Med Student that's normally from Veeky Forums here

Med Student that's normally from Veeky Forums here.

I'm looking for good lit written by doctors, about doctors or both to fill my late night shifts at a smelly hospital.

Preferably novels or plays (no poetry, even though I know there are a lot of fantastic poets who were doctors, like Schiller), and if you can recommend a good translation in french it would be nice too. :)

Here are some examples of things I've read and would like more of:

Céline - Mort à Crédit
Jules Romains - Knock
Boulgakov - Carnets d'un jeune médecin (éd. Folio Poche)


>Med Student that's normally from Veeky Forums here.
are you me

depends, are you french?



There's Celine's thesis about Semmelweis... I guess it's pretty boring though.
And several plays by Molière, especially the Malade imaginaire, which is always a great read. Much fun.
How's Knock, by the way ?

My boy Arthur Conan Doyle. The Sherlock Holmes memories and adventures are good for reading at work, all short and entertaining stories. The novels are good too. Maugham is another good choice.

I really enjoyed it. It ties in perfectly to the mentality of all the pretentious normies in my promotion who swear only by "science" and have an absolute disdain for anything that isn't presented as a chart, infographic, or convoluted "sciencey" schematic of some sort. I'm not kidding these are the people who will be taking care of you in a few years.
The prose, while not particularly beautiful or sophisticated, is very witty and "percutante" (not sure how to translate that), but I'm not sure how much of that would be kept after translation...

I read le Malade imaginaire and Le Médecin malgré lui in collège (middle shcool). Great plays.

If you liked Carnets d'un jeune médecin, try The Master and Margarita, also by Bulgakov. Think the same exact style as the last one, but about a bunch of Soviet scientists trying to disprove God when Satan himself shows up.

Alternately, if you're still into Russian lit, Dr. Zhivago. Even if it has literally nothing to do with medicine.

JG Ballard initially studied medicine and I think it's fair to say this informs a good chunk of his style and output. His protagonists are often doctors too. Try High-Rise.

Birth of the clinic?

Oh, nice. Definitely going to check that out.
Thanks. Any ones in particular?

Also, forgot to add La Peste to my list. Docteur Rieux is probably one of my favorite fictional characters.

>JG Ballard
also a big part of Crash takes place in hospitals

Bulgakov, Dostoyevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, Keats, Chekhov, Somerset Maugham, Michael Crichton, Stanislaw Lem and Khalid Hosseini were all doctors.

Oliver Sacks, Samuel Shem and Atul Gawande specifically write about being doctors.

Doctor Zhivago, Ulysses, Catch-22, A Country Doctor's Notebook and Mountains Beyond Mountains all are largely about doctors or have large sections devoted to medical humour.

Definitely Chekhov.

one must imagine Sisyphos as a doctor.

>Any ones in particular?

All of them. They're usually conveniently compiled into large-ish books.



The Citadel by AJ Cronin


Thomas Bernhard - Frost
Thomas Bernhard - Die Mütze

Madame Bovary.
The husband is a doctor.

*the Husband is a KEK


The Country Doctor, by Balzac or by Franz Kafka

Anton Chekhov was a practicising GP while he wrote his plays and short stories. Any collection of his short stories will be good.

Also worth considering is that JG Ballard wanted to be a Doctor and went to medical school for a bit. He is more interested in psychology, and his books deal with psychotic reversion among groups of people e.g. High Rise.

Lis Voyage au Bout de la Nuit OP

My nigga Tezuka Osamu M.D., seriously check out his works.

The Tree of Knowledge - Pio Baroja

Maybe BlackJack may be a good starting point because his knowledge about the medical underworld and fuck-ups.

Rabelais, d'autant plus si t'es à même de le lire dans le texte.

I have yet to read it, but the magic mountain is about that kind of thing