You have 12 and a half seconds to explain why you aren't drinking this right now

You have 12 and a half seconds to explain why you aren't drinking this right now.

too sugary

>Foil cap on a sealed beverage
Why do they do this?

Because it's soda and only trash drink soda.

Americans like to buy such things, so they do it for them!


Some people sperg the fuck out over drinking from cans because they don't want to put their mouth on a dirty can. Surely you must have met someone over the years who autistically got out a napkin or something to wipe the can top before drinking out of it. Covering it up solves that issue and it also helps your product stand out from the crowd. It looks classy, which makes sense given that is a premium product.

Nah, my average countryman wouldn't want that foreign shit, they'd be drinking a coke, dr pepper, or energy drink.

Prefer the orange.

tastes like perfume

Man I would fucking kill for one of those right now

It's nice and sharp, their carbonated water is my favourite.

fake /sip/
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

No one claimed it was a sip, tard-child.
Work on your reading comprehension.

hate that waxy after taste these premium fruit sodas usually have

there's only one true sip, and it ain't made by eye tie shites


soda for people who look down on soda drinkers

Read what he posted again.

I explained it
It's fake /sip/

/tv/ tier idiocy

I must say /sip/ is one of the more tedious memes to have appeared of late.

That's no mean feat.

>he doesn't /sip/

I raise you

because i just had 3 wisdom teeth removed. i tried to drink one earlier but it was so sour.

Blood Orange is the best and most perfect flavor.

>needing sugar in your lemon water
Pleb detected

My mother's friend got Weil's disease from a can of coke



So the kind of tacky people who buy it can pretend they're being fancy.

t. Pepsi marketing team


Because I don't have any.

because water it's better

the fuck is this and why did I get a boner?

Too sweet, default orange is best

>not blood orange

Its the most acidic beverage in the universe

>lemon juice
Have fun explaining that to your dentist

>I rarely drink soda
>besides, it's unavailable in my country

>it was yummy doc

easy m8

Purging last meal as i type this0

I don't drink overpriced sugar water

Because I only drink water and tea


Because I like la croix better.

two different things

Because I'm drinking my fluoride and estrogen tap water

Too sweet grapefruit is the best

What is this?


Because it tastes like garbage and I've switched to La Croix anyways.

Nice trips, but you chose the only undrinkable flavor.

It's not sip.

pig disgusting

Test you fucking faggots

Nice trips and I don't need to because I already am. Best drink in existence.

I never thought of that before, but now it's probably gonna start bothering me. Thanks asshole.

Red orange is the patrician flavour

Because lemon flavor tastes like ass.
Pomegranate is where it's at.

Funny fuckin' way to spell grapefruit.

Fite me irl.

Can't seem to find the sixpacks in shops around here.

Because I am not thirsty. However, when I do get thirsty or feel like drinking something, maybe in an hour, I will drink water.

Actually, talking about water got me thirsty so I am taking my self a small sip of water right now.

You can only drink so much in a lifetime, why waste it on something as plain as water?

It's like being hungry and instead of eating something nice just grab a box of soda crackers.

Water tastes great.

Never heard of this

MUH NIGGA. There was this cocktail that my favorite bar used to make that was a combination of Tequila, Soda, Blood Orange Pelligrino, Lemon juice, and angostura. It was godly. Just trying to figure out the parts to it.

The can can (heh) get dirty during transportation, rancid soda, rat urine, anything that a truck may have

You can always use some tissue paper and water, tho

don't know where i can buy it