people with a diet that largely revolves around gorging themselves on red meats all day every day are not going to be healthy, but saying it's the meat's fault is pants-on-head backwards. It's like saying residential running water should be avoided because it causes "a host of deadly conditions" such as slipping in the shower or drowning infants in the bathtub.



i'm not even arguing for eating meat. i'm just saying you probably shouldn't load up literally everything you eat with fermented soy products

bottom is far better training regiment... top is just lazy

>caring about animals

Are your some furry shit?


fucking hell...

>I care nothing for animals save how they taste
>eats burger

I know you're both being facetious so you might be surprised to learn that what you're saying is, in fact, Biblically supported, if a tad misleading.
Besides Genesis explicitly giving man dominion over animals, there are other scriptural sources specifically denouncing vegetarianism.
The Pauline epistles, for example, warn against it as an afront to God's gift of dominion over animals. He says those who eat only vegetables are weak in their faith in the Lord and therefore have no authority to pass judgment on others for eating in the manner God gave us the right to eat. IIRC, this is found specifically somewhere in his epistle to the Romans but other epistles contain similar admonishments of vegetarianism.


All those cartoons are really making me think...

make her passed out for the last one

But that's litterally what I say whenever some vegan jackass asks me "don't you care about the well being of the animais and the planet ?" No I don't. I'm indeed a selfish asshole. Fuck of and let me enjoy a steak




The hormone thing was a little overdone, but meat is still a carcinogen and can cause cancer and heart disease, even in those healthy males that also are omnivores
But that aside as well, it's also many different factors with the meat, the environment it was raised in, the actually cleanliness of the meat itself (for example, ground beef being the most disgusting commonly bought meat, heavily concentrated usually in E. coli and grounds for other disease) obviously if you cook properly you're gonna be okay 99%+ of the time.
And even with all the medical science, I'd rather choose to live a omnivore diet. I tried vegan for a couple weeks, tried all different recipes and combinations of vegetables and legumes and grains, etc. made sure I was getting enough b12, magnesium and all of that, but still felt really exhausted a couple weeks later. I also found that most faux meat products can't properly replicate true flavor profile

Not having to add anything makes it funnier though.


>it's not a moral dilemma

That's right. It's a question of how much more we want to fuck the environment.

maybe it would be good to start thinking

>Not having to add anything makes it funnier though
you're right I overthought it

>You can't use wild animals as your moral guide
>moral guide
The thing stopping most people from doing any of the things mentioned is fear of repercussions.

I thought tofu was a fucking meme until I finally bought some to try and it's fucking great. You can cook it in a bit of oil and it gets nice and crispy, and will soak up the sauce no problem

I'm not going vegan or vegetarian or anything but fucking shills convinced me that tofu was disgusting.

>maybe it would be good to start thinking
I think you mean feeling, because all your reasons are based on fee fees.

But how much meat do you eat exactly?

Tofu can be (depends on brand) pretty shitty alone because it's an ingredient, not complete food.
Anyone who says tofu is bad is a retard who never cooked it properly. Eating raw tofu is like dumping water on flour and eating the raw dough with a spoon.

No, that's not the case. I reduced my consumption of animal products because of health reasons and because the environmental damage done by meat production (and to a lesser degree by dairy production) is insane. (I also try to buy regional products because of this.) Moral feelings come in last for me.

I don't know, some meat product maybe 2-3 times a week. Somewhat infrequent but a far cry from vegetarian I really enjoy charcuterie and sausages so those are treats. I eat out on average once or twice a month, and when I eat out I will always have a meat dish.

other than that my diet is largely rice/veggies/salads.

my absolute favourite food is crab, but I am landlocked as fuck so that's rare.

A cartoon with that argument would work a lot better than any of the ones in this thread.

>I love animals
they left out the *eating part
pets are only a thing because the bourgeoisie saw the farmers having fun with their animal workers and got mad jelly
And then the middle class copied that

Also, you're allowed to like something but not all things
Turns out, palm oil is worse for the environment than burgers are
Doesn't stop plenty of vegans from enjoying chocolate hazelnut spread

That' pretty cool.

