What are some books focusing on an unambiguously sadistic female perspective?

what are some books focusing on an unambiguously sadistic female perspective?


Anything by Solanas/Dworkin.


East of Eden? Not the focus though

>tfw fiction is full of interesting manifestations of man's primeval fear of the femme fatale vagina dentata etc.
>tfw real life is full of basic bitches who want to have their hair pulled by guys in polo shirts
>tfw dominant women don't exist and it's just your male brain progressively rationalising/seeking out fundamentally masculine power-behaviours in a gender incapable of authentically originating them

only men can feel the power lust or power tripping necessary to be sexually dominant. even when women are psychotic tyrants, they just do passive feminine shit and technically back it up with force. they can't even be interesting as literal tyrants. any man, even a pussy-ass bitch, has some kind of silverback gorilla potential to be like YES! I AM THE KING NOW! I DEMAND BLOWJOBS FROM !!!!!!!!!!!!!EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! women will forever be the "ummmm i dunno lollllllllll~" gender, always glancing to their current freudian Daddy (boyfriend, actual father, whatever) to see what they should do
>The man's happiness is: I will. The woman's happiness is: He will.

femdom is the worst fetish ever. it takes what YOUR jungian hindbrain perceives as power, and superimposes it on women, who don't have the same shit in their heads. they just don't. it's literally as retarded as discovering an alien race with completely different evolutionary history but they accidentally look "femininely" hourglass-shaped so you try to fuck them. that ain't a lady bro! it's an alien. it only superficially resembles the thing your brain is programmed to find hot.

it's probably some epigenetic manifestation of group evolutionary strategy where i've been randomly selected by statistical gene activation to want to give women all my resources and be okay with them cuckolding me. we're living in a time of superpeace so everyone's hormones go into Faggot Beta Mode, collectively, and that progressively increases our offspring's chances of epigenetically activating some subservience cluster of genes, behavioral sink shit that guarantees the majority of living men will be Servitor Drones. my brain is trying to get me to give all my caveman bananas to the alpha couples in the superharem. when a meteor hits earth the stress hormones will reactivate and humanity will default to "krateros!!" rules, with more competition to dominate the harem. but my offspring won't be among them, because i'm the guy who wants to LITERALLY LICK POO HOLES AND FEET instead of fucking and impregnating women and imposing my will on them.

I wanna fuck an alien bro


Justine and Juliette by DeSade

There was a news article about this woman who went into a public environment with a gun and forced men to lick her pussy. So how about that

if you peel away the outer layer of derangement this is actually a good post


She could literally just ask lol, unless she was asian or old or something

This is quality.


okay, this religious appeal to evolutionary psychology in the chans has gone too far

>what are some books focusing on an unambiguously sadistic female perspective?
Well there's The History & Arts of the Dominatrix, but it's non-fiction.

Write your own porn, user.

There used to be this community with stories mistresses would tell in the first person, but now it's gone and it wasn't even in English.

just talk to your mom idk

and i'm sure they weren't all written by creepy middle-aged men pretending to be dominatrices on the internet.

my diary desu


100% true actually

>>tfw dominant women don't exist and it's just your male brain progressively rationalising/seeking out fundamentally masculine power-behaviours in a gender incapable of authentically originating them
>but my offspring won't be among them, because i'm the guy who wants to LITERALLY LICK POO HOLES AND FEET instead of fucking and impregnating women and imposing my will on them.
absolut kek

so it's safe to say there are no books about a woman taking great pleasures in hurting men?


Underrated post.
Not sure if it counts, since it's about a lesbian couple, and is told from the perspective of the Sub, and was written by a man, but pic related has a female dominant as the main character, and is a really fucking good read.


You raise some fair critical perspectives, however you're framing the goal of going beyond sexual gender norms in a slightly inaccurate manner.

I myself am simply unopposed to pursuing definitions beyond gender norms for both sexes that can constructively, socially, and productively, build a better society in theory.

It is entirely another debatable issue as to whether socially conditioning essentially male worker drones to serve a neo-feudalistic superharam or whatever mode is best for society to function. I think the real question here should be how did those social norms become conditioned into people if you think its such an issue

My twisted world

There it is, every thread, some inane child posts this "my diary desu" meme. I bet you don't even keep one, you pathetic whelp. Do you think you are funny, with your diary memes? All you are doing is wasting everyone's time. Fuck off to /pol/ or /v/, you're not welcome on a serious discussion forum.

sometimes I wish I were a hot women so I could seduce men and then torture them mercilessly, and amorously, making them beg and squeal under my cruel fingers

>jungian hindbrain