How long will the golden record on voyager last?

How long will the golden record on voyager last?

Also wouldn't most intelligent life that reads it want to destroy humanity and colonise earth?

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Unless the Voyager crashes into something in the meantime, billions of years.

They might take pity on us and come down to introduce us to CD technology, with its superior 96dB dynamic range and true stereo panning.

A long time. Certainly millions, likely billions, of years.

Depends on how cheap & easy interstellar travel is. Not that I expect anything vaguely resembling Humanity to still be around when ETs find the record.

Also, why colonize Earth? WE evolved here and large swathes of the planet are STILL uninhabitable without technology. If the power died, most of California would have to leave or starve or die of thirst. No other species is likely to regard our world as "prime real estate". Maybe they could live here, but they'd regard Earth as a "fixer-upper".

Earth has nothing of value that can be found easier somewhere else. Stop using bad scifi movies as a reference.

life giving, earth-like planets may be extremely rare, perfect for aliens with population problems to live on

It houses a technologically sophisticated species that might become a competitor for ressources one day. In other words, kill us before we become dangerous.

Once it gets past the Sun's magnetosphere, the record will be unreadeable in a matter of hours and the whole probe destroyed in a matter of days.

t. retard who thinks it's not shielded.

>a shitty old shield vs. cosmic charged particles and radiation

they might have space Islam that says any aliens that aren't them must die, Allah wills it.

and they'll actively waste resources on this quest much like muslims do now on earth

Are you retarded?
If you have the energy resources to ship someone to another solar system you have the energy resources to house them in luxury for their lifetime. Earthlike planets are not that valuable when you can build rotating habitats with many times the living area of a planet far easier than interstellar space travel.

space is big

highly unlikely

You need to brush up on your physics.

gold is non corrosive brainlet it will last forever

Oh yeah what about proton decay and heat death?

>highly unlikely
I was agreeing with you until this you smug Brainlet

Is anyone going to get the vinyl when it comes out? Hopefully it isn't expensive.

>life giving, earth-like planets may be extremely rare
Earth is only a "life giving planet" to life that actually evolved here. To anyone else, it's just another warm rock.

Earth has people. Which, as far as we can tell, is a really rare resource in the universe. DNA based life on earth is likely one of a kind, and any intelligent, space faring civilization would take notice. They can get raw resources from somewhere closer, and they can build their own habitats if they can travel lightyears in any reasonable amount of time, but they can't figure out DNA based life until they come here to get some

Forever. Next question?

jesus....human will literlly evolve out of existence.

Read a book!

The only intelligent life that's going to read it is us when we catch up with it in the future and marvel at it as some sort of traveling museum of the 20th century. Don't kid yourselves, plebs.


\m/ cloud grim reefer is a great album

Aliens will view the information on it like people view "the encode information" of the great pyramid.

fucking retards, they forgot the record player. How the heck the aliens are going to play it then

The images on the disc are supposed to be instructions.. It's pretty vague; but if a thousand smart aliens look at it one should make the correct guess.

what if they dont have eyes?

Why would that matter? They're going to have SOMETHING that lets them examine objects, or they're wouldn't have the ability to catch the record in the first place.

I think you're grossly overestimating the particle density of interstellar space user.

Probably not though. We almost had a second one in our own solar system.

The half life of a proton is not actually known. We've never seen a proton decay. The lower estimates of the half life of a proton still put it at longer than the stellar age of the universe will last. Protons could last forever, for all we know. As for the heat death of the universe; when that happens, there won't be any aliens left anyway.

>heat death of the universe
Why do you fags bring sci-fi shit into the picture?

How is it scifi?
I'm not taking the piss, I actually don't know.

>be alien Veeky Forumsfag
>find some primitive brainet level shitcraft
>gold disk with instructions engraved onto the top
>they don't even use massless infinite data storage devices
>build their gay little disk decoder because I'm a cuck and why not
>just some fucking unintelligible noises
>how the fuck do you expect me to understand this.matrix


what if gold is poisonous and deadly to aliens? What if round thing is an insult to their religion? Fucking cuck should've think things through.

>In the upper left-hand corner is a drawing of the phonograph record and the stylus carried with it. The stylus is in the correct position to play the record from the beginning.

they've already shown how to play it, retard why would they send a record out without instructions on how to play it?

I'm sure they'd understand that we'd have had no idea whose hands that record would eventually fall into, so could not intentionally insult anyone/anything in the process.

This is an interesting post. I never considered the idea that subatomic particles aren't permanent before. I always assumed that they were permanent.

well where do they go when they disappear? they cant just turn into nothing? can they?

a good human is a dead human. Sending gold disc hurling across the galaxy killing civilians. I'm from Qwelk'ufre, and I say kill em all

Yeah the only good bug is a dead bug!!!

fuggin humans get out of my board!

>Spend thousands of years traveling to earth to genocide an extremely rare form of life

>Not just teraforming a moon

Even grey goop civilizations won't target humans because we are not sufficiently advanced to pose a threat, grey goop type civilizations would only be threatened by other grey goop.

>Also wouldn't most intelligent life that reads it want to destroy humanity and colonise earth?

Only if you believe in (((scarcity.))) I mean look at the sky at night. Why would they waste time coming here when there's so much better resources out there?

there are directions in the form of glyphs on the right.
Some guy decided to see if he could decode the picture using only the info provided in that picture.

teraforming is more expensive than killing a few apes with shit guns

They might be permanent. We don't know. You can always turn energy into new mass, if you need some.

Electron is considered as permanent tho.

>the first images of humans an alien civilisation will see are sub-Saharan nigger monkeys throwing rocks at an animal

liberals need to fucking die I swear to god virtue signalling has gone too far

There are more images of third worlders than of Americans/Europeans

I love Sagan but it's hard not to get a cuck vibe from this