Why aren't you sleeping on your side like the gorilla? It's the superior sleeping position...

Why aren't you sleeping on your side like the gorilla? It's the superior sleeping position. You should also squat like the Gopniks, or sit on your heels like you're praying to Allah.
>All we have to do is to be good primates and use these preventive techniques.

but I do sleep on my side like a good boy, it's the most comfortable.

Now sit on your heels, boy.

I always sleep on my side, with small pillow over my head
literally cant fall asleep any other way

On your side can fuck with your hips/lower back.

Sleeping on your back is the best position.

I do sleep on my side. Every morning I wake up with my right shoulder in agony from how heavy I'd been sleeping on it all night.

Nothing I've tried can fix it. I've tried pillows. I've tried memory foam mattresses. I've tried cutting a hole in a memory foam mattress for my shoulder to go in. Nothing has worked.

I think I pissed off some pagan god or something and now I'm just cursed to be sore every morning.

Try losing weight.

>Not sleeping while doing a headstand.
Fucking brainlets.

It's pretty much the only way I can sleep anymore. I wake up with back pains if I sleep on my belly, and sleeping straight on my back is very uncomfortable.

>sleep on my belly
How do you do this without suffocating?

I don't want scoliosis and/or shoulder issues

Sleeping on your tummy with a pillow underneath face is best because your back and neck will grow straight rather than golem

good luck breathing

Lay with face side

Dub of thread make a truth






Sleep with your head on the very corner of the pillow. Used to do it all the time when I was younger, but it gets my back now.
I still fall asleep that way sometimes, but usually on my side, and I always wake up on my back.

How could this possibly be true? 100% of the few times I've fallen asleep on my back I always wake up in horrible pain unable to move until I slowly reorient to using other muscles because my back is completely wrecked.

i cant sleep on my back despite my best efforts,i need to lay on my belly and feel pressure on my boner to sleep.
also if i do manage to sleep on my back with chemical help i end up waking up to sleep paralysis which is no fun, although sleep paralysis is 1000% worse on your belly

My shoulders are too broad. So if I fall asleep sideways I get lactic acid on the shoulder I was sleeping on, wake up, have to kinda let the arm I was sleeping on hang loose for like 30 minutes to get rid of lactic acid feeling, then fall asleep again.

Sleeping on the back isn't too comfortable either. Either I sleep on my back with my head tilted (so I don't snore and wake up uncomfortable), or I sleep like halfway between sideways and on my back.

Am I alone?