I don't think that we as a society need to be strictly vegetarian/vegan. It would be great, if everyone cut it down to 2-3 times a week.

If we could only stop thinking/discussing in black and white patterns...

Yeah, but only few want to inform themselves, let alone have a productive discussion (on the internet and in real life...)

i dont love animals
loving all animals is insane, its what crazy people do, why would you love animals? do you love people and plants aswell? what does loving animals mean?

>crazy people
who wouuld have guessed?

I remember reading something about this (specifically, the environmental impact that could be achieved by reducing meat intake a seemingly small amount even in a group of people as relatively small as the US) but I'm having a lot of trouble finding it again.

It was a pretty convincing alternative take on the problem of reducing world meat consumption while also kind of highlighting just how much meat we consume on average, which took me by surprise.

>pets are only a thing because the bourgeoisie saw the farmers having fun with their animal workers and got mad jelly
[citation needed]

>pets are only a thing because the bourgeoisie saw the farmers having fun with their animal workers and got mad jelly
Alt-left was a huge mistake

humans kill other humans all the time

Local man discovers salt makes stuff taste good.

but we don't pretend like it's "right"

what is war?

we don't pretend like it's "right"

then why does it happen?
you can say all you want but words are cheap and meaningless, you clearly support war through lack of action, there are lots of things you wouldnt stand for and things that would make you feel forced to do something, to take to the streets or become violent
war is not one of them, you may not like war but you actively support it
that means that to you war is ok and justified or at the very least worth it

That artwork conveys a lot of narcissism.


Vegans treat their worldview like religious fundamentalists
>everyone must be obsessed with trying to disprove my exact beliefs in particular because they're so right

I'm kinda both sided about vegans.
On one hand i agree, meat is yucky and domesticated animals should not exist (if no one will buy the products).
On other hand wild animals are also harmful and should be eradicated for humanity

>there are lots of things you wouldnt stand for and things that would make you feel forced to do something, to take to the streets or become violent
>war is not one of them
this happens all the time what are you talking about

like, in a very literal sense, all the goddamn time

when did you take part in it?

>On other hand wild animals are also harmful and should be eradicated for humanity
Won't happen until robotic overlords take over and destroy all life.

I'm eating vegans cos YHWH says it's ok.

>trusting the invisible jew

thinking it's wrong is a learned behavior
you have been conditioned by the society you grew up in to believe it's wrong

if shit was still tribal you wouldn't have any qualms about killing members of a rival tribe for stealing one of your goats.

killing isn't "wrong", its just that we acknowledge that killing as a first resort isn't the best choice when we are trying to advance socially.
If you're ok with living like an ape with your own hands in the woods then there's not much downside to it.

2006, when canada was gettin all hot and bothered about Afghanistan again.

so you havent done anything about it in ten years...
and you still think you are opposing it
how does that work?

>what are soy products

I don't eat animals that I love, and eat animals that I don't love. Is that so hard for vegans to understand?

I love certain animals. Others I just see as a resource. I've never pretended otherwise. I don't go around talking about how cute cows are and how they should be pets because they would make shitty pets. Its why we love traditional pets because of what they can do and offer.

You've made a very quick switch from "why haven't you done X to support your belief that Y is wrong to "doing X is literally the only way to support your belief that Y is wrong," and that's a pretty blatant fallacy.

It sounds an awful lot like you're creating a bunch of hoops to justify your nonsensical position. The statement
>if shit was still tribal you wouldn't have any qualms about killing members of a rival tribe for stealing one of your goats
is the textbook definition of a strawman. Your conclusion
>killing isn't "wrong", its just that we acknowledge that killing as a first resort isn't the best choice when we are trying to advance socially
is floating out there completely unsupported by any argument you've put forth.

