How do I cook chicken so it doesn't have that nasty chicken taste?

How do I cook chicken so it doesn't have that nasty chicken taste?

How have you been cooking it user?

The normal way

Today I tried to make chicken stir fry. I chopped an onion, about .5 lb of chicken, zucchini, and kale. Sauteed the onion, added chicken, salt, after white on both sides, threw in the rest of the veggies and poured some wine in it. Chicken had a nasty fishy taste. What do?

I jam pounds and pounds of citrus up it's cavity, typically I'll cut the citrus in half and layer it with sticks of thyme. Then I rub it with a raw red meat; typically beef or bison. After that I pat it dry with a dirty tablecloth I've been putting off washing for days. Following that I wrap the entire chicken in about 2-2.5 pounds of bacon. When it come times to cook it I preheat my oven to somewhere between 300 and-350F. I then take my trident (pitchfork) and spear the chicken and throw it directly into the pond behind my house because for me, it's the McChicken.


Chicken is probably the least distinctive meat

I know this is bait but you got me

What anime is this?

It's fishy, m8. It's a fishy meat. I buy it for the cheap protein (literally cheaper than tofu), but I just can't handle the taste.

wrong. it has a very recognizable taste and unless heavily seasoned, it's pretty gross.
not fishy, but i know what you mean. completely wash the chicken in a salt bath to draw out moisture, then dry the chicken before you cook it

Maybe try rinsing it before cooking, sometimes the raw meat is pretty slimy, but the resl issue is that you dislike chicken

Instead of wine use soy sauce. Try adding some garlic and a little chilli if you like spicy food

dump it in old milk and leave overnight in the cooler. drain and wipe it dry before cooking
alcohol works too

marinate it? If something is properly marinated it tastes different.
bake it and add lots of bell pepper powder?

h-h-how old is the chiken, user?

how long as it been sitting in your fridge?

buy frozen chicken, it has no flavor whatsoever but it still has the texture of meat

You cook chicken instead of fi-... wait

What?... I was expecting something like you were cooking frozen chicken but not this holy fuck. I do not understand what is going on any more.

Apparently, you just don't fucking like chicken. Make something else. If you're going for Veeky Forums mode, there are other ways. You can even do red meat if you're careful about it...

>buy frozen chicken, it has no flavor whatsoever
Worst advice ever. Enjoy your shitty chicken that does in fact taste different and is probably freezer burnt to boot.

This sounds like shit, you're probably cooking like a flyover that thinks he is sophisticated.

Why did you add wine to a stirfry and only wine?

>stir fry
Get a load of this iron chef wannabe

Wash the fucking chicken. Cut the chicken to smaller, thin pieces. Fresh chicken should not have any smell. Put ginger in your stir fried chicken if you hate the chicken smell. Use soy sauce, sugar and a dash of rice wine vinegar. Then mix in a table spoon of tapioca starch and water together. Put it in the stir fry then stir until it gets thick and it's done.

Wine was all I had, fags.