My throats getting a little scratchy...

My throats getting a little scratchy, what are some Veeky Forumsentifically verified ways of avoiding common diseases like colds/flu?

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Hand washing.

I just spent Monday through today being sick with the flu.
Bump, somebody fucking help OP no good man deserves this.

Same, I've been in bed all day and had to call off work. Hopefully I'm better before my shift tomorrow

lots of vitamin c

Update: took some vinc tablets, but still woke up with a scratchy throat. Hopefully this doesn't develop into a larger illness. Vinc tablets really help me when I'm actually sick but I don't think they do much when you're not actually sick

Is there anything I can do right now before this develops into a full illness?

The bug that's going around in my area is just a sore throat with lots of post nasal drip, and a little fatigue. What you have right now might be as bad as it gets.

Once you catch a virus there's pretty much nothing you can do except let it run its course. Make sure you stay hydrated, eat well, and sleep as much as you can.


Daily exercise and daily intake of fruit and fiber.


Check the Wim Hof iceman meme methods :^)
Surely meditation and breathing techniques will alleviate the pain, it's been proven scientifically


Washing your hands, avoid touching your face with your grubby little paws.
Also go gargle with some warm salt water when your throat gets itchy or your glands get swollen pussy, It's not going to prevent you from getting sick but it will help your throat feel a little better.

>glands get swollen pussy,
I probably should have proofread my post.
When they get swollen with nodes of mucus and pus.
If your glans is getting swollen pussy you're probably feeling pretty swell!.

I’m so fucking pissed. I have exams in a week and had to miss my first class today.

I have been drinking a lot of hot water, coconut water, honey granola
Bars, and taking pain relievers for my headache

Your pun more than made up for your typo. Bravo.

When you do get a virus, as someone already said, there's actually nothing you do to stop it in its tracks.

What you can do tho, is make sure you intake enough zinc, through diet or supplementation, your choice. Zinc not only boosts your immune system while you're healthy, but also reduces the amount of time you're sick when you actually do get sick, almost by half. Also, vitamine C, cheap and common. Not that effective if you're not an athlete apparantly tho, the jury is still out.

I take both since recently because I'm a smoker (vitamin C is apparently important for smokers), and I'm not that prone to getting sick anymore (I've been only taking it for a month tho. But I get sick almost weekly because my sleep schedule is shit for the past half a year).

Which brings me to the final, most important step of all. Go to sleep, wake up without the alarm. Nothing beats sleeping as much as your body will allow you, to fight off a virus or whatever. So start with that.

Go to bed daniel

Avoiding? Hand washing, trying to keep away from close contact with people. And get a flu shot.

Sounds like you're _already_ infected through. Not much you can do except treat the symptoms. C, zinc, anesthetic throat lozenges, cough syrup, decongestants, antihistamines.
Some drugs have the side effect of making you drowsy. If you don't _have_ to be out and alert, take advantage of that and sleep through as much of the misery as possible.
If you have a humidifier or vaporizer, turn it up.

If your throat already feels scratchy then it's too late. You're already infected.

Everything in this thread so far has been preventative measures to take before even being exposed to the virus in the first place. If your throat hurts, it's too late for that.

Just get bed rest and drink a lot of liquids when it hits you, OP.

I wouldn't really put sleeping, vit C and zinc in the same box with washing hands, of course it's preventive as well, but it speeds up the healing process which is all he can do now.

Decongestans, antihistamines and throat anesthetics will only treat the symptoms and make you feel better, but you won't heal faster from them. Makes the downtime more bearable tho, paracetamol saved my sanity so many times, mostly because it makes me sleep for days.

Prophylactic use of zinc gluconate glycine. Also for during colds.

Just "zinc"isn't correct. Refer to
for the type you want

Have you not tried salt water (gargle it in your throat)?

I did this three times a day and also took some medicine for dry cough (costs like $12 at your local drug mart), and it went away after 2 days. This headache and runny nose is a bitch though

Just dont get in the robot you fucking idiot

no sun
no people
no touching
STAY in your basement

>If your glans is getting swollen pussy you're probably feeling pretty swell!.
I like you user.

That's where the examine links come into play. I wasn't recommending chewing on a metal.

Anons, is there any evidence to suggest light exercise reduces duration of cold symptoms by increasing the flow of lymph?