There are actual Marxists on this board right now

>there are actual Marxists on this board right now


Other urls found in this thread:

because we'll be post-debt within 100 years anyway and this entire argument will be invalid

>thinks capitalists invented the concept of ownership
>posting that image sincerely

At least you're up front about your brainletdom

left-communist here. marx has no problem with personal property. no one wants ur cum soaked books.

Not enough experience with non-whites.


never heard this one before

well you'll hear it a lot more from now on bud-row.

out of touch with reality

>marx has no problem with personal property.
So I'll be able to keep my shoes while being forced out of my home and having all my money taken from me? Well that makes me feel sooo much better!

i literally cannot imagine an end of debt

not how it works, desu. don't be dumb.

it will be accomplished through automated resource gathering and advanced 3d printing.

Not that guy, neither am I defending capitalism, but to be fair, Marx did posit that any "truly communist" society would move through a phase of proletarian dictatorship

Except all those times it happened of course.

It should be pointed out that debt is not an evil in itself and that a post-debt society is not something to be desired.

>what is satire

yes but what that means is specific to the school of thought. as a left-communist I reject marxist-lenninsm, stalinism, and trotskyism for its expression in centralised vanguard party politics. the proletariat are the majority group and thus are capable of democratic consensus as Rosa Luxembourg pointed out.

If you'd left it at the image and the greentext, it would have been much more obviously satire. The force of the pointed, lonely "How?" made it seem a bit too sincere for me. It's straddling that vague middle ground between funny and pretentious irony

your fear is understandable, but needs to change.

nor is it arguably even possible

>Start first job out of college
>Starting salary 100k
>Current savings account balance $0 post college
>Need to provide myself shelter, food
>Better starve to death, no such thing as credit

Sure, there's no problem there, but if that's the case quoting Marx like this confuses the situation for people who aren't familiar with the jargon.

that's not what post-debt means. not a bartering system, but a way of life evolved past the need of currency or bartering

I didn't bring up the jargon, I only use it with other marxbros. that said, marx doesn't have a problem with personal property.

Democracy isn't when the majority have their say, it's when the powerful let them.

don't worry, it's not Real Communism®, we're still in the alpha phase

>getting baited so easily
I can tell who thinks they're a big smart man but in reality is just a tryhard


That will only strengthen the advantages of private property...

Right, but his dictatorship of the proletariat, since it is run by people who would in all likelihood not be familiar with the jargon, might. I guess I'm just wondering why you're defending Marx if you disagree with his philosophy on such a major point as the vanguardism/gradualism/total revolution distinction

debt in a much, much grander sense than you seem to think i mean

Ban someone explain bommunism from an objective, neutral perspective? I find politics unsavory but I really want in on these memes.

yeah I don't give a fuck why him and you think yourself entitled to my labor. if you try to take my property, i am going to kill you.

i understand the concept... even in the most fantastic post-scarcity civilization my brain will always be my private property.

of course, you will exist for your pleasure only

>Ban someone explain bommunism from an objective, neutral perspective
pure memery in essence. A society in which the laws of value under a capitalist mode of production has ceased, and the class struggle has been resolved. Marx just wrote a lot of really hand-wavy shit about this sort of stuff.

This is how out of touch Marxists are. Explains why the only people who refer to them as such are sheltered young adults and nostalgic Slavs.

because what marx wrote and how that was interpreted by lenin are two different things. what you think marx wrote is actually lenin's conception. that being, a vanguard party purpose is to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.

also, being a marxist is not a cult of personality. left-communists have long ditched the marxist theory of history.

>if you try to take my property, i am going to kill you.
Why do you not do the same with your boss who garnishes your paycheck for their profit, or the state who takes your taxes?

>even in the most fantastic post-scarcity civilization my brain will always be my private property.
Basically, Communism would entail the restriction of ownership of property to personal property, such as houses and things you use. The precise definition of private property in the Marxist sense can be a point of contention, but as an example, you can think of something like not having intellectual property laws.

what about life is pleasurable? being a fat cunt force feed heroin and donuts by robots doesn't make life any better.

>"Long before me, bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this struggle between the classes, as had bourgeois economists their economic anatomy. My own contribution was (1) to show that the existence of classes is merely bound up with certain historical phases in the development of production; (2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; (3) that this dictatorship, itself, constitutes no more than a transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society"

t. Karl

I'm my own boss. labor theory of value no real. and I'm an ancap, fuck the state.

its not the same at all, intellectual property is telling someone else what they can or can't do with their own property. absentee property is that which i created. and again, if you try to take my property, i'm going to kill you.

we got a real spicy one here bois

No one in the world takes the labour theory of value seriously anymore. This is like calling contemporary analytic philosophers positivists.

I declare the entire planet my absentee property. What do you do about this?

no really, i'm telling you how its going to go down.

marx's theory is completely predicated on labor theory of value, without that it completely falls apart.

not give a fuck.

You mean Marxian economics, not Marxism. Otherwise you're right.

yes, nowhere does it say that the dictatorship is a vanguard party. that was Lenin. don't be dumb desu, you're not gonna catch me out.

