Why do people say that piracy is "stealing," as if capitalist pigs should be respected...

Why do people say that piracy is "stealing," as if capitalist pigs should be respected? I'd say that stealing from corporations is not only not immoral, but it is moral. It is your duty.

you really sound like a 12 year old edgy neet
piracy is pretty much a "laissez faire", you need the goverment (a huger and powerful goverment) to protect the jews from anarcho-capitalist websites such as piratebay
if you need the goverment then its not capitalism, is' just mercantilism

>ywn be knocked down and flashed by a female pirate

it has to do with the idea that information used to be sold on a physical medium. you'd pay for a newspaper, or an LP, or a CD or a videocassette or a book.

now that we can copy that information for almost zero cost, the people who used to sell that information are freaking out, and they're calling it 'stealing' and 'piracy'.

if i torrent a film, i'm not stealing it. at worst, i am denying the people who made it the opportunity to sell it to me. ideally they'd like to sell it even if i decide it's worthless and i want my money back. downloading it lets me decide, but unfortunately very few people will download the latest Devin Townsend album and then think it was cool enough to pay for and THEN go and buy a copy.

so. that's their dilemma. they try to pass laws against copying files even though it's impossible to prevent people from doing it; they try to catch as many newbies as they can so they can levy insane fines against the ones they can catch, while the rest of us go on merrily torrenting.

I agree with this, if anything piracy is the natural conclusion to capitalism when it shifted over to software.

I can either buy a CD with 15 or so songs for $10 or I can get all the music I want ever for free. As a consumer you would have to be a complete retard to go with the CD. Even the new "legal" solution of streaming is barely better than piracy, music streaming services completely fuck over pay for artists and things like Hulu don't even charge. "Intellectual Property" and digital media rights are going to be the straw that breaks the back of billion dollar corporations when they finally realize that nobody can control information until someone controls the entire internet. By that point I only pray that the artists will continue to create and just switch over to something like Patreon or something.

jesus faggot

How can you justify stealing somebodies hard work?

Imagine if there's an album you want to download but don't want to pay for simply because you hate "capitalist pigs". You are denying the massive amounts of people who worked (from the visual artist to the sound mixing to the people working in the studio) on it their fair wages and earnings. Stop being a fucking auistic edgy dumbass and recognize work put in you fag

>suck my tit or i shoot you

Capitalism is good. I'm a fashy free market goy, suck it. Hail Based Pinochet! free helicopter rides bitch

These are the fantasies I live for.

There's that word again...

The destruction of the music industry would be great for music. Musicians should be fucking impoverished. Performing will become a minimum wage job. And i can NOT fucking wait for that.

And I say that communists and those who don't reciprocate respect for property rights aren't people and should be thrown out of helicopters

Now let's fight

Molon labe

Check the all-embracing library, there is an entire folder dedicated to intellectual property. The folder is rightfully called "intellectual appropriation".

This is now an an-cap thread


If someone spends years of their lives creating a work and you watch it or read it without rewarding them in some fashion, you are an asshole that is stealing from their hard-earned profit.

Like, sure, pirating "The Fast and The Furious" isn't a big deal, but pirating from smaller and more passionate artists can be career-ruining.


The thing is its not the corporation let alone the bigwigs who runs it that you're hurting. You're just like the pigs you're talking about albeit, as they'd say, 'lazy'.


So you literally don't think anyone making creative projects that can be stored digitally deserve to be paid for their effort? Fucking hell I hate people like you.

>implying your money goes to the producer and not some intermediary



Fuck the an-caps spammers



>don't think anyone making creative projects that can be stored digitally deserve to be paid for their effort?
I never said that, but look specifically at the people who cry the loudest about this. Multi-billion dollar industries such as film, video games, music, etc. yet I have never once heard of a local artist complaining about piracy, a poet or author complain about piracy, or some whacked out crystal child complain that they can't charge for horoscopes.

When people call piracy stealing who exactly are we "stealing" from? I guarantee it isn't the person who created the work.



Yeah, imagine if you signed your first novel or record deal, and finally got an agent and FINALLY got a publisher. If people start stealing your work, you think it's your role to heckle them about it? No, the whole POINT of those companies is to represent the talent.


Friendly reminder that ancaps are not real anarchists but capitalists in disguise

>the whole POINT of those companies is to represent the talent.

