This was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking guide

This was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking guide.

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holy...I want more

Yet it's a brave new world We find ourselves in


really makes me think

You know we make fun of 1984 fags a lot, but they are nowhere near the level of unironically smug pseudo-intellectualism as Brave New World fags



I've seen nobody make a modern comparison, so which part of modern life is this supposed to relate to? Your Government does not have the payroll to watch every cctv camera for petty crimes.

your phone can hear you

>screening a movie in protest of trump, media slickster
I guess reading a fucking book is too hard.

I have a Nokia from the early 00's, get at me.

mah nigga

i got a motorolla razor

These fuckers made fun of the right wing when they compared Obama's NSA shit to 1984, and now are head over heels in love with the novel now that Trump is president. What's the deal?

And I was convinced that they only spy on us for our buying habits.
>Coherent thoughts
pick one and only one

On a bright note, we're bound to see a remake flick.

When they compare the Trump administration to 1984, they are talking about how Trump and his cabinet often play loose with the facts and deny objective reality. For instance, they used a term like "alternative facts", deny climate change, and one time they even made up an attack (Bowling Green) out of nothing. 1984 is about the inversion of truth, moreso than surveillance and that is what people are alluding to.

this is.... huh wow

>Meme president gets elected
>makes outlandish promises to his supporters
>assigns iconoclasts to fulfill his wishes within institutions
>institutional bureaucracies create internal review boards, rebel
>pushes forward executive actions on agenda
>immediately blocked in courts around country
>tries to reform major bete-noir of his party
>cant even garner support for universally agreed upon legislation
>threatens 1/3 of his party
>they tell him to go fuck himself
>approval ratings drop to 1/3
>democrats force republicans to remove filibuster for SC nominees
>democrats retaliate by slowing all business to a standstill
>executive and legislative branches are nearly paralyzed

If anything ive been impressed with the institutional strength of the US. I really expected their government to roll over and do what Trump says, but if anything the country has regionalized. An authoritarian figure has done the exact opposite of 1984

Except there's nothing about that in 1984... Instead you have all the things spearheaded by Bush and Obama.



But trump isn't authoritarian, and so far he's done what he said he'd do.

Making up a fake massacre is absolutely 1984-tier

"authoritarian". He's trying to resist the global authoritarians that prevent america from having in-group preference for its own citizens

did you read the post. He would obviously like to be authoritarian, but he has been fucking neutered. Done =/= set in motion and fail to court challenges and legislative hurdles. Aside from minor shit like hiring freezes he has done like 4% of the shit he promised, and he has budget talks coming up. You think the Freedom Caucus is going to approve the wall?

>getting your news from infowars and /pol/
I would be more impressed if you called him a prospective Ubermensch who is seeking some personal totality for the sake of ascending mankind.

just shows the president has no power tbqh

>global authoritarians
are the Reds coming again or is it the Japs this time?

clearly didn't follow politics before Trump, the President didn't have any power, Obama changed that, the Republicans can get away with basically anything now, the DNC opened Pandora's box and then lost.

Five quid on it being the queers again. Remember tumblr's a thing.

It's either the queers or rock music. Rock music has become a deranged global elite authoritarian mindcontrol business since The King had to go into hiding.

what shows he would like to be authoritarian? Just because you write something doesn't make it true, and just because trump has opposition doesn't make him authoritarian.

kek lad u need a breather


citizens = business owners?

wow faggot you missed the point entirely. 1984 is about the control of a population through linguistics

sorry all my liberal friends kept telling me the world is fucked. but glad they were proving wrong.

This is the best lecture I've heard on 1984

I hope that 20 years of congressional deadlock makes state governors incredibly powerful.

>before Trump, the President didn't have any power, Obama changed that

Obama was powerful during part of his first term, and George W was incredibly powerful during his first term. Reagan was a beast, and Clinton during the first 4 had everyone in his pocket.

Threatening to lock up political opponents, suggesting that gun owners kill his political opponents, governance by executive order, his use of "big brother" face propaganda, his desire to order the assassination of the families of terrorists and adversaries, spreading disinformation to increase power, creating (many) adversarial "others" to gather his supporters against, and his avowed support of authoritarian leaders. I can go on, but you will just reject all of this, which simply follows in line of my argument, that is weaponizing supporters useful idiots to increase power.

>Some people that voted in this election weren't alive when Bill Clinton was president
Legitimately terrifying.

what did he do?

Governance by executive order was a big criticism of the Kenyan too.

You know everything (literally) Trump has been accused of? Clinton did it and unlike Trump they had actual evidence, the guy was so corrupt the military tried to assassinate him twice and then blamed it on al-Qaeda after they failed.

damn sounds cool. any books or documentaries on this stuff?

blabla bait blabla we are not going into orwells nightmare blabla

Ö Á Ţ Š ?

When I first read 1984, it was fiction. Now that Trump is president, it has becomed non-fiction...

Good news comrades
Chocolate rations have increased to 20 grams!

many enlightenment
such prediction

not sure if you're following the bigger picture though. institutional paralysis is necessary to justify the next step


It's almost... Orwellesque.

Who honestly describes themselves as a 1984-type person, or a brave new world-type person?

Or is it you describing other people like that, because they like one of those books?

What the fuck, man? Get out.


how can you justify the draconian measures that always precede authoritarianism/totalitarianism?

by proving that the current institutions don't function. that has been clear for over a decade and will only be exarcebated by Trump and the hysterical reaction he can provocke just by being Trump.

Wanting to restrict immigration is not authoritarian. In the same way that wanting to keep people off your property is not authoritarian. A nation has the right to put its citizens first and to stop people from coming in. It is far more "authoritarian" to force a nation to take on global burdens it does not want to.

>he's not aware that congressional gridlock has been the US's number one problem over the past 50 years
really made me think lmfao

everything up to "threatens 1/3 of his party" could be applied to almost any president. all presidents make outlandish campaign promises, and start off by signing executive orders

The protagonists job is to literally fabricate ficticious news and alter History.

it's not just trump that does that. we've living on a world of fabricated reality for longer than that. trump's ((("""opposition"""))) was exactly the same thing

The fucking reds sponsored by shitheads like Soros you fucking cocksucker.
>suggesting that gun owners kill his political opponents
Not quite as bad as funding mobs to beat up the supporters of your political opponents.

we get it, bud.

Needs another instance of "fucking" to prove that you're sincere. Maybe more.
>This was fucking supposed to be a fucking warning, not a fucking guide.

holy...I'm thinking now

Daily reminder that Orwell was a Libertarian Socialist

It's funny that some people come away from 1984 genuinely thinking, 'Trump is making this real.'

I came away from it thinking, 'Trump, along with most other things which hold prominent importance in the public psyche, is a deliberate distraction by those actually seeking to expand their control'

Anyone sane who looks at the political process, with its insane two-party tribalism that has no end yet consumes a staggering amount of the public consciousness, should realize it for the sham it is.

>It's funny that some people come away from 1984 genuinely thinking, 'Trump is making this real.'
The irony being Trump and his team are the ones who are experiencing 1984 personally and are trying to fight against the deep state.

The jews are not quite the same as the Ingsoc party described in 1984.
For starters, their ultimate objective isn't suffocating, absolute power. It's mostly just money.
Jews want nothing more than to be owed an infinity of favors by their underlings.

>The irony being Trump and his team are the ones who are experiencing 1984 personally and are trying to fight against the deep state.

>google image "european people art"
>view results

tf? is google now Winston Smith?