Veeky Forums was always quite bad...

Veeky Forums was always quite bad, but now its bad to a point where if I went back to my old high school to find "the smart kids" I wouldn't be surprised at all if half of them went on Veeky Forums.

I'm still amazed this amount of degeneration was able to happen in only 4 to 5 years.

Where the hell did all the retards come from?
Why are half the threads sentence long meme posts and the other half IQ threads?
There must have been a hell of an influx from /b/ or something for shit to get this bad.

>Meta on /qa/ only.
>All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.

>Implying Veeky Forums isn't a shitposting board now
>Implying this isn't one of the best threads on Veeky Forums at the moment.

so why do you keep coming back?

I left for like 3 and a half years, it was kinda bad back then, but I used to go on it everyday and for a long time it was worth going on. Its still very shocking and a little bit hard to let go of.

Another strange thing about this is that I always used to remember Veeky Forums for staying the same over the years and never getting better or worse but something clearly happened. This board was advertised on /b/ or somewhere.

I remember being here in 2014 posting about how Veeky Forums never gets better and never gets worse, how it stays the same, but something happened.

To be fair though, I've been checking a bit of old school Veeky Forums it wasn't that great back then, but I wouldn't call it a shit posting board.

the /pol/ ““intelectuals””
need i say more?

Phoneposters happened.

Meant for

Veeky Forums got too popular in the last couple years, and normalfags are under the retarded impression that Veeky Forums "is for shitposting" or a variation thereof.
In fact, I'm willing to bet you're one of those very morons.

I blame /pol/. I don't know why you'd think it'd come from /b/.

>I left for like 3 and a half years
Oh haha. You must not be familiar with our new friends from r/the_donald

i dont think Veeky Forums is for shitposting
what makes you think that?

>I blame /pol/.
You mean the presidential election, surely. Even the loons on /pol/ are pissed off by the state of the board. Or at least were so last summer, since I haven't visited since.

I'm that smart kid from hs but i don't post much. I'm here because my life got even more fucked up right after hs, so now I'm just working my butt off as a wage slave and shitty things keep happening and I'm just sliding further into eternal mediocrity in the middle of nowhere.

I don't like the iq bs and some otger dumb stuff but it's nice to be around some people who actually know math and some people who are stuck in a similar position having to coexist with pleb normies on a daily basis, even if they might mostly just be NERDS.

I hate how being a nerd in any way means your opinion doesn't matter even on the internet. I work with people even other normies wouldn't want to be around. These are like subnormies.

I'm assuming everyone who was worth anything killed themselves five years ago because this life blows. I haven't even had the opportunity to make something of myself. It would really suck if I had gone to school and was like a physics grad and at some point everything just dried up and I had to work at a call center just to get by. I still haven't even gone yet so I'm not at that point of despair yet

Summer never ended since 2013

All the boards are mere husks of what they once were, it's a shame but nothing last forever.

Consider the fact that everyone and their mom has smartphones and now knows how to navigate the internet and now the internet is a different culture then say even 5 years ago and you'll start to realize it's jusr because we get more people who would have been considered normies coming on all boards.

Another problem with Veeky Forums is really shitty mods. I somehow wonder whether having a script that randomly deletes threads would end up being a better moderator tool than the lazy human assholes we have now.

Hiro himself has said you can have one meta thread per board

Really, it started when phoneposting got traction

Its refreshing to see that Im not the only one that has noticed this. Shit really has gotten worse for this board. If we had stricter mods that deleted the overwhelming number of pseudoscientific, circle-jerking IQ threads and the cast the meme threads to a different board, I think the quieter, genuinely science related discussions that do occur in the background of this board would finally take to the forefront.

It was the election drawing in r/thedonnald and all the anti trump shills too.

>lol donuhld drumpf is like a clowuhn xd nazi nazi bigot xd
Kill yourself