Apply your logic to literally anything else and it boils down to you either saying you tacitly endorse everything, or fundamentally rejecting the notion that people are capable of believing something is right or wrong (e.g. when was the last time you marched against child rape). Both of those positions are very clearly absurd and not practically applicable in any way outside of an anonymous internet debate. Summarised:

>animals kill other animals all the time
>humans believe killing humans is wrong
>even in wars
>to suggest that you are incapable of believing that killing in a war is wrong without "[taking] to the streets or [becoming] violent," or that the only way to believe that killing in war is wrong is by taking to the streets or becoming violent, is absolutely false, just as much as belief in anything else being right or wrong.

who said anything about most people

Vegans took Animal Farm too literally, and are incapable of perceiving value differences between any two animals. An oyster is the same as a doctor to them.

>I know, I'll just drink salt!

Jesus. Anyway, we pretty much only eat animals we created ourselves...to eat. They're not very good at being wild animals anymore and would basically just die out on their own. You live in a twisted universe where your species, even before it learned to read and write, was hard at work twisting small bits of the animal world into a tidal wave of flesh so delicious and so stupid it can serve no other purpose but to feed us. Meanwhile biodiversity hasn't decreased as a result of that action except through tertiary means, many landraces of those same animals still wander the earth, it's not as if we needed to catch them all. Cast that astride the fact that megafauna used to be everywhere in the world. Your ancestors turned to animal husbandry only when they had eaten all of the boss monsters. Not just some of them, allllll of them. So yeah, your preening refusal to admit you're a predator and that animal husbandry is the best thing that could have happened is just progressive hippy bore-shit. Be happy we aren't hunting the world to death.

If you need a food eco-issue focus on overfishing, currently a third of the world's people can't even stay alive without protein from the sea and they're genuinely killing species off. In comparison to that opposing farming industries that are non-destructively making money for your country just seems like you're making excuses to help the commies fuck us up.

You have tiny baby muscles and that's why those ball-crushing skinny jeans fit your gay butt. Xenoestrogen freakbaby.

The non-vegan is way cooler.

Congratulations! You win not just one, but two rewards!
First one is for the most edgy post in the thread.
Second one is for the most pretentious and Dunning-Kruger post in the thread.

>still can't decide if I should braise my cat or turn him into a casserole.

Guess you'll live yet another day, bastard.

>I genuinely believe morality is relative and cultural rather than inborn and honed by maturity because I can't see past the curtain of poverty behaviors in my overbuilt, overpopulated welfare state

Oh wow it's almost like people need a functional purpose in their community or something. Yes, I'm sure sparing the lives of a few literally retarded farm animals will make the pain go away. You get a banana sticker.

Is this supposed to upset me?

Veganism is merely a symptom of the decline of the West.

Fuck too late. Still gonna post it cause replicating that font was hard.

These comics are so full of strawmen I think I almost saw a crow fly by.

>vegans are incapable of even walking properly
>non-vegans do crazy sick tricks every minute

I smells a virgin/chad edit in the making


Animals aren't self aware, so it's okay to eat them.

>I care about animals
>even though a fair number of them would kill me without a second guess, others are actively bad for the environment, and sometimes everyone benefits from eating certain animals
you probably shouldn't start from that premise if you want to win an argument
environmental impacts are a better argument
but I don't care so fuck you

there is no moral justification for veganism or better put

no moral punishment

All Abrahamic religion sanction and bless Mans dominion over the Animal Kingdom and this is stated clearly (see genesis)

while in an athiestic universe, there is no punishment for being immoral so killing animals doesent matter.


There can be a god who isn't the subhuman cunt of a """god""" that abrahamic yhwh is.

>Morality is the things you do to avoid punishment.
I think you have that completely backwards.

i'll care about the wellbeing of animals when animals care about my wellbeing
hence why I care for dogs, am suspicious of cats, and don't give a fuck about cows pigs or chickens

god is a personification of the universe
yhwh is cunty because the world is a hard and uncompromising place

God is an invisible sky grandpa made up by people who looked into the sun while on weird weeds.

>on weird weeds

Nah, they were illiterate starving desert pilgrims who hallucinated from lack of nutrients and dreamed a crock of Abrahamic shit for sustenance.

My dog loves me, I'm an animal. Should my dog be a vegan? Wonder if she'll like soy on her tofu.