What The Fuck Is Postmodernism

Why do people go around saying things like
>the 'other'
I know it has something to do with "postmodernism" but so many people say that isn't even something that exists
What do I read to stop being so annoyed with this shit

>pic is first google result for "postmodern"

Other urls found in this thread:


>Uh those are useful terms man. They are philosophical terms that I use because they help me to understand things. I read them in books that are probably too complicated for you, heh. Try to keep up.

>I went to college and professors said them enough that I learned them by osmosis and probably about 50-80% of my usage of them is unnecessary, though they are distinct concepts and can be useful in context.


You can remove most of your confusion by noticing that postmodern art is totally different from postmodern philosophy and history.

But more broadly don't trust Veeky Forums to introduce you to any subject as there are too many shitposters to trip you up. Only ask specific questions after you've read a primer.

I said discourse to describe memeplexes in my freshman english course final essay without realizing it had any connection to post-modernism. It just makes sense that a series of discourses influences and shapes our cultures and seems to animate the bodies of whole civilizations.

why do lowbrow brainlets get so mad at postmodernism and Marxism

Because they are 98% practiced by snooty bourgeois tranny niggers in thick-rimmed emo glasses at college and on Twitter.

>is against Marxism
>uses the phrase bourgeois

poor brainlet. Here's a hint: liberals are not marxists

Woah what the fuck. People in literature are talking about narrative!!! Somebody call the police!

Postmodernism is a cool meme mostly used as a term by people attacking what they see as postmodern.

If I were you I'd ignore the dilettante jargon of college papers.

Discourse is simple, but it feels unnatural for English speakers because it's used all the time; it's literally just the English of 'discours' which is used all the time in French letters, meaning a social link or cultural current. e.g. "the discourse on immigration has been concerned with..." "the 19th century discourse on syphilis equated ethical problems with medical ones"

Construct is unnecessarily overused, literally just meaning something brought together in a combinatory.

Deconstruction is a term useful in philosophy and the critical work of Derrida, but notoriously overused; massive pretention here!

The other is another inheritance from 20th century French and German philosophy, essentially it's simply a form of deixis. Take it as meaning simply something other from the subject of the sentence. When 'the other' is itself used as the subject of the sentence, then we're talking about something as other from a frame of reference outside it. In Said's usage 'the other' is the other of western culture as perceived by western culture. Originally it was a Hegelian term of art.

All are massively overused though.

You do know postmodernism positions itself against any metanarrative, including Marx' philosophy of history.

The two are mutually exclusive.

*farts in hand*
*puts it up to ur mouth*

most marxists on /leftypol/ are SWPL former shitlib fags. I've never ever met an An-com or Marxist who wasn't former bougie or bougie. Stop getting triggered, you know its true.

>postmodern art is totally different from postmodern philosophy or history

might have to disagree with you on that one my dude

pomo in all forms is predicated on the breaking down of established concepts/traditions. The art is like that, whether its a Jesus In Piss breaking down conventional concepts of acceptable speech in anglo-christian society or it's Sartre breaking down notions of societal norms period.

pomo art deliberately deconstructs conventional methods and modes of expression.
pomo philosophy deliberately deconstructs conventional modes of thought and ideas of being.
pomo history deliberately deconstructs conventional interpretations of history and traditional notions of geopolitical power.

The entire movement is predicated on massive works of deconstruction, albeit typically done in selective ways.

Lyotard, one of the leading post-modern philosophers, argued that the post-modern condition occurs due to our incredulity of meta-narratives or grand narratives. Those are narratives we use to construct our lives such as scientific or historical process, religion, politics, and many ideologies. Postmodern art and literature reflects this skepticism through techniques such as multiple or unreliable narrators, a disordered complex plot, and general self-awareness of the medium and its illusionary nature.

This. Also, the whole critical theory bag of concepts is useful if you are a pseudo-intellectual but badly badly need to write a thesis for the sake of your career. You can bang out (with a lot of grunt work but zero thinking) a 50 page paper on any topic whatsoever, and make it is just a meaningless mishmash of "discourse... others... constructs the body...", etc. And get it accepted by another pseudo-intellectual who doesn't understand it (because there's nothing to understand) but recognizes that it has the right tropes.