And in this day and age where any Joe Blow can create and publish their own works essentially for free, why should I be paying the salary of ad men?

woah i guess anarchism means higher taxes bigger government playing by the rules and being a sjw now

You don't have to, and many artists are leading the way with this (e.g., Louis ck). But taking it upon yourself to steal someone's creative work because you don't like how they sell it seems like a fucking shit excuse for being a tightarse imvhof.

Can the worker own his work according to anacaps or is the capitalist bourgeois still the hoarder?

Do anacaps agree with no restrictions to information and thus a reform abolishing intellectual property must be in place or all this thread was just a smokescreen?

Not a commie, but under this line of thinking, you are condoning acts of violence done against you by communists, yeah?

woah you are so cool and edgy for supporting everything your professors believe. woah so edgy. Not anyone can be an entrepreneur, btw, it takes courage and grit. These are the people who put things together, the people with the big ideas. and also everything is a spook, except trannies pronouns and marxism, those things are definitely real, YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE!

What the fuck are you talking about? You care so much about it then email the artist and ask them to sell it to you direct. But if they are at the point where they need an agent/publisher they'll probably tell you that's easier for them.

You just hate that you are small time, and spooked beyond all recognition that groups of people are still people.

There's that word again lol.

Face it, this "piracy is theft" campaign is nothing but ideological war against people who realize that there is no difference between purchasing or pirating software and "intellectual property" (which is a complete farce). The people who used to make money selling other people's work are scared because now the people have the power to go around the industry. I pray that soon the only people who create are the people who genuinely feel compelled to be artists rather than teen idol chasers who want to be the new lowest hanging fruit.

>no answer

Why is "corporation" synonymous with "evil" to many leftists? They were started by people, just like you, and they built up the companies to be as wide-reaching and efficient as possible. Tons and tons of work went into establishing and improving them. And yet leftists justify stealing from them because "well they're assholes anyway".

>need an agent/publisher
LOL, this isn't the 20th century. Any dickbrain with an internet connection can connect with an innumerable amount of people at any moment in time. You are trapped in the old way of thinking, hell several local authors self-publish and do just fine.

>You just hate that you are small time, and spooked beyond all recognition that groups of people are still people.
lol what are you talking about? Is an artist worth nothing until their bank account is tipping over billions of dollars? You've lost the entire point of creating, and until you understand that it isn't about the profit margin you will never create anything worthwhile.

>There's that word again lol
You're not more intelligent because you can point that out. I simply disagree with you that it's an inappropriate word.

Discount "intellectual property" all you want, I simply think it's shit behaviour to take something for nothing. You CAN do it, but my hunch is you will deep down respect yourself less and less, and certainly not garner the respect and trust of others.

99% of lefties have never worked a day in their life outside of the bottom of a corp

Not condoning

Those who attempt to violate the private property rights of others are aggressors and defending those p. prop. rights is self-defense

Question: Why is this anacap spamming to proselytize about something that is not even anarchism but pure capitalism?

They shouldn't be allowed to be called anacap, but cronycaps.

>You've lost the entire point of creating
Please tell me The Point of creating, and also why people who choose to focus on their creative work and leave the advertising and logistic work to other people are somehow less than a dickbrain.

As they say, Socialism never works cause you eventually run out of other people's money.
t. Economics 101

Fuck copyright, they harm producers and feed big fat companies

But that is wrong you idiot

As a true anarchists, fuck banks, they DON'T DO REAL WORK and suck the blood dry from real workers

Capitalists lies 101: They deserve all the money because "they do the hard work"

Capitalists lies 101: They deserve all the money because "they put the money for the tools"

It also has to do with your IQ. Science teaches us that it is objectively proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that rich people tend to be based high iq patricians while poors and mud people are dumbs.

Don't be fooled, everyone who lives in an ancap society and disagrees with the ancap ideology would get the same treatment as communists. Killing off wrong thinkers is the only way to keep an utopia that is based on the idea that everyone agrees with the core principles stable.

I will respect that you genuinely believe piracy is stealing, but where I fundamentally disagree is...
>take something for nothing
There are plenty of artists/authors/creators who work to spread their ideas or message, money is the afterthought if it is thought of at all. I love supporting the people who create because that is what they genuinely want to do, and when I hear about artists complain about how much money they lost I can't help but feel they lost the point behind creating the work. Can you think of one artist who created a masterpiece for the profit margin?

>Please tell me The Point of creating
Well to be honest for much of the entirety of human history creating art has been largely pointless (in a larger sociological perspective) or for direct compensation (from buyer to the creator). So why is it that in the modern age the entire point of making movies is to turn 4 billion dollars to 20 billion? For musicians to turn 10 million dollars into 10 billion?