Workers owning the means of production is not quite the same thing as owning your personal property

I don't like workers. We had a rally with the local union and they mocked my girlfriend for being transgender. They need reeducation.

>i literally cannot imagine an end of debt
that's poor in so many ways

i know i'm right...

marxism is predicated on material determinism, which is harder to disprove, but at the same time is kinda bullshit.

lol you need and your "girl"friend need the reeducation. degenerate scum.

You weren't right in calling Marxian economics Marxism.

This thread isn't for fascists.

i don't care. there is little different. marx would agree with me that his theory is all or nothing.

i'm not a fascist... in all likelihood commies would be much worst to deviants (of all kinds) than fascists. communism is "what about me!!!" while fascism is "what about us!!".

You're the one who got baited dumb ass.

You playing checkers right now son.

I don't really understand it. In my life, I generally want to live comfortably and own my private property. I never want to feel like someone else would want to take or seize it for "the common good". I'd probably support more socialized policies like healthcare and education, but forcing companies to work not for profit but the public good seems ridiculous and totalitarian. I also don't like how Marxists tend to advocate for a complete destruction of a nation's traditions and pasttimes and well as their advocacy for mass immigration. It's like they want to destroy every country they inhabit.

you're a classical liberal. welcome to the brotherhood, brother.

This is objectively false, city people who live in the most diverse areas tend to vote left wing economically, while country people living in totally white areas tend to support capitalist policies. Explain that. Exposure to diversity makes you less racist, not more.

*people who think they're Marxists

are you implying i wasn't baiting just then? lmao, king me already.

OK, I get that a vanguard party is, in your conception, antithetical to progress toward the money-less, classless, stateless society. Now I'm wondering why you're so concerned with attacking Lenin's reading of Marx. Hasn't his interpretation has been through the wringer of praxis enough times to be disocunted?

>Exposure to diversity makes you less racist, not more.

no it doesn't, not at all. when people are forced to coexist with other groups, they become even more sectarian. have you ever been around other people?

>Implying I haven't spent every waking moment of my life ever since I joined this website either baiting or hiding under 10 layers of irony.

I'm pointing out what peeps are attributing to marx was lenin. I'm not overly concerned.

Marxism is unironically the best form of government

You can own things in communism too, you dumb fuck. There's a difference between private and personal property.

Do half of you stupid niggers even read the shit you attempt to criticise? Honestly.

City people are, at best, better at paying lip service.

Do you ever think before you post? kek

>There's a difference between private and personal property.

The problem is that no one believes you. When you get into power it's likely that your definition of "personal property" will be extremely loose and you will control it when you see fit.

I don't want to be in power, and if I were I wouldn't want your toothbrush. Or your house. Or your yard.

Fucking retards, I tell you.

we've never been in power.

>No I don't make shit up, it's the Communists who make shit up!

So I can declare my house/yard to be my personal property?

>muh perfect communism has never been tried

And I still don't believe you. Anyone who says that private property is illegitimate will probably not be terribly respectful of so called "personal property".

Yeah, as long as it's not like a thousand acres and then you burn the crops meant for others. Communism isn't about living in a 20x20 room with a TV blaring propaganda 24/7 and eating from a can every meal.

no politic is perfect but to say left-communism has been in power is incorrect.

> automation and concentration of resources
> implying access to the benefits of these resources won't require servitude and obedience
> implying you won't be thrown to the wolves for speaking out against the owners of the means of production
> implying workers taking the means of production in any kind of campus-communist fantasy wouldn't end in an in-group of domineering intellectual elite once again having full control of the means of production while creating the illusion that everyone is equal

All of those things take energy, payment, and maintenance, all of which account to credit, all of which account to debt.

this will never happen, as long as there are populations, there will need to be leverage over those populations

that's all debt is

> Democracy isn't when the majority have their say, it's when the powerful let them

It's when they have been convinced they have their say


I think Veeky Forums's pretty far from hyperactive versions of nu-male anti-fa faggots that you seem to subconsciously associate with your own meaning of "Marxists"


Honestly I live in one of the most diverse cities in the world and I fucking love it. You learn to love almost every type of culture and person, and want to learn more about them, while also slowly learning you don't really like black people and you just have to accept it but whatever.

>mfw a leftcom is dismissing misconceptions about property with a veneer of apathy
A rare sight to see one out of his armchair

Forgot pic

well, that's mainly because we're not interested in vanguard or cadre politics and not fussed when the proles stand up. keeping to ourselves until needed is kinda the credo.

good. I don't want /pol/tards here they already pissed all of Veeky Forums.


The first post to reply to the OP was objectively bad.


Well you see, in a society you often have people who differ in opinion regarding how it should be run.

to be honest there is people like that on Earth choosing to ignore it with jokes doesn't fixes the problem that they control great chunk of the economy meanwhile you're working in a wage job for them, pay rent & can't afford your dreams due to all the payments you have to make daily.

It's faaair through! since we grew up in this we know no other way.

Well at least you are dispelling misconceptions of leftism in general

>ignoring it
no I embrace it
I make fun of stupid commies with stupid jokes because they deserve nothing else

your not doing a very good job then
try harder