That's not unique or new at all. You can find
" through techniques such as multiple or unreliable narrators, a disordered complex plot, and general self-awareness of the medium and its illusionary nature." in Goethe

I have never been on /leftypol/ the post. Reread the definition of what bourgeoisie is.

please don't defend leftypol

I'm a far leftist but even i cringe at people who refer to others as comrade non ironically

They're just as autistic and cringe as /pol/ shouting DEUS VULT xDDD praise KEK

>I have never been on /leftypol/ the post
lol at this, and lmao at thinking my description of the average leftypol lifestylist reddit transplant is in any way inaccurate
>reread the definition of bourgeoisie
it accurately describes the familial background and socio-economic status of like 50% of /leftypol/'s user base. Which is why vidya and porn are vehemently defended despite being absolutely decadent degeneracy that's promoted by porky to subdue revolutionary instincts.
>They're just as autistic and cringe as /pol/ shouting DEUS VULT xDDD praise KEK
This basically

>narratives we use to construct our lives
this doesn't explain anything, it just uses the words again
wtf are they supposed to mean? they're clearly meant metaphorically because on a literal reading that quote is nonsense

Yeah, but the particular things being broken down in each case are totally different - the particular disciplines started with different conventions and rebelled in different directions. Because of that there's a commonality of process, but really different outputs.

It's really confusing to a newcomer, as it's easy to think there's a single theme.

Oh for fuck's sake I can only see that written as porno, it's impossible for me to see the 'm' there, help me

Since when is being a nerd from reddit the same as owning property and making money off it? Why claim that I defend every person on there, just for calling out baseless accusations and generalisations.

>People in literature are talking about narrative!!! Somebody call the police!
People outside literature use it all the time and they don't mean "story". People want to "deconstruct" the "media narrative" or "reframe" things in "your personal narrative" etc.
>Construct is unnecessarily overused, literally just meaning something brought together in a combinatory.
That's not all people mean by it. Things constantly get called "constructs" or "constructed" in this weird pejorative sense. The self is a construct, science is a construct, knowledge is a construct, reality is a construct, etc. etc. It's like it's some weird fashionable way of being a skeptic or a relativist without admitting it.
Today I was reading this theorist in the study of religion who asked whether religion was a reality or a "discursive construction". Not whether our idea of religion was constructed through discourse but whether religion itself was, which seems like confusing the map with the territory.

>Since when is being a nerd from reddit the same as owning property and making money off it?
most of the weenies from Reddit are the children of highly skilled professionals, middle-upper management and/or petite bourgeiosie and subscribe to most of the unconscious biases of the typical arch-bougie scuzz bag from the New Yorker or Washington Post. There is little to no difference between the daily spending habits, social biases and background thought processes of /leftypol/ users and normie bougies. They are nearly indistinguishable, "lmao senpai, hit this blunt...awe sick look at this thicc big booty tindr match I just got!!...you guys tryna hit up the bar later?". There is no difference, they're eaters, consumers and willing agents of the growth of techno-capital.
>muh vidya, muh internet, muh porn
that's /leftypol/'s response when techno-capitalism is brought up

absolutely decadent

>being middle class means the same as bourgeious

You sound like a dumb person.

>They're just as autistic and cringe as /pol/ shouting DEUS VULT xDDD praise KEK
They're not.

>most of the weenies from Reddit are the children of highly skilled professionals, middle-upper management and/or petite bourgeiosie
Those aren't bourgeois you faggot

>They are nearly indistinguishable, "lmao senpai, hit this blunt...awe sick look at this thicc big booty tindr match I just got!!...you guys tryna hit up the bar later?".

Confirmed for having never been to leftypol

I respect your trips, but you're aware that this is a blue board, right? no titties, weenies or female pissholes.

he gets a pass due to the perkiness of those tittays

>blue chastity boards