Once again I will ask, if I enjoy a work of art created by a single artist, or group of artists why should I be paying for all of the ad space they bought? Why am I paying the people who had nothing to do with the creation of the project at all?

You mean the intelligence to kill protesters, that is

Also, you answers is idiotic anyway

Fact: by engaging in verbal argumentation instead of using violence on me you are in fact implicitly accepting the logical tenets of libertarianism. You can't argue against libertarianism without contradicting yourself.

You are full of shit, capitalism is alive only because there is a system that rewards the worst kind of asshole, and smashes any protest

I am accepting the logical tenants of classical liberalism, not the tenants of your phony off-shoot branch called libertarianism and its extremist form anarcho-capitalism.

Yes but you're focusing on the morality and integrity of the artist, I'm focusing on the morality and integrity of YOU - something you seem to be completely overlooking.

Time to change the system, fuck capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich

Fuck the vipers, ANARCHY FOR ALL

So if someone steals the fruit of your labour it's okay to enact self-defense as well ?

My morality and integrity does not hang upon how much I pay for (honestly) worthless materials.

Just because I enjoy something does not mean I should be forced to pay for it.

Piracy is stealing, but pirating software is hilarious and causes massive asspain from the entertainment-media complex and should be encouraged always and forever

Down with capitalists, down with banks, down with copyright, down with corporate personhood, and fuck the snake posers

>How can you justify stealing somebodies hard work?
Because its my property user

If you wouldn't have bought the album anyway, then there is no damaged party. A victimless crime. Nobody is losing any money.



the 'innocents' would have killed 100x more people if they had the chance

The problem is the legal system, is legal to exploit people, to steal real hard work and call it "property", is legal for big software companies to say they own everything is in your computer and call it "intellectual property", is legal to crush protests and claim is for "keeping peace"


I'm not far-right by any means, but none of those guys were "innocents" except for the Congolese, and I wouldn't really call that a product of capitalism.

*33 years in prison for assault, robbery, and numerous infractions while incarcerated


>iis legal for big software companies to say they own everything is in your computer and call it "intellectual property"

No it's not

Fuck the rats supporting capitalism, fuck the assholes justifying millions of deaths with inflated numbers, their lies and justification are rancid poison trying to stop the inevitable


not to be a dick, but why are all people with this ideology so autistic?

Yes please, give us an excuse.

This RAT only uses namecalling after losing arguments, no surprise

Does rat mean jew?


99% of that money will never reach the artist

>thugs and terrorists kill thousands
>leftist: haha white ppl deserved it
>policeman kills ONE vicious thug in self defence
>Leftist: wahh wahhh awahhhwawh im a big fucking baby wahh

Are you implying you are going to kill people? Are you going to kill people for protesting?

Not very anarchist from you

We both know you guys are going to burn down shit, destroy property and hurt innocent bystanders.

>Down with capitalists
He posts from his iPhone in a Starbucks
>down with banks
He says from his mother's house, for which she just made the last mortgage payment
> down with copyright
Says the aspiring author whose livelihood will one day depend on it
> down with corporate personhood
"I have not read Citizens United and lack the legal education to understand it anyway, but the democrats didn't like it and I always follow the party line."
> and fuck the snake posers
"We need to end oppression! Quick, let's go attack those folks whose only request is to be left alone!"

How does this correspond to literature??

>In one year in the US 1 of 266 officers is accused of a violent crime blah blah blah

I wonder what the rate is for the general population?

I wonder how many edgy anarchists have been accused of a violent crime lmao

Who is this person who doesn't want change? Who is willing to kill protesters and is completely in tune with capitalism?

those people want to establish a totalitarian state, so we gotta be reasonable here. A little right wing tyranny is better in the long term than extreme left wing tyranny. Think pinochet, he left chile better off than it was before. Compare that, for example with stalinist sharia transgender dystopia.

Okay commie

>Who is this person who doesn't want change?
People just don't want YOUR change

Authority= the PC marxist establishment

This same person who is willing to more massacres to give more power to the establishment, but less power to the worker

He loves banks, yet despises the worker

I don't want THIS kind of change

He's baiting with strawen, at least in the case of

>Who is this person who doesn't want change

Agreed, who could ever say no to more vibrant displays of cultural diversity?

Yan don't say??? Fucking retard lol.

Why does he wants an status quo that favors the establishments, that favors BIG BANKS, in detriment of the middle class