Anybody else above average iq but were edgelords in high school who didn't apply themselves, barely passed...

Anybody else above average iq but were edgelords in high school who didn't apply themselves, barely passed, and are now wishing they used the insane amount of opportunities they had for a free ride to a good university?

How do we make it from here bros?

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are you from reddit?

Sounds like someone who's low IQ and doesn't realize it yet. You'll get there

>above average IQ
Being aware of opportunities around you and leveraging them is the best IQ test and you failed it.
VIdeo starts at 1:00

>I have a high iq
>I didn't realize to not be an edgelord in highschool and then get good grades
Choose one and only one

Now, you're wiser for the better. It's also not too late. You can go to some middle tier school. Then, in there, try to get internship. Work hard. Impress people in your field. You will rise from there.

You can be intelligent but not apply it in human practice to further yourself as a member of society because of mental disorders/autism. If you're intelligent but suicidal you aren't always looking for ways to further yourself for example, or if you're all hormonal and shit and focused more on fucking stacy than doing your work that isn't necessarily a product of intelligence, more so a lack of internal fortitude and sense of identity which is really common when you're a teenager.

If you stay in that edgy mindstate past high school however something is very wrong with you and whatever intelligence you had but weren't using is liable to rot away.

>smart but edgy
Because you realized something was terribly wrong with this society. Come to /pol/, we'll teach you how to truly become a man among men.

cringe, pol is the lowest iq board.

Is a community college transfer the only option for a bachelors?

What's the hell with this board? Every fuckin thread is about goddamned IQ. Are you imbecilic or what?

only option? no, cheapest and most efficient way for you to get a masters at this point? probably

Use resources like the Pell Grant to get a degree in something cool. I got one in Biochemistry at 30. Absolutely worth it.

Sometimes feeling hopeless can stop you from investing in yourself and your world, and yeah, it sets you back. But if you have a vision, don't let your past failures hold you down.

You shoulda asked Veeky Forums when you generated your character.


Love arrogant leftist cucks. Run along now, your wife's son is calling you.

OP: /pol/ walks in the truth and can help you get back on your feet. It will be hard, but it will be worth it.

Just attend a lower or middle tier school then transfer to a top tier school. If that doesn't work. then apply for a Master's degree at a top tier school

>anyone who disagrees with me is a leftist cuck
>doesnt realize justifying superiority over blacks with iq scores while at the same time denying the superiority of jews is just a retarded worldview

don't fall for transfer meme. just make connections in the REAL world (internships, volunteering, and jobs).

I know it's a meme by now but, intelligence =! willpower

Will power is evidence of high intellect though. If you couldn't stop fucking off and do the "easy" work in highschool then you're stupid, or you have some psychological problem.

i have a tenth grade education and never took algebra 2 and im a nuclear technician in the navy
it’s all about your capacity to learn, not what you know

How do you measure willpower?

Wish I had the willpower to close Veeky Forums, fuck
im wasting so much time

Same way you measure IQ.